CELLULAR SYSTEMS (CellSys) UCD SCHOOL OF BIOLOGY & ENVIROMENTAL SCIENCE The Cellular Systems (CellSys) research theme examines the role of the cell as the fundamental unit of multicellular organisms. A wide variety of cellular, molecular, biochemical and genetic techniques are employed to understand cell physiology and decipher how this contributes to health and function of the entire organism. Research Questions Addressed: What is the role of insulin-like growth factors in animal development? What is the evolutionary basis of genomic imprinting? Can knowledge of cellular trafficking pathways improve drug delivery? How do transporter proteins regulate urea levels in the gut? How do aquaporin channels control water and solute levels in plants? How is programmed cell death controlled? How do lipids and cell signalling pathways contribute to plant stress? What is the genetic basis of flower development? CELLULAR SYSTEMS (CellSys) Our Programmes BSc in Cell & Molecular Biology: Cell & Molecular Biology is the study of cells and the molecules that combine to form them. This includes their physiological properties such as their structure, their interaction with the extra-cellular environment and other cells, their life cycle, division and function, and eventual death. This is done both on a microscopic and molecular level. The Cell & Molecular Biology degree programme is unique in taking module content from organismal biology through to molecular disciplines. It provides students with a clear perspective of how disease and phenotype at the organism level can be attributed to molecular and genetic changes in individual cells. MSc in Biological & Biomolecular Science (by Negotiated Learning): This programme is suited for students who require flexibility to broaden their understanding of the biological and biomolecular sciences. Thematic specialisations from a carefully chosen suite of modules complement practical and career development skills to meet the individual needs of students.
PLANT SCIENCES UCD SCHOOL OF BIOLOGY & ENVIROMENTAL SCIENCE The Plant Science research theme makes a major contribution to our understanding of the environmental impact of plants and how they can contribute to climate change mitigation, the development of sustainable agricultural systems and bio-industrial, including bioenergy, production. Research Questions Addressed: What are the impacts of climate/environmental change on plants and ecosystems? What is the capacity of plants and ecosystems to adapt to climate/environmental change? How can we improve plant resistance to biotic and abiotic factors? How can we improve the nutritional value of food crops? How can we exploit the wider use of plant products and materials? What are the most suitable plants and production systems for biofuel/bioindustrial applications? How can we better exploit plants for bioindustrial applications? PLANT SCIENCES Our Programmes BSc in Plant Biology: Plant Biology is the scientific study of plants, fungi and algae. Plants are vital for supporting and maintaining the atmospheric and environmental conditions required for all life on Earth. They are the mainstay of human and animal diets, while also providing pharmaceuticals, timber, paper and clothing. The Plant Biology/Botany degree at UCD provides modules in a wide range of disciplines, including plant genetics, plant cell biology, paleobotany, plant physiology, plant ecology, plant pathology, and plant-atmosphere climate interactions. MSc in Plant Biology and Biotechnology: This programme is aimed at graduates who wish to equip themselves with the knowledge and skills in advanced plant biology and biotechnology, including crop science, genetics, genomics, cell biology, physiology, ecology, and studies on climate change, in order to pursue future careers in plant biology-based industries and PhD research. Our students are also given the opportunity to develop a business plan as part of our programme in innovation and entrepreneurship, and to also engage in a 3-month research project to gain advanced experimental skills.
Evolutionary Biology (EVBIO) UCD SCHOOL OF BIOLOGY & ENVIROMENTAL SCIENCE The Evolutionary Biology (EVBIO) research theme examines evolution at different transects of time covering all Kingdoms of Life using morphological, life-history, computational and molecular genetic methods to understand and measure adaptation and use an evolutionary perspective to explain biodiversity and organismal biology. Research Questions Addressed: What are the molecular evolutionary bases that lead to environmental niche specialisations? What processes underlie the adaption of organisms to environmental change? How can comparative biology and genomics explain the evolution of biological processes and systems? How do abiotic and biotic factors drive evolutionary change? How does evolutionary change affect species interaction? How does human activities effect and/or influence evolutionary change? How can evolutionary theory inform conservation and management of biological systems? Evolutionary Biology (EVBIO) Our Programmes BSc Zoology: Zoology is often thought of in terms of treks into the wild to study rare and endangered species. However, this is only one facet of this fascinating subject. Modern zoology deals with all aspects of animals from genetics and cell biology to ecology and animal behaviour. The Zoology degree at UCD provides modules in a wide range of disciplines, including marine, terrestrial and freshwater biology, evolutionary biology, animal behaviour, palaeontology, ecology, pest control, population genetics, developmental biology, and animal physiology and cell biology.
ECOSYSTEMS, GLOBAL CHANGE & SUSTAINABILITY UCD SCHOOL OF BIOLOGY & ENVIROMENTAL SCIENCE The Ecosystems, Global Change & Sustainability research theme embraces basic and applied research into the processes that underpin ecosystem structure & functioning. Staff and student members associated with this research theme assesses the impacts of environmental change, pollution, exploitation, invasive species and pathogens on species and ecosystems in the past, present and future. We aim to understand and promote the sustainable management of natural resources. Research Questions Addressed: How do environmental processes affect the functioning and growth of organisms? What processes determine biodiversity and community structure? How will environmental change affect the distribution of species and the function of the resulting communities? What are the relationships between environmental change and genetic variation? How do management strategies impact on biodiversity and sustainability? How can we restore degraded environments? What are effective technologies for conservation and resource use? ECOSYSTEMS, GLOBAL CHANGE & SUSTAINABILITY Our Programmes BSc in Environmental Science: This degree focuses on the biological aspects of environmental science. It equips students with a strong background in ecology and its application to environmental assessment and management. Marine, terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems are studied through the disciplines of plant, animal and microbial ecology, evolutionary biology, conservation biology, global change biology, pollution biology, soil science and wildlife ecology. MSc in MSc in Environmental Sustainability/ Applied Environmental Science / Global Change; Ecosystems, Science and Policy.