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BOOM - 9th Grade Brain Owner's Operating Manual Tuesday, February 12 2:20 PM 3:10 PM
McCulloch Library Katherine Voss: Colleen Williamson: Department of English Christopher Rappleye: Matthew Mahaffey:
Innovative Instruction & Engaged Learning Ninth grade teachers and librarians will discuss the creation of a required mini-course that guides students in the creation of a Brain Owner's Operating Manual (BOOM). Presenters will highlight the opportunities for interdisciplinary instruction in study skills, library research, critical reading, and technological literacy. Emphasis will be placed on the Mind, Brain, and Education framework employed in leveraging technology for grade level, content area instruction.
Panel Session Overview Mind, Brain, Education Framework Process and Curriculum Student Classroom Work Looking Forward to Year 3
1. Mind, Brain, Education Science….a framework
Learning is making CONNECTIONS through BEHAVIORS Chris- Building pathways in our minds. We work to do this everyday. How stress impacts building pathways.
As we learn…. Neural Networks One neuron to another: “Long Term Potentiation” “Neurons that Fire together Wire together” Curiosity Challenge Practice/Repetition + REM SLEEP: consolidation of learning Slow Wave REM (late in the sleep cycle) +Nutrition! Learning… Not just “facts,” not just “skills” as simply conceived Behaviors: “Executive Functions” Directive capacities of the mind: initiate, inhibit, sustain, shift, modulate..etc “Immature Brains” ADHD, ADD, etc…
Learning Brain Growth
Metacognition: Thinking about thinking Your theory of intelligence, Feeling and thinking Beliefs about Intelligence have measurable impact on behavior, learning and achievement (Dweck) Growth Vs Fixed MINDSET Affect: Emotion as BASIS of Intelligence Matter of “maturity” as “more wiring” Not So simple… Pruning and Be careful what you rehearse…
Stress and Performance/Learning
DISTRESS: Chronic and Acute Stress Inhibits Uptake of Information (focus/attention) Inhibits Recall of Information Inhibits Higher Order Thinking Primes Addiction Networks Same LTP of Dopamine Pathway as Addictive Drugs Arteries… Immune System Suppressed Not just a matter of “THROWING THEM IN THE DEEP END” Induces Symptoms of Learning Disorders…
And so “B.O.O.M.” 9th Grade: increased DEMANDS on EF Increased INDEPENDENCE Technology: Ambiguous Connecting and Disconnecting Kaiser Family Foundation Study (2010) “Today’s youth pack a total of 10 hours and 45 minutes worth of media content into 7 and a half hours spent in front of screens” An increase of 2 1/4 hours between 2004 and 2009 “Generation M2: Media in the Lives of 8-18 Year Olds” And SO… Independence, Expectation of US life, Resources… BOOM!
174 Freshman 8 weeks 2 teacher-librarians 1 goal 2. Process and Curriculum 174 Freshman 8 weeks 2 teacher-librarians 1 goal
BOOM BRAIN BASICS STUDY SKILLS BEST LEARNING HABITS RESEARCH SKILLS Executive Functioning Presentation Skills Mindset Note-taking BRAIN BASICS STUDY SKILLS BOOM Organization Neuro-Plasticity Stress Management Search Strategies BEST LEARNING HABITS RESEARCH SKILLS Source Selection Nutrition Sleep Web Evaluation Synthesis Technology Management
English Classroom: Brain Concepts BOOM: How can we use what we know about the brain to help us become better learners?
Stress Management Techniques Brain Breaks Deep Breathing Turning Off Technology Laughter Yoga
What Brain Rules will you live by?
Research home base
Glogster 1. Visually represent 3 Brain Rules 2. In class presentation on 1 of the Brain Rules with evidence researched and presented in Noodle Tools
3. Student classroom work Question: How do we make this knowledge and these understandings relevant to our students…right now? 3. Student classroom work
English 9: Crossing Thresholds— Maps of Transformation What are the “maps” or models we’ve created, and where do they come from? How do these maps and models encourage or inhibit growth? How do they affect our perceptions and actions? How do they change? What is the role of storytelling in shaping these models and our lives?
Students will: read with a pen/pencil in hand and mark the text for patterns beyond the plot level, including character and thematic development, repeated patterns of imagery, and connections with previous texts be able to correctly infer action and how action relates to interior mental states of the characters (theory of mind) from challenging texts
We re-read Lord of the Flies Summer Reading Essential Question Skills & Literacy
This is a complex cognitive task for a 14 year old at any school Question: How do I teach my students everything they need to know in order to perform on the “Marking a Text” assessment? Answers: I am teaching with their brain in mind and I am not their only teacher.
4. Looking Forward Challenge Solution Student Buy-in? Align with other curricular areas/college counseling/9th grade leadership program Teaching Load? Learning specialist and counselor can co-teach as resident experts Project? Partner with programming class to design a Brain Rules app Time constraints? Deliver some content through online modules Follow up? Have guest speakers/presentations throughout the year in class meetings Content coverage? Add a pre-assessment and post-assessment