Protected Territory: From what? From Whom?


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Presentation transcript:

Protected Territory: From what? From Whom?

What is a protected territory? It is a natural heritage that is protected by the government. A natural heritage is a natural environment (i.e. mountain, lake, etc.) of great value that people want to protect and preserve.

What is a national park? A “natural environment” managed by the government of a province or country. It is regulated (controlled or managed) by laws to preserve and protect it. People are allowed to visit it.

What is a natural resource? Things that are supplied by nature and that are useful to us in various ways. Coal, oil, water, forests and trees are natural resources.

What does conservation mean? The care and protection of forests, water, and other natural resources.

What does biodiversity mean? The diversity of species (animals, plants and micro-organisms) found in a natural environment.

What is an ecosystem? All the animals, plants, and bacteria that make up a particular community living in a certain environment. The parts of an ecosystem depend on one another to live.

Parc national du Mont-Tremblant

Creating a protected Territory

1. Creation of facilities A facility is a space (building) or equipment necessary for doing something. These facilities need to be built so that people can visit these parks: Amenities - info centre, restroom, camping site Infrastructure (roads, bridges, etc.)

2. Establishing regulations Regulations are rules. Visitors must follow the established rules of the national park. These rules are put in place to preserve a natural site.

National parks are ‘zoned’ A section of an area or territory established for a specific purpose. Zones are created to protect national parks. Zoning divides the park into several areas. Each zone has different rules and offers different activities. (Ex: no fishing, hunting or hiking)

Protecting a territory gives it new life (revitalizes it!) It attracts people who love doing outdoor activities. It also supports ecotourism Protecting a territory is good for the region’s economy The national park provides jobs for locals (ex: organizers for outdoor activities, info center receptionists, ski patrollers, etc.)

Benefits of creating national parks? It makes generates money from entry fees It provides job opportunities for locals (people are hired to work at the national park) Services for locals close to the national park are established (ex: grocery stores, pharmacies, restaurants, clinics, gas stations, etc.) Supports cultural activities in the area (ex: sugar shacks)

Threats to a natural park Natural parks are at a risk for all kinds of threats. Some threats can occur naturally (i.e. wild fire) while other types of threats can be linked to human activity.

Human activities that threaten national parks: Removing natural resources from the territory (ex: timber, minerals) Pollution from chemicals (ex: pesticides & fertilizers) Poaching (illegal hunting or fishing) Visitors litter, vandalize & destroy property.

Introducing foreign species that compete with endemic species for food. Deforestation to clear land for farms, resorts and expanding neighborhoods. Building roads and industries close to natural parks that threaten habitats.

Jasper national Park It is located in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. It is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It has protected ecosystems and wildlife. Banff National Park Banff National Park Accomodations

UNESCO World Heritage List UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization).

To make it on the list, a park must be considered a world heritage- natural and cultural treasures belonging to the world. Dinosaur Provincial Park - World Heritage

What is UNESCO World Heritage Site? A UNESCO World Heritage Site is a place (such as a forest, mountain, lake, island, desert, monument, building, complex, or city) that is listed by the UNESCO as of worthy of attention because it is special in some way. Cloud-covered Machu Picchu is another of the treasures counted amongst UNESCO's World Heritage inscribed sites

UNESCO SITES – Natural vs. Cultural Go to Dinosaur Provincial Park (Canada) Go to Palace of Versailles (Cultural Site in France)

Why are these territories protected? It may symbolize a province or country.

2. It may have extraordinary landscapes (Iguazu National park, Argentina-Brazil). BBC Natural World - The Falls of Iguacu

3. It may have rich and rare ecosystems.

4. It may provide recreational and educational areas for visitors.

5. It may have beautiful, inspirational sites.

6. It may have traces of ancient civilizations.

7. It may contain fossils or evidence of a natural phenomena (volcanic eruption).

8. It may provide plants that are needed for medicine.

9. It may provide economic benefits, such as tourist activities and jobs.

10. It may be a symbol of our identity.

Galapagos Islands (GI): A Protected Territory

Geographical Location of Ecuador in South America

History of Galapagos South American aborginals probably the first people to set foot on Galapagos Islands. Tomas de Berlanga, the Bishop of Panama wrote first report on the Galapagos islands in 1535.

Pirates Used islands in the 1680s as a refuge/base. Attacked European ships carrying gold stolen from the Incas. They ate iguanas and tortoises. Ships brought over black rats to the islands.

Whalers and Hunters (1790-1870) Fur seals came very close to extinction. Tortoises were killed for their meat or to make cooking oil.

Charles Robert Darwin Darwin (1809 – 1882) realized and presented evidence that all species of life have evolved over time from common ancestors, through the process he called natural selection.

Human population increase in the archipelago 959 Approximately 1000-2000 1972 3488 1980s 15 000 2006 Approx. 25 000 2015 Over 30 000

Most of the present-day inhabitants moved to the islands from the Ecuadorian mainland during the last 25-30 years. Most of them work in the fishing, tourist and farming industries.

Archipelago: A group of many islands in a large body of water.

The Galapagos Islands Located 600 km off the west coast of Ecuador, South America.

Consists of 13 large islands, 6 smaller islands, 107 rocks and islets. First island formed between 5-10 million years ago. Isabela and Fernandina are the youngest Islands that are still being formed. Volcanic eruptions still occur!

Volcanoes located on several Islands

Location and Climate Islands are aligned with the equator. Islands are a long distance from Ecuador. Closest land mass is the continent of South America.

The climate is unique. The ocean currents around the islands affect the climate. Larger islands have trees, while others are barren. Two main seasons: a cool dry season and a warm wet season.

Conservation (protection) Laws These islands are home to many endemic animals & plants, etc. (plant or animal that is only found there). Ecuadorian Government passed conservation laws to protect these species (ex. $100 visitors fee). GI is both a National Park and a World Heritage Site!

The Charles Darwin Research Station was built (1964) on Santa Cruz island in Galapagos, and scientists now come from all over the world to study the plants and animals, and help to conserve them.

The ocean around the Galapagos Islands was made a marine reserve/park in 1998 to protect the marine life.

Threats to the Wildlife Illegal fishing or over-fishing Quotas (limits) are placed on the number of fish that can be fished each year.

2. Endemic animals (ex: turtles) are competing with foreign animals (ex: sheep) for the same food (plants). 3. Growing human population on the islands (over 26,000). 4. Growing number of tourists (180 000 per year).

5. Pollution and littering The tanker Jessica ran aground in the Galapagos archipelago in January 2001. Immediate damage to marine life was largely averted as the split oil was soon dispersed, but marine iguana populations in the area fell by more than half during the following year.

Magazine report on the GI David Pouilloux, a journalist, wrote a report on how the condition of the islands is deteriorating (worsening). Title of report, “State of Emergency in the GI”. Outlines the 5 reasons why the islands are being threatened today.

1. Human Population Growth: Population has risen to over 26,000 today. Ecuadorians are migrating (moving) to the GI because they are looking for jobs in tourism and commercial fishing.

2. Pollution: Cruise ships require fuel. Oil tankers & cruise ships increase the risk of oil spills.

3. Over-fishing: Fishers over-fish swordfish, tuna, shark, and sea cucumbers. This occurs despite the fact that commercial fishing (catching fish for profit) is forbidden by law.

4. Invading species and predators Foreign species threaten endemic species in two ways: Both are competing for the same food. Endemic species become prey to foreign species (predators).

5. Tourism: More than 180,000 tourists per year Ex: Require transportation (fuel used to power boats & buses is harmful to the environment).

They walk among seabird eggs and disrupt their reproductions. At sea, they throw plastic bags overboard Tortoises fatally mistake these bags for jellyfish and swallow them. More garbage in residential areas.

Protected Territory: With or without residents? To conserve (protect) nature, should we allow or forbid people to live in protected areas?

Yes, they should be forbidden because... Some people believe humans have a negative impact on ecosystems. People should simply not be allowed to live in protected areas.

People can only destroy or deteriorate the environment by using up all of its resources, polluting its lakes, rivers, forests etc. People simply get in the way of nature conservation.

No, humans should be allowed because... People should be allowed to live in protected areas and participate in its conservation efforts. Locals are in the best position to protect the environment because of their experience and knowledge.