Aerobic Endurance Training Aerobic endurance training is all about increasing how long you can keep exercising for
Continuous Training Where you keep doing the same type of exercise without having a rest The exercise needs to last for 30 minutes or longer Keep going at a steady pace The intensity is moderate(medium). This means you don’t go too fast.
Fartlek training Fartlek training involves CHANGES OF INTENSITY There are no rest periods when training You can change the intensity of training by: Changing speed e.g. running fast for one part and slow for another. Changing the type of steepness of the ground e.g. a flat road, hilly grass, soft sand Using equipment such as weights, a weighted back pack or a harness 4. Fartlek training is good because it can be made easy or hard to match your fitness 5. You can use it in a lot of different activities E.g. you can carry out fartlek training when running, cycling and rowing.
Interval training Interval training is where you have a work period and then a rest recovery period. In the work period you exercise hard for about 30 secs to 5 mins. In the rest or recovery period you can sit down, stand still, walk or jog. To develop aerobic endurance you need to… Decrease the number of rest or recovery periods Increase the exercise intensity The intensity in the work period should be about 60% VO2 Max
VO2 Max Aerobic endurance can be measured by VO2 Max. VO2 Max: The maximum amount of oxygen uptake VO2 Max is the largest amount of oxygen that your body can use every minute. It is measured in ml of oxygen per Kg of body mass per minute (ml/kg/min) The intensity of training can be measured as a percentage of VO2 Max.
Circuit Training You do one exercise after another Circuit training develops muscular strength It can also be used to develop aerobic endurance The type of fitness that it develops depends on what exercises you do E.g. to develop aerobic endurance you might do skipping. To develop strength you would use weights. You can vary the circuit to change the intensity: You can vary the number of stations The time you are at each station How long the rest periods are Number of circuits you do Number of sessions a week you do