SCIENTIFIC NOTATION Scientific notation is used to express very large or very small numbers. A number in scientific notation is written as the product of a number (integer or decimal) and a power of 10. The number has one digit to the left of the decimal point. The power of ten indicates how many places the decimal point was moved. .
EXAMPLES 5 500 000 = 5.5 x 106 We moved the decimal 6 places to the left. A number between 1 and 10
EXAMPLE #2 Numbers less than 1 will have a negative exponent. 0.0075 = 7.5 x 10-3 We moved the decimal 3 places to the right. A number between 1 and 10
EXAMPLE #3 CHANGE SCIENTIFIC NOTATION TO STANDARD FORM 2.35 x 108 = 235 000 000 Standard form Move the decimal 8 places to the right
EXAMPLE #4 9 x 10-5 = 9 x 0.000 01 = 0.000 09 Standard form Move the decimal 5 places to the left
TRY THESE Express in scientific notation 1) 421.96 2) 0.0421 3) 0.000 56 4) 467 000 000
TRY THESE Change to Standard Form 1) 4.21 x 105 2) 0.06 x 103
CLASSWORK Scientific Notation worksheet Lesson 19