H2020 Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) FET-Open 51214 Viorel Peca, HoU FET unit, European Commission
A stronger, clearer focus FET in Horizon 2020 A stronger, clearer focus H2020 budget € 74,8 billion *OTHER: Spreading excellence & widening participation Science with and for society JRC EIT
The power of FET – 3 complementary schemes Open, light and agile Roadmap based research Individual research projects FET-Open Early Ideas Critical mass making a case FET Proactive Exploration and Incubation Common research agenda FET Flagships Large-Scale Partnering Initiatives 40% Exploring Developing Addressing novel ideas topics & communities grand challenges Small projects up to 3M€ Medium size projects 4 to 10M€ Large initiatives
After the FET Advisory Group
FET mission Dream New technologies and their applications Establish possibility Dream New knowledge New technologies and their applications
Establish possibility A typical FET-Open project Dream New technologies and their applications New knowledge Establish possibility S&T Breakthrough as Proof-of-Concept
And innovation? Dream Innovation Reality
Establish possibility Keeping focus don't try to do too much on scientific risk in a single project! Dream New technologies and their applications New knowledge Establish possibility Innovation S&T Breakthrough as Proof-of-Concept Reality
Future and Emerging Technologies FET Gatekeepers Long-term vision: the research proposed must address a new and radical long-term vision of a science- and technology-enabled future that is far beyond the state of the art and not currently foreseen by technology roadmaps. Breakthrough scientific and technological target: research must target a scientifically ambitious and technologically concrete breakthrough, argued to be a crucial step towards achieving the long-term vision. The plausibility of the proposed breakthrough(s) to be attained within the life-time of the project must be argued in the proposal. Novelty: the research proposed for achieving the breakthrough must be based on cutting-edge knowledge, new ideas and concepts, rather than in the mere application or incremental refinement of existing ones. Foundational: the breakthroughs that are envisaged must be foundational in the sense that, if achieved, they would establish an essential basis for a new kind of technology and its future uses, not currently anticipated. High-risk: the inherently high risk of the research proposed will be reflected in a flexible but effective methodology for exploring alternative directions and options, supported by open and agile research and innovation practices. Interdisciplinary: the proposed collaborations are expected to go beyond 'waterfall' configurations in multi-disciplinary science- and technology research. Instead they should seek new solutions through genuine exchanges, mutual learning, cross-fertilisation and synergistic advances among distant disciplines in order to open unexplored areas of investigation and new directions for joint research. YouTube video here! Future and Emerging Technologies Interdisciplinary Novelty S&T targeted Foundational High-Risk Long-term vision
FET-Open is extremely competitive Don't waste time on a proposal that has no chance to make it through the FET-Open evaluation. Is FET-Open really the right scheme for you? Check out LEIT and Societal Challenges work progammes. FET is not ERC: collaboration, science and technology are all essential ingredients. It is not because something has not been done before that it is sufficiently novel for FET. FET is not the long-term end of an established industry's road-map A long-term vision is essential, but also a plausible idea on how to get there. Writing a good proposal is probably as hard as writing a good scientific publication (and more intellectually rewarding).
Tips to write a good FET-Open proposal Be ambitious, follow your 'dream' Novelty is essential Incremental refinements rarely make it – high-risk does Boil down the vision to a concrete and ambitious proof-of-concept Consortium for pathfinding There are no hidden expectations from our side (beyond the rules for participation), i.e. no cosmetic roles – keep it simple Look for renewal here too - novelty probably starts here Narrow inter-disciplinarity will not be good enough to win (look beyond your comfort zone – this is not ERC-like career building) Commitment: will the project transform the partner(ship)? (mission vs. role)
Collaborate, collaborate, collaborate… Take inter-disciplinarity seriously - write your proposal together Collaboration throughout the project, driven by joint questions, goals and mutual learning, not just passing on results between silos Explore new ways of working/learning/changing together Communicate and engage Scientific publications Social networks & media Public engagement Keep it simple Focus on the high-risk parts with crisp targets Don't write for 'us', but for people like you Check your deliverables list
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