A DAY IN THE LIFE OF AN A+ LIBRARY ASSISTANT A Tongue-In-Cheek, How-to Guide for SSHS Library Assistants SSHS Library Media Center
The A+ Library Assistant: The A+ assistant wakes up, after having pleasant dreams about magical books, looking forward to another day of library practice class I the SSHS Library
The A+ Library Assistant: When the A+ library assistant enters the library, of course he/she takes in all the wonders of the library first.
The A+ Library Assistant: However, the A+ library assistant then looks to see if anything is out of place; he/she quickly and neatly returns everything to its proper location and makes sure all chairs are pushed in & the library is ready for company (other devoted library lovers).
The A+ Library Assistant: After making sure all is well in the library, the A+ library assistant checks the return box to make sure all books have been checked in. Of course, this perfect assistant checks in any books, making certain that each book is checked in correctly. He/she looks for the title of the book being checked in and the name of the patron who returned it.
The A+ Library Assistant: As the assistant checks in all the books, he/she makes certain to check for any messages that appear on the screen after each and every book
The A+ Library Assistant: The A+ library assistant deals with any messages, including looking for books that are on hold and writing passes for the patrons who are eagerly waiting for this book to be returned The A+ student is never afraid to ask the librarians for help if a message is unfamiliar
The A+ Library Assistant: When all the books are checked in, the assistant pulls out all of the date due cards and crosses out the old dates, on the cards and on the pockets of the book The A+ library assistant then lovingly cleans off the cover of each book with a baby wipe.
The A+ Library Assistant: The perfect student then returns each book to its correct place in the library stacks: being very careful to make sure it is in the absolute proper location. (The A+ student would never want a good book to get lost)
The A+ Library Assistant: Then the perfect library assistant methodically and carefully checks his/her own shelves to ensure that all of the books are in perfect order, the shelves are “faced” (front and tight), and the shelves are clean and dust free.
The A+ Library Assistant: At this point, the A+ student looks all around the library, paying special attention to the area around the circulation desk, to see if he/she can find any jobs that are not complete The perfect assistant then looks to see if there is anything he/she can do to help improve the library or to help others.
The A+ Library Assistant: The perfect assistant then asks him/herself, “Are there any novels I can return? - any locators I can file or shred? - any books I can repair? - any places I can organize better? - any way I can make the library a better place?”
The A+ Library Assistant: Of course, during this whole time, our trusty library assistant warmly greets every patron as they enter the library, checks the pass of each student, and helps any student in need. The A+ student also asks the librarian if there are any other assignments to complete.
The A+ Library Assistant: Throughout this whole time, when all is well, everything is quiet in the library, and all jobs are complete, the A+ student stands vigil at the circulation desk, poised and ready to check out books to eager readers.
The A+ Library Assistant: Of course, the A+ student is extremely careful when checking out each book. He/she enters the patron’s id number or name, calls the patron’s name out, scans the SSHS barcode, looks carefully to make sure the book is checked out to the student and checks the date the book is due
The A+ Library Assistant: The A+ student then stamps the date due card and the pocket of the books and places date due card snugly in the pocket; he/she then informs the patron when the book is due back to the library. He/she then hits the reset button to be ready for the next patron.
The A+ Library Assistant: And, although this isn’t our assistant’s favorite part of the job, the A+ student makes certain that the library is a welcoming, quiet place, and that all library rules are being met He/she also checks why any alarm sounds. Of course this perfect student knows he/she can talk to the librarian if there is a problem that is awkward or uncomfortable to handle.
The A+ Library Assistant: The A+ library student knows that all good things must, unfortunately, come to an end. The end of the period comes, and the perfect library student must say good-bye to the library and the librarians Our assistant may be sad about leaving but is filled with the knowledge that this will begin anew, tomorrow, at the same time. (and, of course, never late)
The A+ Library Assistant: Until then, farewell A+ assistant. Sweet dreams (of books and reading and library practice), are waiting for our A+ library student.