JavaScript Basics Stephen Delaney
Review: Creating Reusable Code with Functions Creating functions Returning values from functions Variable scope
Creating a Function When you see parentheses following a name, you know you’re seeing a function No semicolon after the closing brace
Calling a Function The bottom line calls the function
Return Statements Return statements: Pass a value (only one) Exit immediately
Arguments and Parameters The argument is stored in a variable called a parameter person is the parameter "Frank" is the argument
Variable Scope Function scope vs. global scope
Variable Scope Function scope vs. global scope
Throwing Errors
Variables Variables must begin with a letter, $ or _ Variables are case-sensitive var person and var Person are two variables typeof
Strings Properties i.e. string.length Methods i.e. string.toUpperCase()
Types of Numbers Integers 10, -8, 2787382 Floating point numbers 3.14, -10.6454 Scientific notation 5.7e+4 => 57000
Shorthand Operators += -= *= /= x += y is shorthand for x = x + y
Parsing Numbers parseInt() parseInt(10.6) 10 parseFloat() parseFloat(10.6) 10.6
Terms NaN Not a Number DRY Don’t Repeat Yourself
The Math Object Math.round() Math.round(10.6) 11 Math.floor() Math.ceil() Math.ceil(10.6) 11
The Math Object Math.random() Floating number, from 0 (inclusive) to 1 (exclusive)
Comparison Operators Operator Meaning True expressions == Equality 10 == '10' === Strict equality (2 * 5) === 10 != Inequality 9 != 10 !== Strict inequality '10' !== 10 > Greater than 20 > 10 >= Greater than or equal '10' >= 10 < Less than 10 < 30 <= Less than or equal '10'<= 10
And Operator: && Condition 1 Condition 2 Result TRUE FALSE
Or Operator: || Condition 1 Condition 2 Result TRUE FALSE
Not Operator: ! Condition Result TRUE FALSE
If Statements integrated development environment
What’s next?
Next Steps jQuery jQuery is used by 71.8% of all websites. That is a JavaScript library market share of 96.4%.
Next Steps AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript And XML Get data without a page refresh
Next Steps MEAN stack “In the MEAN stack, we use MongoDB as our database. We write most of our code in Javascript. We rely on Node and Express.js to host our application and serve APIs/Views. We use AngularJS to render our views that are served by Express.”
Next Steps MEAN stack
Navigate to library: Sort by difficulty Select course Select JavaScript
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