How to start writing your Informational Speech
I. Just as it is important to fully understand a prompt before you start writing an essay, it’s crucial that you understand your topic before you even begin brainstorming ideas for your speech. Let’s analyze (break down) the topic, so that you can focus all your thoughts and efforts in the right direction.
Topic: “How My Passions Impact the World” “Passion: any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling Compelling: to have a powerful and irresistible effect, influence. (This means it moves you to take action) So, passion is a feeling so that is so strong that you can’t resist taking action about it.
Once you have determined your passion, you have to determine how you can impact the world with it. To impact something means to have an effect, or bring about change. So here is what you are really trying to determine: What is something I feel so strongly about that I can not resist the urge to use it to make the world a better place?
Next, you must determine HOW can I make the world a better place using this? Think of as many as you can, then focus on the three that are most positive, helpful and possible.
You will use the BRAINSTORMING Graphic Organizer on the other side of this sheet to write down your ideas. Remember, when you are brainstorming, write whatever ideas come to mind. You can eliminate some of the ideas later, as you think deeply and clarify which three ways are going to be best for your speech.
II. Other ideas you might want to include: WHY am I so passionate about this topic? Maybe you have a reason for feeling the way you do. On the other hand, you may not have a clue why. WHO has inspired my passion for this topic, and HOW did they inspire me? Did the words or actions of someone else inspire you to feel the way you do? If so, what did they do to influence your passion?
You can talk about the why, who, and how to add interest to your speech, but remember, your main goal is to tell how your passions impact the world.