Dean Vaughn Lesson 1
What is the name of the element with the meaning stomach. Gastro- B -itis End- Ovar- Remember you can ask a friend or eliminate 2 answers
What do cerebr/o/megal mean ? Dead Tissue B Inflammation of the Brain Enlarged Brain Enlarged lungs Remember you can ask a friend or eliminate 2 answers
An arthroplast ( arthr/o/plast) is the surgical _____ of the _____ ? Repair , Lung Removal , Ear Cut , Heart Repair , Joint Remember you can ask a friend or eliminate 2 answers
What is the name of this element with the audionym Hollow chest? Oto- -ologist -pexy Semi- Remember you can ask a friend or eliminate 2 answers
Enterosis (enter/osis) is any ______ of the ______ Disease , Blood Condition , Intestine Clot , Lungs Disease , Heart Remember you can ask a friend or eliminate 2 answers
Hepatology (hepat/ology) is the ______ of the ______ ? Condition , Hair Study , Liver Study , Heart Condition , Nails Remember you can ask a friend or eliminate 2 answers
Angiomaology (angi/oma/ology) is the _____ of a _____ in the _______ ? Study , Tumor , Vessel Study , Clot , Vessel Condition , Vessel , Lung Condition , Gland , Mouth
Adenorhinitis (aden/o/rhin/itis) is the ______ of the _____ and _______ ? Study , Chest , Arms Inflammation , Nose , Gland Condition , Heart , Lung Condition , Hand , Toes
Witch element have the meaning eyelid ? sub- Astr- Blephar- Hypno-
spasm Poster- Bi- Path- Witch element have the meaning Involuntary Contraction ? spasm Poster- Bi- Path- Remember you can call on a friend or eliminate 2 answers
Angiomaectomy (angi/oma/ectomy) is the surical _____ of a _____ on a ______ . cut , lung , rib Repair , Vessel , Heart Removal , Tumor , Lung Removal , Tumor , Vessel
The element with the meaning soft is ? -malacia Lymph- Lien- Ab-
Blepharologist (blephar/ologist) is a ______ of the _______. Specialist , Heart Study , Lungs Specialist , Eyelid Study , Heart Remember you can call on a friend or eliminate 2 answers
What is the element that have the meaning kidney? -oma Nephr- Mamm- Chlor-
Cerebrpath (cerebr/path) is a _______ of the _______ Disease , Heart Disease , Brain Clot , Lungs Clot , Vessel
-osis have the meaning of what ? Any condition Removal nose Clot
Gastroitis (gastr/o/itis) is the _______ of the _______. Condition , Heart Inflammation , Lungs Condition vessel Inflammation stomach
Hepat- is the what? Heart Liver Lungs Kidney
Gingivmalacia (gingiv/malacia) means ______ ______ . Hard , Gums Soft , Gums Soft , Heart Hard , Head
Plast- means ? Hard Surgical Cut Surgical Repair Surgical Removal
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