Using World Interplanetary Scintillation Systems for Space Weather Predictions B.V. Jackson Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences, University of California at San Diego, LaJolla, CA, USA H.-S. Yu, P.P. Hick, A. Buffington, Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences, University of California at San Diego, LaJolla, CA, USA M. Tokumaru Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University, Nagoya 464-8601, Japan D. Odstrcil George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, and NASA-Goddard Spaceflight Center, USA S. Hong, J. Kim Korean Space Weather Center, National Radio Research Agency, 198-6, Jeju, 695-922 South Korea Where necessary I will add comments B. Lee, J. Yi, J Yun SELab, 8, Nonhyeon-ro 150-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea M.M Bisi RAL Space, Science & Technology Facilities Council, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell Oxford, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0QX, England (UK) A. Gonzalez-Espararza George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, and NASA-Goddard Spaceflight Center, USA Masayoshi
Introduction: IPS Space Weather Predictions IPS Tomographic Analyses: STELab, Japan; The UCSD iterative kinematic prediction technique; Used primarily with STELab observations, Other data sets can fill in; Used in space weather prediction elsewhere including at the KSWC, Jeju; the CCMC; NICT, Japan IPS tomographic analysis displays: UCSD, elsewhere Magnetic field component forward-modeling – Br, Bt: Part of the package developed at UCSD Interesting Developments: Bn determination via a simple technique (under development) My talk will proceed this way
Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS) Analysis The Solar Wind Imaging Facility, Toyokawa (SWIFT) array is shown in the above photograph. B. Jackson is standing on the steps that take one to the antenna dipoles. The non-moving array is steerable in declination, providing views of radio sources as the transit the meridian above Japan.
IPS Heliospheric Analyses (STELab) DATA IPS Heliospheric Analyses (STELab) The STELab interplanetary scintillation 327 MHz remote-sensing cylindrical parabola near Mt. Fuji is shown. The array moves in declination to provide views of sources at different locations in the sky as they pass overhead. The other array of this type is at Kiso, to the north of Toyokawa. STELab IPS array near Mt. Fuji STELab IPS array systems
IPS Heliospheric Analyses (STELab) DATA IPS Heliospheric Analyses (STELab) Density inhomogenieties in the solar wind on the order of 150 km size from point radio sources produce an intensity pattern variation on the ground that travels away from the Sun with the solar wind speed. This pattern, measured and correlated between different radio sites in Japan allows a determination of the solar wind speed by translating this value to the line of sight perpendicular. The fuzz observed correlates from one radio site to another. IPS line-of-sight response STELab IPS array systems
Current STELab Toyokawa IPS System The Solar Wind Imaging Facility, Toyokawa (SWIFT) array is shown in the above photograph. B. Jackson is standing on the steps that take one to the antenna dipoles. The non-moving array is steerable in declination, providing views of radio sources as the transit the meridian above Japan. New STELab IPS array in Toyokawa (3,432 m2 array now operates well – year-round operation began in 2011)
World-Wide IPS observation network Pushchino103MHz 70,000㎡ STEL Multi-Station 327MHz 2000 ㎡×3, 3500 ㎡ MEXART 140MHz、10,000㎡ IPS UK/EISCAT LOFAR) Russia Let’s move onto the next. For studying of transient phenomena such as CMEs, high cadence observations are needed. A world-wide network is essential to improve cadence of IPS observations. As shown here, there are some IPS stations where IPS observations have been performed. By exchanging IPS data among these stations, we can make continuous monitoring of the solar wind and CMEs. Such a network observations is useful for studying radial evolution of CMEs. Korea Japan India Mexico MWA 80-300MHz Ooty 327MHz、16,000㎡ US-Australia 7
Current Dedicated IPS Radio Systems Other current operating IPS radio arrays are shown. The Puschino, Russia array is the largest IPS array currently in existence. The Ootacamund (Ooty), India off-axis parabolic cylinder 530 m long and 30 m wide (15,900 m2) operating at a nominal frequency of 326.5 MHz. The Pushchino Radio Observatory 70,000 m2 110 MHz array, Russia (summer 2006) Now named the “Big Scanning Array of the Lebedev Physical Institute” (BSA LPI).
Other and Potential Future Dedicated IPS Systems KSWC (South Korea) MEXART (Mexico) Dedicated IPS 700 m2 327 MHz IPS radio 32 tile array, Jeju Island Additional radio arrays that are used or can potentially be used for IPS are (from upper left clockwise), the MEXican ARray Telescope (MEXART); the Korean Space Weather Center (KSWC) radio array, Jeju; the LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR), The Netherlands and Western Europe; and the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA), Western Australia. Dedicated IPS IPS 9,600 m2 140 MHz IPS radio array near Michoacan, Mexico
View from MEXART, Mexico Ecliptic Plane Projection “Image” of the Sky View from MEXART, Mexico View from STELab, Japan Ecliptic Plane Projection
Recent Morelia Remote Sensing Workshop (20-24 October 2015) 1) A standardized IPS format was settled upon. 2) All participants agreed to share their data and host websites to present their data in real time as soon as it becomes available. 3) At this time a new member joined the group of organizations that provide access to their IPS data set in real time from the world’s largest (70,000 m2) radio array currently operating; the 110 Mhz system at Pushchino, Russia.
UCSD IPS Predictions
IPS line-of-sight response Sample outward motion over time Jackson, B.V., et al., 2008, Adv. in Geosciences, 21, 339-360. Heliospheric C.A.T. analyses: example line-of-sight distribution for each sky location to form the source surface of the 3D reconstruction. STELab IPS This shows how the UCSD IPS time-dependent Computer Assisted Tomography (C.A.T.) analysis works. The 327 MHz IPS line of sight weighting provides a weight for each source observation on a spherical source surface below each line. As material moves outward from the Sun, it follows a very specific modeled path and expansion that is weighted differently at different times. The full mathematical treatment can be found in Jackson, B.V., et al., 2008, Adv. in Geosciences, 21, 339-360. Sample outward motion over time
IPS line-of-sight response Jackson, B.V., et al., 2008, Adv. in Geosciences, 21, 339-360. Heliospheric C.A.T. analyses: example line-of-sight distribution for each sky location to form the source surface of the 3D reconstruction. STELab IPS This shows the line of sight traces on a Carrington map at the source surface (lower right). The line of sight weighting provides a weight for each source observation on the source surface. The full mathematical treatment can be found in Jackson, B.V., et al., 2008, Adv. in Geosciences, 21, 339-360. 14 July 2000 13 July 2000
Time-Dependent Analysis Using Other IPS Systems Fisheye velocity skymaps with additional radio sources Jackson, B.V., et al., 2013, AGU 2013 Presentation , May, Cancoon, Mexico. Analysis including MEXART source Analysis without MEXART source I have added the MEXART velocity (with its appropriate different weighting (for this different frequency and source size) into the UCSD tomographic analysis for one such speed measurement. In this instance there is little difference between the addition of the MEXART radio source into the tomographic analysis.
Current Prediction Analyses Jackson, B.V., et al., 2011, Adv. in Geosciences, 30, 93-115. Current Prediction Analyses UCSD IPS analysis UCSD Web pages The UCSD forecast website. Web Analysis Runs Automatically Using Linux on a P.C.
UCSD IPS prediction analysis Skysweep view Jackson, B.V., et al., 2011, Adv. in Geosciences, 30, 93-115. UCSD IPS prediction analysis A Hammer-Aitoff display showing the STELab source locations. The source value is indicated relative to the model background value. Web analysis runs automatically using Linux on a P.C.
UCSD IPS prediction analysis Skysweep view Jackson, B.V., et al., 2011, Adv. in Geosciences, 30, 93-115. UCSD IPS prediction analysis Fit to ACE and CELIAS data A Hammer-Aitoff display showing the STELab source locations. The source value is indicated relative to the model background value. Web analysis runs automatically using Linux on a P.C.
UCSD IPS prediction analysis Skysweep view Jackson, B.V., et al., 2011, Adv. in Geosciences, 30, 93-115. UCSD IPS prediction analysis Fit to ACE and CELIAS data A Hammer-Aitoff display showing the STELab source locations. The source value is indicated relative to the model background value. Web analysis runs automatically using Linux on a P.C.
More Details Magnetic Field
CSSS model Source surface Br field component sample (Zhao, X. P. and Hoeksema, J. T., 1995, J. Geophys. Res., 100 (A1), 19.) CSSS model Dunn et al., 2005, Solar Physics 227: 339–353. Source surface Br field component sample Inner region: the CSSS model calculates the magnetic field using photospheric measurements and a horizontal current model. 2. Middle region: the CSSS model opens the field lines. In the outer region. 3. Outer region: the UCSD tomography convects the magnetic field along velocity flow lines.
Radial and Tangential Magnetic Field Magnetic Field Extrapolation (Jackson, B.V., et al., 2011, Adv. in Geosciences, 30, 93-115) Earth Radial and Tangential Magnetic Field Magnetic Field Extrapolation Here is a UCSD forecast of magnetic field from the Website. Web Analysis Runs Automatically Using Linux on a P.C.
Correlations (from UCSD forecast) (Jackson, B.V., et al., 2011, Adv. in Geosciences, 30, 93-115) Correlations (from UCSD forecast) Pearson’s “r” correlation five-day behind comparison Here is a UCSD forecast of magnetic field from the Website. Web Analysis Runs Automatically Using Linux on a P.C.
Correlations (from UCSD predictions) (Jackson, B.V., et al., 2011, Adv. in Geosciences, 30, 93-115) Correlations (from UCSD predictions) Pearson’s “r” correlation one-day ahead comparison Here is a UCSD forecast of magnetic field from the Website. Web Analysis Runs Automatically Using Linux on a P.C.
Radial and Tangential Magnetic Field (Jackson, B.V., et al., 2011, Adv. in Geosciences, 30, 93-115) Earth Radial and Tangential Magnetic Field Here is a UCSD forecast of magnetic field from the Website. Web Analysis Runs Automatically Using Linux on a P.C.
UCSD Kinematic IPS Model IPS Prediction (KSWC) UCSD Kinematic IPS Model
IPS Prediction (KSWC) IPS-Driven ENLIL IPS-Driven ENLIL
But what is really wanted is Bz
UCSD Archival IPS Analysis of V and D at WIND over Carrington rotation 2056 (April 27 – May 25, 2007) velocity density
I have often wondered where the Bz in-situ field comes from I have often wondered where the Bz in-situ field comes from. The Parker spiral analysis does not indicate how a normal field (north-south) can occur, and yet the field exists and is ever-present in the heliosphere.
Extrapolated Bn closed field component for CR 2056 (Jackson, B.V., et al., 2015, ApJL, 803:L1. 1- 5, doi:10.1088/2041-8205/803/1/L1.) CSSS model Closed field Extrapolated Bn closed field component for CR 2056 Extrapolated Bt field component for CR 2056 Extrapolated Br field component for CR 2056 About 1/50th of the static flux r-1.34 fall-off
Br ten-year correlation summary plot - GONG data Extrapolated Closed field component Work in progress
Bt ten-year slope summary plot - GONG data Br ten-year slope summary plot - GONG data Bn ten-year slope summary plot - GONG data Closed field Work in progress
I suggest that at least part of the Bn component comes from closed fields that escape from near the solar surface – perhaps through some non-static process.
Summary: IPS Space Weather Predictions IPS Tomography Analyses: Making good predictions of in-situ measurements ahead of time keeps you “honest” New Systems: Incorporation of other systems into the analysis is possible, and possibly helps other IPS sites standardize and edit their own data sets Interesting Developments: Potential practical determination of three-component magnetic fields is under development, so far at fairly low resolution M Potentaily talk will proceed this way
UCSD IPS prediction analysis using STELab data today Skysweep view Jackson, B.V., et al., 2011, Adv. in Geosciences, 30, 93-115. UCSD IPS prediction analysis using STELab data today Fit to ACE and CELIAS data A Hammer-Aitoff display showing the STELab source locations. The source value is indicated relative to the model background value. Web analysis runs automatically using Linux on a P.C.