North England Conference


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Presentation transcript:

North England Conference SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH North England Conference

Seventh-day Adventists Rebuilding the Walls: Rebuilding People; Restoring Relationships; Inspiring Excellence. (Ephesians 4:1-13)

Sunday 12th January 2014 Introduction Lecture 5: How to Organise a Sermon Lecture 6: How Sermons are classified

How Sermons Are Classified

Sermon Types Sermons are classified by the way the Biblical text is used But why do we want you to classify your sermons? Later …

Sermon types - topical sermon Developed from a Biblical topic Main points are supported by various scriptures The sub points are supported by various passages Baptism in the Holy Spirit The Spirit is given by Jesus (Luke 3:16) The Spirit enables us to be witnesses (Acts 1:8) The Spirit is for all believers (Acts 2:38-39)

Sermon types - topical sermon Advantages? Freedom to express your opinions Allows a person to explore a topic fully Disadvantages? Freedom to express YOUR opinions You might not explore the topic fully

Sermon types - topical sermon When do I use a topical sermon? When the subject is not adequately covered by one short passage An evangelistic sermon to an audience who are not too familiar with the Bible and who need a general viewpoint When discussing issues not treated by Bible writers

What topical sermon would YOU preach?

Sermon types – textual sermons Developed from a short passage (1-3 verses) All main points are developed from this one passage Sub-points come from other passages 1 Timothy 4:12 The Pastor: an example An example in word An example in conduct An example in love An example in faith An example in purity

Sermon types – textual sermons What sub-texts might you use to explore 1 Timothy 4:12 in a sermon? An example in word An example in conduct An example in love An example in faith An example in purity Choose one each …

Sermon types – textual sermons A textual sermon sticks to the Bible .. and not to a particular version of the Bible. “… The text simply mentions the exemplary qualities of word, conduct, love, faith and purity … the sermon is textual because the text provides the main divisions. The AV was not used for this text because the words, ‘conversation’, ‘charity’ and ‘spirit’ do not appear in the Greek manuscripts” Workbook, page 36

In other words A textual sermon requires you to really get to know what the Bible text says … you probably learn more about the passage than your congregation

Sermon types – textual sermons Advantages? More scriptural in design than a topical sermon Permits great variety in construction and selection The hearer can easily follow the sermon from the Bible Disadvantages? Some think this restricts the preacher’s originality The preacher may wander off the Bible text

Sermon types – textual sermons When do I use a textual sermon? When the single passage provides the principal points to meet the needs of the people When preaching an ethical sermon – where you want to show the authority of the text, not the speaker’s When dealing with specific doctrinal truths

Expository sermons - down to the detail

Sermon types – expository sermons Developed from one whole passage (3 or more verses) The main points are developed from this passage The sub-points are also developed from this passage Temptation James 1:12-15 The origin of temptation v.13-14 Not from God, v.13 From inward desire, v.14 Results of yielding to temptation v.15 First sin, v.15 Then death, v.15 Reward of enduring temptation, v.12 Blessedness, v.12 A crown of life, v.12

Sermon types – expository sermons Advantages? Most like the preaching of the Apostles Leads to a deeper knowledge of the Bible Less open to loose interpretation People see that the Bible is asking them to live God’s way Disadvantages? Some think this type of sermon cannot deal with modern issues Some think that this style of preaching is dull and not sensational enough for modern hearers

Sermon types – expository sermons When do I use an expository sermon? When one passage can deal with all the points related to the needs of the audience When preaching a sermon series When dealing with a narrative, psalm or parable

Why do I need to classify So what! Why can’t I just preach? Why do I need to classify my sermon?

Tell me why you should know about sermon classification

Ah! To point you in a particular direction To keep you on that direction To let you know what sermons we ought to be aiming at … Bible-based sermons

Oh! Satan wants you to preach about hobby horses Satan wants you to avoid using the Bible … aim for Bible-based sermons

Exercise What type of sermon is the following outline? Text: Luke 13:18-19 I. The Kingdom of God starts out small (v. 19) A. The 120 before the day of Pentecost (Acts 1) B. The church grew on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2) II. The Kingdom of God ends up big (v. 19) A. The church in Rome (Rom. 1:7) Topical Textual Expository

Exercise What type of sermon is the following outline? Text: Luke 13:18-19 I. The Kingdom of God starts out small (v. 19) A. The 120 before the day of Pentecost (Acts 1) B. The church grew on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2) II. The Kingdom of God ends up big (v. 19) A. The church in Rome (Rom. 1:7) Textual

Exercise What type of sermon is the following outline? Text: Psalm 150 I. The place for praise (v. 1) II. The reason for praise (v. 2) III. The instruments for praise (v. 3-5) IV. The source of praise (v. 6) Topical Textual Expository

Exercise What type of sermon is the following outline? Text: Psalm 150 I. The place for praise (v. 1) II. The reason for praise (v. 2) III. The instruments for praise (v. 3-5) IV. The source of praise (v. 6) Expository

Exercise What type of sermon is the following outline? Text: 1 Samuel 15:22, Romans 1:5, Hebrews 5:8 I. Obedience is better than sacrifice (1 Sam. 15:22) II. Obedience comes from faith (Rom. 1:5) III. Obedience is modeled by Jesus (Heb. 5:8) Topical Textual Expository

Exercise What type of sermon is the following outline? Text: 1 Samuel 15:22, Romans 1:5, Hebrews 5:8 I. Obedience is better than sacrifice (1 Sam. 15:22) II. Obedience comes from faith (Rom. 1:5) III. Obedience is modeled by Jesus (Heb. 5:8) Topical

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