MISSION   To shape and entrench on the international level, Irkutsk’s own ideological niche related to the informational and economical activity, preservation.


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Presentation transcript:

MISSION   To shape and entrench on the international level, Irkutsk’s own ideological niche related to the informational and economical activity, preservation of attention between annual (or less) meetings of the Forum’s participants; Ensure the institutionalization of the Forum –long-term orientation of the Irkutsk forum, as source and center of news assessments, standards for all relevant subjects, acting within the selected ideological niche; Form a constantly working information network of the forum’s participants, which includes: an expert community, legal, scientific and educational, volunteer, business sectors; establishment of the international Association of lake regions; To shape a recognizable image of a cultural, scientific and educational, business center in Russia and abroad, associated with the global environmental and environmental agenda with the emergence of a regional brand.

ARCHITECTURE OF THE FORUM Business program: Plenary sessions, thematic sessions, discussion platforms, presentation platforms Protocol activities for establishment of the international Association of lake regions Exhibition space: The latest developments of leading Russian and foreign universities, scientific organizations, companies - business leaders and producers of technological equipment on the Forum topics PRESS-CENTER: organization of media work and effective coverage of all Forum events

ARCHITECTURE OF THE FORUM Program of selection of the best technologies and practices in the field of water treatment. Awarding leaders VIDEO CONFERENCES / VIDEO MEETING (Federal Minister with Regional Ministers) / ONLINE TRANSLATIONS, video link with the ISS / (Volynov B., Ivanishin A., Kondratiev D.) PROGRAM "Ecological worldview. Generation of ECO ». Interactive Area INTERACTIVE EXHIBITIONS «Mysteries of Baikal», “Water in architecture, painting, music, cinema”       "Standard of Water - Baikal Water" CULTURE. TRADITIONS. Creativity, trqde and traditions Photo competitions With hashtag       "I love Baikal" Flash mobs EXCURSION PROGRAM CULTURAL PROGRAMME

THEMATICS OF THE FORUM Government policy of preserving the unique ecosystem of Lake Baikal. Systemic approach towards recovery of Lake Baikal and the Baikal natural territory. Innovative technologies of water treatment and utilization of waste. Ecological water use standard. International experience and legislative practices in the field of water resources protection. International cooperation of water regions. Development of ecological tourism in the Baikal natural territory with a glance to environmental restraints. The experience and search of solutions. The formation of environmental culture/ responsibility and ecological education of young people. Best Practices Meeting of the Organizing Committee for the Association of lake regions Ensuring the decent standard of living and compliance with environmental legislation.

EXPOSITION Exhibition Sections Exhibitors: Reconstruction and protection of water resources Construction of treatment facilities with technologies that allow to purify wastewater and sewage water to a level that is safe for the ecology and biosystem of Lake Baikal. Industrial and municipal water supply Wastewater treatment and sludge management Automation of processes, water quality control   Exhibitors: Universities, scientific organizations, innovative companies, young scientists and developers, Russian and foreign companies, that are industry leaders and equipment manufacturers.   Delivery form: Full-scale exhibits, multimedia presentations and poster presentations

PARTICIPANTS OF THE FORUM Number of participating countries - from 15 Number of regions in Russia - from 30 Number of international organizations - from 10 Number of scientists and experts - from 20 The number of business representatives - from 40 Total estimated number of participants - from 25 RUSSIA: The authority of the Government of the Russian Federation, The State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (Committee on Natural Resources, Property and Land Relations) The Federation Council of the Russian Federation (Committee for Agricultural and Food Policy and Nature Management) Federal executive bodies of the Russian Federation: the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, the Ministry of Transport of Russia, the Ministry of Energy of Russia, Rosturizm and Rosreestr. Ecological Public Chamber The Eurasian Economic Commission Governors of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation Mayors of Russian cities Scientists and experts (Russian Academy of Science, Siberian Department of the Russian Academy of Science, universities, scientific organizations, including young scientists) Representatives of business, leading enterprises of the industry, innovative companies. Financial institutions ONF (all person’s national front), environmental public organizations. Reserves, national parks, reserves of the Russian Federation

PARTICIPANTS OF THE FORUM International public organizations and institutes: United Nations Environment Programme International Water Resources Association (IWRA) Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) UNESCO International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID) International Geothermal Association (IGA) Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) The Korea Water Resources Corporation (K-water) Women for Water Partnership (WfWP) University College London (UCL) United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH) Turkish Water Institute (SUEN) League to Save Lake Tahoe (Keep Tahoe Blue)