A Guide for Advisors and Membership Chairs From Membership Services at International Corporate Headquarters: The TORCH Process and Headquarters A Guide for Advisors and Membership Chairs
Calendar Review Things that membership services checks for on calendar: The calendar is approved by the Syntaktes The calendar is 49 days in length Formal Rush is Day 1 and Induction is Day 49 If it is an abbreviated calendar (undergrad only) that it has supporting documentation The calendar is signed by the Membership Chair and/or Advisor
Calendar Review Cont. Chapter conducting TORCH is currently financial Chapter dues for the current financial year have been submitted to ICHQ and processed – remember it can take up to 30 days processing time No balance due or fines owed by the chapter (for late reports or 2 consecutive Boules missed, etc.) For an undergrad chapter, the advising grad chapter must also be financial Dues paid for the current financial year and processed, no balance due or fines owed by the chapter
Calendar Review Cont. Membership Chair/Advisor listed on Calendar is financial Member dues for the current financial year have been submitted to ICHQ and processed (remember the up-to-30-days processing time) Membership Chair/Advisor has been TORCH trained within the last two calendar years Membership Chair/Advisor has submitted a signed and completed Arbitration Agreement Form to ICHQ Chapter has submitted the end of year report and 990
Membership Applications Things that membership services checks for on membership applications: For each prospective member ICHQ should receive: Membership Application Terms and Conditions form Policy on Hazing New Member Arbitration Agreement Sealed Official Transcript or (for Grad only) Copy of Degree $25 Application Fee
Membership Applications Cont. An application has been received for each prospective member listed on the RPMR Application is the most current version, available on the website Will be dated 2008 in the footer. If it is dated 2004, it is the outdated version and will not be accepted. On page 3 of the application, the prospective member has indicated “yes” or “no” for each question concerning misdemeanors and felonies.
Membership Applications Cont. Also on p.3 – the jewelry section If left blank, the new member will automatically receive the official badge. The section only needs to be filled out if the prospective wants to order a chapter guard or their initials engraved in the badge. If a guard or engraving is ordered, the prospective will need to include payment along with the induction fees. See the Official Jewelry Order Form on the private side of the SGR website for a listing of chapter guard and engraving prices The Membership Chair/Advisor will receive the jewelry separately from the rest of the new member items, within 4-6 weeks of induction. If no chapter guard or engraving is ordered, the official badge will be included with the New Member Kit shipped from ICHQ before induction.
Membership Applications Cont. Terms and Conditions and Policy on Hazing Forms Must be signed by both the prospective and the Membership Chair/Advisor New Member Arbitration Form Signed by the prospective and, if under 21, the parent/guardian
Membership Applications Cont. Education Verification – Undergraduate Sealed, official transcript from the school in which they are currently enrolled Things checked on the transcript: Prospective member has completed at least 12 credit hours at the current college/university Cumulative GPA is 2.5 or higher Prospective member is enrolled in classes for the current semester/quarter If the transcript does not have the GPA or does not show current enrollment, additional documentation from the registrar will be needed as proof of enrollment.
Membership Applications Cont. Education Verification – Graduate Sealed official transcript or copy of degree Must have completed a degree at a 4-year accredited college or university $25 application fee Money Order, Cashier’s Check, or Credit Card Authorization No personal checks or cash
EMTA Education Module Training Approval will be in writing in the form of an email from membershipservices@sgrho1922.org
Filling Out the International Remittance Form Refer to the “How-to International Remittance Form for Induction Fees” document on the private side of the SGR website
Induction Fees Review Membership Services checks: The correct amount has been submitted $415 for Undergraduate SGR Induction Fee, $50 to Seven Pearls $525 for Graduate SGR Induction Fee, $100 to Seven Pearls Separate Money Orders, Cashier’s Checks, or Credit Card Authorizations $415 (undergrad) or $525 (grad) made out to Sigma Gamma Rho $50 (undergrad) or $100 (grad) made out to Seven Pearls
Induction Fees Review Cont. Induction fees have been received for all prospective members listed on the most recently received RPMR If any special jewelry was ordered – chapter guards or engraving – payment for these items is included with the induction fees.
For a Charter or Reactivation Charter or Reactivation Fees are to be included with induction fees. If any existing members will be transferring into the new chapter, transfer fees are also required. The Regional Syntaktes will approve and forward new charter or reactivation forms to ICHQ. Page 2 of this form is completed with the names of members who will be the chartering members or reactivating members.
Induction Approval If there is any issue with induction fees, Membership Services will contact the membership chair/advisor by email with a copy to the Syntaktes and UCC. Induction Approval will be in writing in the form of an email from membershipservices@sghro1922.org This means the chapter is cleared to proceed with induction on the scheduled date.
New Member Kits For a graduate chapter, the kits will be shipped to Membership Chair For an undergraduate chapter, the kits will be shipped to Advisor Shipped via UPS Signature Required Address is taken from the RPMR Please make sure it is a street address (not a PO Box) where someone will be available to sign.
New Member Kits Cont. Will contain one of each for each new member: Official Badge Handbook of Constitution and Bylaws History Book Vol. I Set of Founders Cards If something is missing or damaged, contact membership services for a replacement In most cases, will be received before the induction date If any approved prospective members does not complete the process, please notify ICHQ ASAP and return the new member kit items that were received for that prospective.
Membership Certificates Certificates will be ordered after the induction date and shipped directly from the vendor to the membership chair or advisor. Certificates require 4-6 weeks for production and shipping Notify Membership Services if certificates have not been received after 6 weeks If a name is misspelled or if anything else is misprinted, please notify Membership Services and we will contact the vendor to make the correction
Membership Cards and the Aurora Membership Cards for new members will be ordered after the induction date and shipped directly from the vendor to the new member within 6-8 weeks. Cards will be mailed to the permanent address provided on the membership application by the new member. If the member’s name is misspelled on the card, contact Data Entry at ICHQ The new members receive the next issue of the Aurora that is released after their induction date The magazine will be mailed to the permanent address provided on the membership application.
ICHQ Torch Reminders Make sure the email address provided on the TORCH calendar is a current and accurate one that you will be able to check frequently. Double-check paperwork before sending it out. Plan ahead for the deadlines. Keep copies of paperwork for your records, including postal tracking information for all items submitted to ICHQ.