Creating Your Professional Portfolio May 19, 2017 THOMPSON RIVERS UNIVERSITY | MAY 2017
Overview: Purpose of the Professional Portfolio Procedures for Tenure & Promotion Standards Documents Collective Agreement Components of the Portfolio Discussions: How to evidence teaching, scholarship, and service E-portfolio Options Questions Individual Support Photo Caption THOMPSON RIVERS UNIVERSITY | MAY 2017
Goals: At the end of this session you will… Be familiar with the P & T process at TRU including the standards for your discipline Know the components of the professional portfolio Have ideas for how to evidence teaching, service, and scholarship THOMPSON RIVERS UNIVERSITY | MAY 2017
Important Dates for Tenure & Promotion: Member notifies Dept. Chair of intent (Aug. 1) Dean notifies eligible members Dept. Chair provides FSTPC Chair with list of applicants Application for promotion in rank is initiated by the individual Faculty Member in accordance with Article 6.4. It is the responsibility of the Faculty Member to initiate the tenure application process according to Article 6.4. The Division, Faculty or School Tenure and Promotion Committee (DFSTPC) and, (b) the Senate Tenure and Promotion Committee (STPC). Member submits application to Chair of FSTPC (Sept. 1) THOMPSON RIVERS UNIVERSITY | MAY 2017
Collective Agreement: Article 6 THOMPSON RIVERS UNIVERSITY | JANUARY 2015
Checklist: Letter of application Up-to-date CV (APA Format) Teaching/Professional Role Dossier Service Dossier Scholarly/Research/Creative Dossier APARs Other Documentation List of Potential Referees Sectiletteron Name THOMPSON RIVERS UNIVERSITY | MAY 2017
What goes in the… Teaching/Professional Role Dossier? Service Dossier? Scholarly/Research/Creative Dossier? THOMPSON RIVERS UNIVERSITY | MAY 2017
PROFESSIONAL PORTFOLIO Teaching/ Professional Role Service Scholarship/ Research THOMPSON RIVERS UNIVERSITY | MAY 2017
Teaching/Professional Role: Collective Agreement: Article 6 – Appendix 1 “MUST” list • Course work (course outlines, enrolment data) Philosophy of Teaching Statement “MAY” list • Course coordination • Course revisions • New course development and design • Preparation of laboratory and course material • Supervision of advanced and graduate students, honours and graduate theses, practical internships, field work, and co-op programs • Classroom teaching • Laboratory and studio teaching • Continuing and Distance Education teaching • Teaching innovations • Development of teaching aids • Academic counselling • Guest lecturing • Participation in peer seminars and colloquia THOMPSON RIVERS UNIVERSITY | MAY 2017
Service: To the life of the University community * participation on committees * leadership in departmental administration * contributions to the intellectual & cultural life of the campus To your discipline and/or professions * participation in local, provincial, national & international organizations & programs * consulting related to your discipline To the community-at-large * participation in cultural, community, & service organizations THOMPSON RIVERS UNIVERSITY | MAY 2017
Is research part of my workload? Scholarship/Research: Is research part of my workload? Yes Have you met the requirements for your rank? Can you demonstrate the potential to achieve the next rank? No, but I’m thinking of a promotion How about the scholarship of teaching? THOMPSON RIVERS UNIVERSITY | MAY 2017
E-portfolio Options: Joe Dobson will speak to this THOMPSON RIVERS UNIVERSITY | JANUARY 2015
Sample Portfolio Submitted for Promotion Christine can assist and show her own on request via email. Photo Caption THOMPSON RIVERS UNIVERSITY | MAY 2017
TENURE AND PROMOTION INFORMATION SESSION July 7, 2016 Helpful document available on line
List of External Reviewers Name Position Areas of Interest Institution Address Email & Phone number Relationship to Christine Petersen Fidji Gendron Associate Professor Plant Ecology, Traditional Plant Uses University of Regina First Nations University of Canada (Regina campus) 1 First Nations Way Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 7K2 306-790-5950 ext. 3335 No personal or professional connections other than a shared interest in intro biology, plant ecology and traditional First Nation uses of plants (related to Plants & People Bio 3430 course). Robert Latta Department of Biology Ecology, Evolution and Genetics of Plants, Botany Dalhousie University 1355 Oxford St., P.O. Box 15000 Halifax, NS, B3H 4R2 902-494-2737 No personal or professional connections other than a shared interest in ecology and plants. In consultation with the Chair of his/her Department, the Faculty Member shall submit a list of at least six (6) external reviewers (Article 6.4.2), along with contact information (address, phone number and email), to the chair of the DFSTPC. External reviewers must be suitably qualified, at arm’s length from the applicant, capable of making an assessment and external to the University. Where appropriate, external reviewers should also have international stature.
How To Organize & Submit Your Portfolio Create electronic folders exactly as follows: A_Application Letter B_Curriculum Vitae C_Annual Professional Activity Reports D_Teaching or Professional Dossier E_Service Dossier F_Scholarly/Research/Creative Dossier G_Other Documentation All documents should be pdf Scan in smaller items into one document then pdf Summarize to make easier to understand and read APARs at least past 3 years Save portfolio to a portable storage device or hard drive Submit portfolio electronically to FSTPC Chair
CURRICULUM VITAE Headings Education Professional Certificates Professional Affiliations Awards & Distinctions Additional Credentials (first Aid, Class 4 Drivers license) Research Experience (MSc abstract and link) Teaching Experience PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Participant/Attendee (Courses & talks) Publications, Peer-reviewed Conference Presentations (Oral & poster) Technical Publications, non-peer-reviewed Invited Speaker SERVICE: Service to Department (Hiring Committees, work-study supervisor) Service to Division (R & R Committees, Science fair, Faculty Council) Service to institution Service to Discipline (Conference chair, Poster Judge) Service to Community (School groups, volunteering) CLINICAL AND INDUSTRIAL EXPERIENCE Reverse Chronological Order – I used SFU style. Karen – I know you will speak to this (I have it hear in case some one asks specifics)
Summary of Promotion criteria for Bipartite Faculty (Science) Evaluation in the Science Bipartite stream is based upon: 1. Academic Qualifications 2. Teaching 3. Service For Science Bipartite faculty the minimum weightings for teaching, and service, are: Teaching: minimum of 70% Service: minimum of 10% Scholarship minimum of 0%* *optional (peer reviewed materials, student mentoring) In the Faculty of Science, there are two key elements of scholarship: 1) it must have impact on a faculty member’s field of study through the production of peer-reviewed materials and 2) it must include the mentoring of students. Indicate to the committee in the Application letter the weightings i.e. 70% teaching and 30% service. (EXTRA in case asked)
Summary of Promotion criteria for Bipartite Faculty (Science) For Promotion to Senior lecturer/ Principal lecturer - teaching is at the national or international level. Senior Lecturer Teaching Must demonstrate sustained and increasing effectiveness in teaching and must show impact of teaching practices (as evidenced by the criteria in Table 1) A faculty members reputation for teaching will normally be at a provincial level. Service Faculty member participates in university-wide committees, helps organize events that contribute to the intellectual/cultural life at TRU, and participates in professional organizations outside the university community. Academic Standards for Promotion and Tenure in the Faculty of Science (Extra in case asked)
Pedagogical Knowledge (Scholarly teaching) Examples Understands and is able to implement different teaching techniques, according to learning styles of students within courses. Presents at national conferences on teaching techniques Teaching practice based on evidence-based education Provides mentoring for instructors within university and national arenas. Engages in own learning regarding pedagogy at national workshops Facilitates workshops/conferences Provides critical analysis of teaching (Extra in case asked)
Questions??? Photo Caption THOMPSON RIVERS UNIVERSITY | MAY 2017
Did you know? YOU CAN CHANGE OUT THE BACKGROUND PHOTO. Right click on the photo and choose Change Picture. Bullet point Body text goes here and here and also here. You could also keep putting it here. THOMPSON RIVERS UNIVERSITY | JANUARY 2015
Did you know? YOU CAN CHANGE OUT THE BACKGROUND PHOTO. Right click on the photo and choose Change Picture. Bullet point Body text goes here and here and also here. You could also keep putting it here. THOMPSON RIVERS UNIVERSITY | JANUARY 2015
Header: SUBHEAD TEXT At aut quis ilitatus, quis asperro inistin ullecus magnis quam unt volestenima dollupi tatur, cullatestis re lab is seque mi, comnis abo. Lori nullit quo modipsam cus adit ea deliatem. Esequiam que nimaximil mollabo ressimus, quatur reperitat alique magnimi nihillest ex etur, et volestio eos ra sit optatem quias ut laborem utemqui officil liquasp idebis volorerum conem qui as resedit asperep tiumquat esto dipictibus. THOMPSON RIVERS UNIVERSITY | JANUARY 2015
Header: SUBHEAD TEXT At aut quis ilitatus, quis asperro inistin ullecus magnis quam unt volestenima dollupi tatur, cullatestis re lab is seque mi, comnis abo. Lori nullit quo modipsam cus adit ea deliatem esequiam que. Photo Caption THOMPSON RIVERS UNIVERSITY | JANUARY 2015