How to Write a Proposal
Proposal Process Highlights Request for Proposal Document includes: Introduction and overview of available concessions Schedule and Glossary of Terms Specifications of the Desired Type of Concession Minimum Qualification Requirements Ownership/Management Gross Sales Financial Ability Proposal Overview and Required Documents/Forms Date, Time and Place of Proposals Evaluation Criteria
Meeting Passenger Brand Expectations SFO Airport is seeking Local and regional branded concepts Meet travelers’ expectations for a local experience Supports community based businesses Provides local economic development National branded concepts Reflects broad appeal to national passengers
Follow Instructions Provide the information we ask Proposal deposit Must be an original (cashier’s check, bond, or letter of credit) Meet deadlines for questions and recommendations Late proposals will not be considered Take advantage of pre-proposal conferences Make your proposal easy to follow = easy to evaluate
RFP Schedule Informational Meeting Wednesday, October 5, 2016 Comment Deadline: Wednesday, October 12, 2016 (No later than 2:00 p.m. – PST) RFP Submittal Deadline: Wednesday, November 9, 2016 (No later 2:00 p.m. PST.) Successful Proposers Identified: December 2016 Commission to Award Lease: December 2016 *Dates may be subject to change
Evaluation and Selection Criteria Criteria Points Proposed Concept 60 Business Plan 20 Customer Service and Quality Control 20 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL 100 Submittal 4. In reviewing the proposals, the selected panel will consider the following Criteria:
RFP PROPOSAL CONTENTS Proposers must submit all the information requested on the Proposal Form. Statements must be complete, accurate and in the form requested. Omission, inaccuracy, misstatement or failure to submit any or all of the items required by this RFP may be cause for rejection of the proposal. Electronic Proposal File Submittal Proposer must submit information responsive to the criteria set forth in Part IV, Proposal Submittal. The Financial Pro Forma must be submitted utilizing the format presented in Part IV, Section 5. The entire proposal should be submitted a single PDF file. One Original Proposal Bond & USB Flash Drive Proposer must submit a Proposal Bond in the Amount of $6,750.00 The Proposal Bond must be an original and may be in the form of a Surety Bond, Letter of Credit or cashier’s check. The Proposal Bond must be valid for a minimum of six (6) months after the Proposal Submittal Deadline. Proposal Bonds of unsuccessful Proposers will be returned to the Proposer upon award of the Permit.
RFP Submittal Requirements By submitting its RFP Submittal, Proposer agrees that if the Proposal is accepted: Proposer will execute a permit for the Concession Opportunity on or before the deadline specified by the Airport Commission; Proposer accepts all terms and conditions of the RFP including the permit. The Proposal will remain subject to the Airport Commission’s acceptance for (120) calendar days after the RFP Submittal deadline, or a later date as approved by both parties. Any RFP Submittal received after the RFP Submittal Deadline will be returned to the Proposer and deemed Non-Responsive. By submitting a proposal, you accept all terms and conditions of the RFP including the Lease. As a reminder, any proposal received after the Submittal Deadline will not be considered.
Doing Business at SFO Airport Costs and Risks of Operating in an Airport Traditional Operating Costs Build-out costs Rent Employee costs Insurance Items Unique to an Airport TSA Security requirements Off-hours operations (16 consecutive hours per day) Annual surety bonds/deposits