International Federation of Air Traffic Safety Electronics Associations PCP and CP2 by Robert Schneebuaer IFATSEA Ambassador.


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Presentation transcript:

International Federation of Air Traffic Safety Electronics Associations PCP and CP2 by Robert Schneebuaer IFATSEA Ambassador

Why interesting for ATSEPs PCP and CP2 are regulations focussing on operational improvements based on technical (r)evolution The technology which will be needed to fullfill that regulations is bases for our future work within ANSPs slide nr 2/15

SESAR - PCP review and CP2 creation European ATM Master Plan Interim Deployment Programme (IDP) and long-term research for SESAR 1 + SESAR 2020 SESAR 1 Deployment SESAR 1 (by SJU) PCP / „CP1“ ATM-Functionality (AF 1-6) Sub-AFs DP Families and Funding Projects 83 Solutions CP2 ATM-Functionality (building on AF5 and AF6) Sub-Afs Families and Funding Projects SESAR 2020 (by SJU) SESAR 2020 Deployment PJ20, future research projects Deployment Manager (DM)

SESAR Solution Cataloge – First Edition Contains 83 Solutions Some are mapped to PCP Some are the bases for CP2 Can be found in the SJU Homepage slide nr 4/15

Example of solutions slide nr 5/15

PCP review 2017

Content of the PCP Extended AMAN and PBN in high density TMAs AMAN extended to en-route Airspace, Multiple Airports, Enhanced Terminal Airspace using RNP-Based Operations Airport Integration and Throughput Functionalities Pre-departure sequencing, Surface Management, Time Based Separation for Final Approach, Airport Safety nets Flexible Airspace Management incl. Free Route FUA and Free Routing Network Collaborative Management (Flow & NOP) Enhanced ATFCM, STAM 2, Collaborative NOP iSWIM functionality Registry, PKI, Technical Infrastructure, Profiles, Aeronautical information exchange, MET, Flight information exchange Initial Trajectory Information Sharing (i4D) Datalink ADS-C EPP Key functional improvements addressing critical network performance deficiencies Building the infrastructure of the future slide nr 7/15

The PCP review was triggered as stated within the IR 716/2014: According to Article 6 of Regulation (EU) no. 716/2014, a review of the PCP shall be performed by the EC On 4th April 2017, the EC mandated the SDM to contribute to the review of the PCP

PCP Review consultation performed via SDM 6 Months 30.04.2017 31.10.2017 Main principles Ensure binding value Optimise PCP implementation Driving factors: increased performance and systems harmonisation Consultation of Stakeholders Inputs Assessment of deployment progress in/out FPA Re-assessment of maturity Update PCP CBA Update risks Stakeholders’ capability Specific implementation scenario Outputs PCP implementation status Recommendation to adapt PCP Proposal for incentives Updated supporting documents: Standard and regulation roadmaps CBA In order to select CP2-Candidates, it is essential that the SJU considers the lessons learnt from the setup, implementation and review of the PCP in close liaison with the SDM and the NM.

The EC requested from the SDM the PCP review: According to the letter of the Commission following has to be delivered by the SDM A report on the status of the PCP implementation A recommendation for the potential adaptation of the PCP (Note: the “Where” and the “When” can be discussed) A proposal for incentives supporting the deployment of the reviewed PCP An update of the reference and supporting material An updated CBA Start of work: 05/2017, Consultation of SCP: 09/2017 Consequences and Tasks for ANSPs An analyses of the PCP (Monitoring Exercise – see next page) based on the Deployment Programme families have to be performed every year since 2015 by each ANSP Result: each ANSP has do decide, which ATM Family he cannot fulfil and give inputs by its FAB representative to the SCP of the SDM For IFATSEA: influence to national representatives, that implementations will be possible in time

Monitoring Exercise 2017 Example As mentioned on last slide, operational Stakeholders have to fill their actual status for all families and send this “2017 Monitoring Exercise”-Sheet to SDM by the deadline of 28 April 2017. Example

SDM Organization – PCP Review Description of the work organisation by the SDM to achieve the PCP Review

PCP Review – Consultation/Time Schedule PCP review consultation launch: 19. September 2017 PCP review consultation closure: 26. October 2017


The Common Project 2 is already “ordered” The EC has sent a letter to mandate the SJU to develop the CP2 Selecting SESAR 1 Solutions from the MP 2015 Essential Operational Changes and Solutions from the “Safety essentials” Selecting on basis of the IR criteria: Maturity Performance gains to the network (Business case) Synchronised deployment Building on PCP and going further, laying the foundation for common infrastructure and therefore building on AF5 and AF6; containing Standardisation & Regulatory needs CP2 Outlook: - 7 Solutions relating to MP Essentials - 5 Solutions relating to Safety essentials

Setup of the CP2 Creation European Commission SESAR JU SJU Master Plan Commitee SESAR 2020 PJ 20

Where PSOs have a say slide nr 17/15

Step 1 of CP2 Setup Sequence in detail SJU selects Sesar 1 Solutions from the MP 2015 Essenital Operational Changes CP2 Elements are selected and “frozen”. CP2 preparation phase (Deployment scenarios and BCs, CNS Rationalisation, Standards & Regulation, Optimisation) Final Draft of CP2 to EC Consolidation today

SESAR initial prioritisation

The essential role of safety Solutions

Where to influence CP2

CP 2 Strategy – where can we influence All employees participating various fora should be synchronised when CP2 topics will be discussed, such as: IFATSEA and ANSP members in SESAR 2020, A6, SDM, SJU, ICB, CANSO, PSO, ESA, … Members of National regulator & Ministries by contacting them Any other fora who will review the CP2 and all underlying groups and task forces

CP2 Setup Sequence based on former PCP Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 CP2 2 Step 4 ( open consolidation) = Influenced via IFATSEA or contacts

Thank you for your attention!
