The Canadian flag
Canada day is the 1st of july Canada day is the national day of Canada, celebrating the anniversary of the July 1, 1867, when we became single country called Canada within the British Empire. Originally it was called Dominion Day but the holiday was renamed in 1982, the year the Canada Act was passed.
Me and my family on Canada Day in Ottawa 2014
The Houses of Parliament, Ottawa
Niagara falls, canada Niagara Falls = 3 waterfalls between Canada and The U.S.A Highest flow rate of any waterfall in the world.
More information about Canada listen very carefully… https://www
Questions about the video…. What are the two origins of Canadian people? What is the population of Canada? What are the three largest cities in Canada? What sports do they mention in the video? What are the Canadian rockies?
Time to investigate … What are the typical animals that live in Canada according to the pictures in the map? How big is Mt. Mckinley? What is the name of the wolf that lives in Canada? What sports do they like to play in Canada? Do the Canadian police use another means of transport apart from cars? Name two types of fish found in Canadian waters. What three sports are famous in Canada that use a ball and a stick? What is poutine? How many types of bear live in Canada? What is maple syrup made from? DRAW YOUR OWN FIRST NATIONS CARVING IF YOU HAVE TIME