Fine Art Induction, 29th June, 2017
Outline of the course Fine Art is a linear course, which means you will take an exam in Year 13. Art is essentially a two year course. A Level Year 1: Two components of which the 2nd is a mock Externally Set Assignment (10 hours) A Level Year 2: Two components of which the 2nd is an Externally Set Assignment (15 hours)
Outline of the course A level Fine Art: Year 1 Component 1: Personal Investigation No time limit 96 marks 60% of A-level Component 2: Externally Set Assignment (past paper) Preparatory period +10 hours supervised time 40% of A-level A level Fine Art: Year 2 Component 2: Externally Set Assignment Preparatory period +15 hours supervised time
Stationery Requirements Set of hard and soft pencils. Set of acrylic paints. Mix of paintbrushes. Box of pastels. Rubber, ruler and sharpener. Small sketchbook
Active activity! Looking through past student portfolios Identify a range of course/exam work Explore themes and different responses Develop understanding of AO’s and how they are linked to all outcomes Discuss bridging work
You can submit work in a sketchbook and/or on loose pieces. Bridging work Summer Assignment Patterns in Nature Many artists have produced work based on the patterns that can be seen in shells, plants and animals. Examples in the art of Ernst Haeckel, in the photography of Karl Blossfeldt and the drawings and sculptures of Peter Randall-page. Research appropriate work of others and make a personal response to this theme Submission: Personal work relating to theme from first and second hand sources Research, investigate and develop ideas in the form of sketches and mixed media work Practical responses to the work of other artists must show development in a personal way You can submit work in a sketchbook and/or on loose pieces. Hand in first lesson
Final Tips Ensure you purchase your equipment and resources before September Give yourself enough time to complete your assignment Practice your basic skills over the summer, that way you won’t feel you are starting from ‘scratch’