ISO/IEC JTC 1 SWG Smart Grid SWG-SG N 0075 ISO/IEC JTC 1 SWG Smart Grid Ron Ambrosio, SWG Convenor Jennifer Garner, SWG Secretariat ISO/IEC JTC 1 Plenary November 5 - 10, 2012 Jeju Island, Korea
committee overview scope of committee national body participants Identify market requirements and standardization gaps within the JTC1 programs of work, especially with respect to interoperability, and recommend actions to JTC 1 and its SCs; promote use of JTC 1 smart grid standards by other SDOs and industry when appropriate; coordinate with IEC, ISO, ITU-T and other SDOs and industry groups national body participants Austria, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Republic of Korea, The Netherlands, Singapore, United Kingdom, United States, SC 6, SC 22, SC 25, SC 32 and WG 7 liaisons ISO/TC 215/WG 7 - Health Informatics Devices EU Smart Grid-Coordinating Group CEN/CENELEC/ETSI Joint Working Group on Smart Meters U.S. NIST Smart Grid Interoperability Panel U.S. Dept. of Energy GridWise Architecture Council (informal)
JTC 1 critical to smart grids Much of JTC 1’s body of work is directly or indirectly relevant to the needs and objectives of the smart grid space Many technologies already being applied in smart grid work come from JTC 1 We believe there is more work that would benefit smart grid designers and implementers, but which may need to be actively promoted to increase awareness.
summary of 2012 activity Ten teleconferences held, beginning December 2011 Work plan status: Respond to JTC 1 Resolution 52 - SWG on Smart Grid Contribution to IEC Strategic Group 3 - Lead: Ron Ambrosio – Completed (SWG-SG N 0047) Respond to JTC 1 Resolution 53 - SWG on Smart Grid Liaison Report to IEC Strategic Group 3 - Lead: Ron Ambrosio – Completed (SWG-SG N 0047) Respond to JTC 1 Resolution 54 - SWG on Smart Grid Awareness Plan – Completed (SWG-SG N 0073) Respond to JTC 1 Resolution 55 - SWG on Smart Grid Liaison and Harmonization Strategic Plan – Draft in progress (SWG-SG N 0072) Respond to JTC 1 Resolution 56 - SWG on Smart Grid Education Presentation – Completed (SWG-SG N 0066) Respond to JTC 1 Resolution 57 - SWG on Smart Grid Terms of Reference – Completed (SWG-SG N 0069) Major milestone: secured a permanent seat on IEC SMB SG 3
awareness plan Target SDOs and other organizations identified in the JTC 1 SWG-SG Liaison and Harmonization Plan, to increase effectiveness of collaboration Target public/private partnerships in various geographies – valuable due to their broad, cross-organizational participation Target the Global Smart Grid Federation and its various country and regional affiliated organizations
awareness plan General awareness – collateral material One-page PDF flier explaining JTC 1’s role in smart grids One or more white papers with in-depth discussions of specific JTC 1 activities (e.g., SC 25/WG 1 paper) Special material as deemed necessary to address specific issues or opportunities that arise Consider creating a JTC 1 Smart Grid “landing zone” on the home page, linked with IEC Smart Grid Portal
liaison and harmonization plan Initial target list created, and under review Examples include IEC activities (PC 118, TC 57 WGs, …), ITU-T SG 15 activities, ZigBee Alliance SEP work, OASIS activities List must be prioritized Process being defined that will be followed for each targeted organization e.g., initial outreach using Awareness Plan collateral Perform mapping to JTC 1 SCs and WGs
terms of reference The following modifications are proposed
discussion Need to execute on these plans - 2012 work has established the roadmap Increase awareness of JTC 1 Coordinate JTC 1 work with other SDOs and organizations JTC 1 still not “top of mind” in smart grid community Seat on IEC SG 3 is a start, but lots more to do on awareness building so it becomes self sustaining
discussion There are several organizations whose work overlaps or conflicts with JTC 1 Establish liaisons from appropriate JTC 1 SCs based on Liaison and Harmonization Plan Smart Grid education for relevant JTC 1 SCs and WGs still needs to be done, now that the educational material has been created Estimate it will take 12-18 months to accomplish these goals