FIXM briefing for the AIXM CCB Hubert LEPORI EUROCONTROL, ATM/STR/SWM 05-Dec-2016
Content Part 1: FIXM overview Part 2: FIXM talking points for the AIXM CCB FIXM briefing
Part 1 FIXM overview FIXM briefing
What is FIXM? FIXM Primer FIXM briefing
FF-ICE Concept (ICAO Doc 9965) Why FIXM? FF-ICE Concept (ICAO Doc 9965) 2020 The requirement for FIXM was identified by International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Air Traffic Management Requirements and Performance Panel (ATMRPP) and endorsed at the 12th Air Navigation Conference as part of the Aviation System Block Upgrades (ASBU) and as described in Flight and Flow Information for a Collaborative Environment (FF-ICE) . This concept is expected to form the basis for more detailed concepts developed by SESAR in Europe and Nextgen in the USA, and thus FIXM should be used by those programmes in any related work. FIXM will be used to define the payloads for data exchanges defined either through services or via more traditional message exchanges. As FIXM develops and matures it is expected that other users will adopt it on an opportunistic basis, and in the longer term regulation to support its implementation is not ruled out. FIXM briefing
FIXM evolution FIXM v1.0 FIXM v2.0 FIXM v3.0 FIXM v4.0 Aug 2012 Flight and Flow Management ICAO 2012 ATS ICAO 2012 AIDC messages TFM (Strategic) Airport CDM 4DT ICAO 2012 ATS ICAO 2012 AIDC messages TFM (Strategic) Airport CDM Surface data 4D Trajectories- Package 1 ICAO Provisions Global Applicability ICAO 2012 ATS 4D Trajectories- Package 2 Messaging Package FF-ICE/1 Compliant ICAO 2012 ATS – FPL message GUFI (Globally Unique Flight Identifier) FIXM briefing
Notes on FIXM v4.0.0 FIXM v4.0.0 supports: The content of the individual ATS message fields described in ICAO Doc 4444 The new flight data items identified by ICAO ATMRPP as part of the requirements for FF-ICE Block 1 (based on working paper ref. ATMRPP-WG/31-WP/713 “Manual on FF-ICE Implementation Guidance”). FIXM v4.0.0 content is entirely traced to ICAO information exchange requirements Some capabilities previously enabled by FIXM v3.0 are no longer supported. FIXM briefing
Next FIXM releases in support of FF-ICE/1 * FIXM 4.0: First operationally suitable version maturity Capture the evolving FF-ICE/1 requirements in FIXM core, and keep learning… Optimize FIXM based on implementers' feedback Progress on the implementation guidance so that FIXM is usable in support of FF-ICE/1 FIXM 4.0* Aug 2016 Scoping based on draft FF-ICE/1 FIXM ready for full FF-ICE/1 implementation Keep learning about FF-ICE/1 time FIXM briefing
Next FIXM releases in support of FF-ICE/1 This plan is still to be formally endorsed ATMRPP WG31 – Summary of discussions 3.1.21 […] amend the applicability date for FF-ICE to 2020. This implies that a fully coordinated and agreed product should be available by Oct/Nov 2018. The FIXM Release Plan will reflect the FIXM CCB vision, in line with ATMRPP plans * FIXM 4.0: First operationally suitable version maturity FIXM 5.0.0 FIXM 4.1.0 Mid 2019 FIXM 4.0* Aug 2016 End of 2017 Scoping based on draft FF-ICE/1 FIXM ready for full FF-ICE/1 implementation Keep learning about FF-ICE/1 time FIXM briefing
ICAO IMP ICAO ATMRPP FIXM CCB FIXM Governance Defines the FF-ICE IERs Decides what is globally applicable Supervises the FIXM development ICAO IMP ICAO ATMRPP ICAO AIRM, SWIM governance … FIXM CCB Governs the evolution of FIXM under ATMRPP supervision. FIXM briefing
FIXM CCB + ATMRPP supervision Extensions to FIXM FIXM CCB + ATMRPP supervision FIXM briefing
FIXM talking points for the AIXM CCB Part 2 FIXM talking points for the AIXM CCB FIXM briefing
(ATS) route designator FIXM v4.0.0 AIXM v5.1.1 FIXM briefing
Significant point FIXM v4.0.0 FIXM briefing
Some candidate FIXM v4.1.0 Change Requests Not yet discussed by FIXM CCB! CR - Unrestricted URI Referencing Enable the inclusion of XLink references (to AIXM data) in FIXM datasets <complexType abstract="true" name="SignificantPointType"> ... <attributeGroup ref="xlink:simpleAttrs"/> </complexType> CR - Make use of the GML Aviation Profile Or develop another profile… More candidate CRs in the OGC Testbed-12 FIXM GML Engineering Report FIXM briefing
AIXM and FIXM are different solutions for different business cases FIXM and AIXM have different technical designs This is normal! AIXM and FIXM are designed and optimized for their respective use cases! FIXM does not import a profile of AIXM Why should FIXM integrate and then misuse the AIXM temporality model, which is created for enabling Digital NOTAM exchanges? BUT FIXM is “mappable” to AIXM The next FIXM version might enable references to AIXM data using Xlink href Eventually, FIXM and AIXM should map to the ICAO AIRM FIXM briefing
Talking about the ICAO AIRM Slide presented during the ATMRPP/IMP joint session (Nov 2016) FIXM briefing
Talking about the ICAO AIRM Slide presented during the ATMRPP/IMP joint session (Nov 2016) FIXM briefing
FIXM briefing