CPR in Space Prof. Mirjana Shosholcheva Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Faculty of Medicine-Skopje, Macedonia
"Imagine, for a moment, trying to deliver cardiac compressions while floating weightlessly in orbit," How do astronauts perform life saving treatment in zero gravity? And were are right to think it must be complicated!
Key points An astronaut in microgravity could suffer a cardiac arrest and need immediate cardiopulmonary resuscitation Traumatic causes may cause a cardiac arrest The spectrum of therapeutic interventions ranges from the initiation of chest compressions for resuscitation, to intubation
CPR (Cardio pulmonary resuscitation) a well-known emergency procedure here on Earth, administered to someone whose heart has stopped beating. Chest compressions of at least 5 cm deep are given at a rate of 100 per minute to try and manually pump blood through the heart and body Not too difficult to perform on Earth but what happens in the microgravity of Space?
On Earth we use the weight of our bodies to make the compressions – but in space our body weights nothing! To be more precise, what we think of as our weight, is actually the force with which our body is attracted towards the Earth. When we are in space we do not feel gravitational attraction to the Earth and so effectively, we are weightless. Therefore, giving chest compressions depends more on the force and strength of the arms of the person providing the CPR
Body suspension device with mannequin fully suspended simulated microgravity
All astronauts receive a basic level of medical training as part of their specialized astronaut technical training
In the context of future space exploration (e. g In the context of future space exploration (e.g., a mission to Mars), the longer duration of missions and consecutively higher risk of an incident requiring resuscitation, increase the importance of microgravity-appropriate medical techniques
Everything is floating - including you and the person who need Adequate cardio-pulmonary resuscitation techniques in space (microgravity and weightlessness Main problem: Everything is floating - including you and the person who need assistance! Lack of gravity Attempting compressions of the chest in microgravity onlyleads to pushing away from each other, without achieving a haemodynamically significant cardiac output (CO) in the patient. If you try to compress the chest as you do on Earth, the force you apply will generate a reaction force in the opposite direction (Newton’s Laws of Motion) – simply put, you will float away from the person you are trying to help!
There are five described methods that deal with the solution of this problem
Techniques “Standard side straddle (STD) method” “Waist Straddling maneuver (SM)” “Reverse Bear Hug (RBH) method” “Evetts-Russomano (ER) method” “Handstand (HS) method”
Standard side straddle (STD) method The rescuer places him sideways and the patient is situated on the crew medical restraint system for CPR.
Waist Straddling manoeuvre (SM) The rescuer straddled the patient’s waist, with the patient situated on the crew medical restraint system for CPR.
Reverse Bear Hug (RBH) method The rescuer grips the patient from the back with both arms and performs compressions
Evetts-Russomano (ER) method In the ER method, the rescuer places himself on top of the patient. He places his left leg over the right shoulder of the patient. The right leg of the rescuer is placed around the patient’s back under the left arm. The chest compression applied against the sternum is countered by the force exerted by the rescuers’s crossed legs.
Evetts-Russomano (ER) method
Handstand (HS) method To carry out the HS method, the rescuer places his feet on one wall of the cabin, with the patient’s back against the opposite wall, and the chest compressions are applied against the sternum
The HS method is superior in both the pure compression depth Handstand (HS) method The HS method is superior in both the pure compression depth However, this technique requires a specific setting (wall-to-wall distance below 2. 5m) not being present at every location in space. In such a case, the ER technique is a reasonable alternative
What does this mean for future space missions? It is unlikely that BLS can be carried out with the same performance in space as on earth Even under ideal conditions not every CPR is able to achieve a return of spontaneous circulacion
Defibrillators in space When a shock is being applied in a regular operating theatre, no one can touch the patient because of the powerful electromagnetic current But in space?
– if you need to defibrillate [or shock] the patient In space, the application of a defibrillator is not so much a problem – it’s the electric current that poses an obstacle: : In space, other crew members are floating around and astronaut chairs could be conductive – if you need to defibrillate [or shock] the patient the question is how do you do it without shocking everybody else around you?’ Special defibrillators have to be used, so they don’t interfere with the electronics of the space station
NASA announced in 2008 the Lifepak 1000 defibrillator as being deployed on the International Space Station (ISS) as the first automated external defibrillator (AED) in space Evaluations of the defibrillators included: - user interface analysis ease of use durability and detailed technical specifications related to the unique conditions encountered in space Analysis and testing for electromagnetic interference, pressure susceptibility, temperature, vibration, acceleration and other environmental factors
with drugs and adrenaline into the patient's vein Management with drugs Make syringes bubble-free You need to account for how liquids move in space? On Earth, bubbles float to the surface, but in space they spread themselves through the liquid, because of lack of gravity The astronauts have to adapt the way they insert and deliver drips with drugs and adrenaline into the patient's vein The thing you need to have is bubble filters for your syringe Without filters, you deal with an emulsion of bubbles suspended in the solution, and you'd just be injecting air
Come back to the Earth! Once you've got the patient's circulation going, he is still going to need intensive care, including ventilators and drugs that promote circulation According to facts, the International Space Stations have less medical equipment and expertise than an average ambulance So you need to get the victim home as quickly as possible, which is tricky
An illustration of the Mars MAVEN spacecraft, which launched in fall 2013