God is here Make yourselves at home


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Presentation transcript:

God is here Make yourselves at home Nursery Rhyme Mass God is here Make yourselves at home www.nurseryrhymemass.org.uk

We gather round in this holy space Holy Space, filled with grace To do what Jesus taught us Here we go round the mulberry bush

We hear the stories of our King Eternal life, for us he’ll win We share his meal and pray with him And do what Jesus taught us.

In the name of the +Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit Amen!

The Lord be with you And also with you.


Just like lost sheep we have gone astray Done bad things and run away So we come to say sorry Make things better as you see Loving Jesus make anew Our lives so we can be like you. Ba Ba black sheep

You are forgiven

You're forgiven and you know it, so clap your hands so you really ought to show it, If you’re happy…

Jesus loves you and you know it, so stamp your feet so you really ought to show it

If you believe that God forgives you, say “We do” “We do” When you say that you are sorry, you no longer have to worry God takes away your sin, so say “Amen”. Amen!

Glory be to God on high On the earth be peace  Lord and God and heavenly king Our praises never cease Old MacDonald

We praise you YES. We bless you YES We praise you YES! We bless you YES! We praise you, bless you  Glory and adore you Thank you glorious God on high Lord God Heavenly king. 

God Almighty Father Dear Jesus Christ God’s son Like a lamb you take our sin The wrong things we have done

Hear our prayer YES. Hear our prayer YES. Hear us Hear us Hear our prayer YES! Hear our prayer YES! Hear us  Hear us. Have mercy and be near us For you are the Holy One.  Father, Spirit, Son.

Let us pray…


God our Father, above all other We believe, we believe who created all things, who created all things Earth and sea, stars and me. Christ our Saviour, Christ our Saviour We believe, we believe Lived and died and risen, lived and died and risen You and me, set us free. Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit We believe, we believe Moving here among us, moving here among us God right here, near as near. Three in one, three in one One in three, one in three God revealing all things, God revealing all things Dancing free, trinity. Frere Jacques

We thank you Lord for all we have All we have, all we have We thank you Lord for all we have Which you give us London Bridge is Falling Down

We pray to you for all our friends, all our friends, all our friends And all those who need our prayer Come and help them

We pray for those who are sick or ill sick or ill, sick or ill sad or lonely, stressed or ill Come and help them

Hail Mary full of grace full of grace, full of grace The Lord is with you, pray for us Now and always

And to God we give our prayers give our prayers, give our prayers Hear us Lord and help us on Now and always Amen!

So let us share a sign of peace A kiss or hug before the feast… Here we are One in Christ Gathered here Ain’t this nice? So let us share a sign of peace A kiss or hug before the feast… The peace of the Lord be always with you And also with you Let us offer one another a sign of God’s peace This Old Man

Pray, my dear friends, that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to God the almighty Father. May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands, for the praise and glory of his name, for our good, and the good of all his church.

The Lord is here right now His spirit with us Lift up your hearts to him We lift them up It’s the right thing to do Yes, Jesus Oh yes, we come in prayer Kum By Yah

Holy, Holy Lord, O Holy God Our prayers are joined By all the Saints Blessed is the one Who comes in peace Blessed is the Prince of Peace Kum By Yah

Let us proclaim of our faith: “Christ has died And has arisen Christ will come To us again O yes, he will return” Kum By Yah

Amen, Amen Let it be so, We say this now, Amen, O yes, Amen! Kum By Yah

Our Father, who art in heaven Hallowed be thy na-a-ame. Thy kingdom come Thy will be done On earth as it is in Heaven. Pop goes the Weasel

Give us today our daily bread Forgive us all our si-i-ns As we forgive all those us who sin or trespass against us

Let us not be drawn into Any kind of temptation Deliver us from the evil one Amen, Amen, Amen.

You take away, the sin of the world Have mercy on us, Lamb of God Lamb of God, Lamb of God You take away, the sin of the world Have mercy on us, Lamb of God Don’t let us stray away from the flock You take away the sin of the world So grant us peace Three Blind Mice

Come and eat, come and drink You’re welcome here, come quite near Share in his body and blood with us It tastes like wine and bread but just Know that inside it’s not quite thus Share the food of God.

come and receive (all are welcome to God's holy altar)

Thank you for the meal we eat Christ brings us life Polly, put the kettle on

Now let us go from this place To do his work

The Lord be with you And also with you. Let us bow our heads and pray for God’s blessing

May the Lord now +bless you And keep you all safe Send you out from here In a state of grace Take what we have learned About Jesus our King And do what he has taught us To make the world a better thing. Sing a song of sixpence

Go, the Mass has ended But our service has begun We heard it straight from Jesus What it means to live as one With him now up in heaven Looking from above Blessing us in all our work Let’s go and share his love.

Go in peace to love and serve the Lord. Thanks be to God. Amen.

The full text of the Nursery Rhyme Mass can be downloaded for free from http://www.nurseryrhymemass.org.uk/ or found in @frsimon 's book Creative Ideas for Sacramental Worship with Children (Canterbury Press 2011 from Amazon)