Registration for Rising Seniors SCHOOL OF COMMUNICATIONS
WHAT YOU NEED Copy of your current transcript Registration sheet Pencil
STEP 1 Flip to the back of you registration sheet Find the graduation requirements column (far right) Mark all classes you have already taken and passed according to your transcript Mark any currently enrolled courses Notice any remaining required credits
STEP 2 Look at core class recommendations that are marked on the back. These are the courses that your previous teachers have recommended that you take based on your effort and performance in their class. Be sure to circle any required courses that are needed to met graduation requirements.
SCIENCE COURSES All students are required to take Biology and either Chemistry or Physics to graduate plus a 3rd lab science Seniors needing a 3rd required science or want to take any additional science can be choose from the following additional courses: Ecology Anatomy & Physiology AP Environmental Science AP Biology AP Physics AP Chemistry
SCIENCE DESCRIPTIONS Ecology- Develops student understanding of the natural environment and environmental problems the world faces. Biology-Develops student understanding of the diversity and unity of living things. Physics-Studies the interrelationships between matter and energy. Chemistry (CP/Honors)-Develops student understanding of the relevance of chemistry as it relates to standard of living, career choices, and current issues in science and technology. Students must have already passed Algebra 1. (continued)
SCIENCE DESCRIPTIONS CONTINUED Anatomy and Physiology-Students study the body’s structures and respective functions. AP Environmental Science-Students will learn scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the natural world, identify environmental problems, and evaluate risks associated with those problems on a first year college level. Students must have completed Biology and Chemistry and have a teacher recommendation. AP Biology-A year-long accelerated, in-depth course studying molecular and cellular biology, genetics, evolution and organismal and population biology on a first-year college level. Students must have completed Biology and Chemistry and have a teacher recommendation. (continued)
SCIENCE DESCRIPTIONS CONTINUED AP Chemistry-A year long course offering accelerated in-depth coverage on chemistry topics in the areas of structure and states of matter, kinetic theory, chemical reactions including kinetics, and the concepts of thermodynamics on a first year college level. Students must have already passed Chemistry (usually Honors), Algebra 1 and 2, have a teacher recommendation, and also be enrolling in an advanced math. Honors/AP Physics-A year long course where students study the interrelationships between matter and energy at a more accelerated pace that leads into the first year college level AP course covering Newtonian mechanics; work, energy and sound; and mechanical waves and sounds. Students must have already passed Geometry, have a teacher recommendation, and be currently enrolled in Alg. 2 or have already passes Alg. 2.
SENIOR MATH OPTIONS Bridge Math Applied Mathematical Concepts Statistics CP Honors Pre-Calculus AP Calculus AB *Based on teacher recommendation
English and social studies Current teachers recommend English and Social Studies classes. English choices are English 4 CP and Dual Enrollment English. (In order to qualify for DE Eng, students must have at least a 3.0 unweighted GPA and at least the following ACT scores: English 18, Reading 19.) Social Studies choices are Economics CP or Economics AP. All students will take ½ credit of Personal Finance.
UNIVERSITY REQUIREMENT In order to attend a 4-year university, you must pass two levels of the same foreign language and a fine art class. This is also part of your state graduation requirements. If you have not taken a foreign language or do not plan to take a foreign language, you need to speak to Mrs. Gresham about this during your individual registration meeting. You will have additional elective focus requirements to graduate.
ELECTIVE FOCUS Remember that you must have an elective focus to meet graduation requirements. An elective focus is three elective classes in one pathway. You can have a fine art focus (band, art, music classes, etc), humanities focus (yearbook, creative writing, speech, film studies, etc), or a Career and Technical Education focus (Communications classes). There are four pathways in Communications: Digital Design, Web Design, Audio Visual Productions (TV), and Audio Visual Productions (Radio).
COMMUNICATIONS ELECTIVES Digital Design: Focus on design principles and conceptualization process. Learn about photography & image manipulation and use Photoshop, InDesign, and Adobe Illustrator software to produce magazine covers, brochures, posters, etc. Web Design: Learn how to create websites from the ground up. Students will learn to write code to build websites rather than using a template. If all three levels are taken, students can learn to create fully functioning multipage websites.
COMMUNICATIONS ELECTIVES Audio Visual Productions (TV): Students learn about film styles, how to shoot footage, editing techniques, and more. Students will also help create the daily school news. This is a very hands-on class and students will be expected to participate fully to pass the class. Audio Visual Production (Radio): Students learn about the history of radio and how to operate our radio station (91.1 FM). Students will have the chance to DJ, operate the control boards, and choose music to play on-air. **Students must choose between TV and Radio. Unfortunately, you can’t take both.
REVIEW YOUR SELECTIONS Take time during this class to mark your selections on your registration form. You need to choose at least 5 electives and 3 alternates (for a total of 8 selections). Please rank your choices (1, 2, 3….8) so Mrs. Gresham can try to give you classes you really want. You clearly won’t get all of these classes, but it is better for Mrs. Gresham to know the ones you like rather trying to guess. Once you finish filling out your registration sheet, please take out your phone and take a picture of the back. This will be good to keep just in case you misplace your form.
Take home & then return Take your completed registration form home tonight and review it with your parent/guardian. Your parent/guardian must sign the bottom. Return your signed form to Mrs. Gresham no later than Wednesday, Feb. 8. Mrs. Gresham will start individual registration meetings on Thursday and will meet with students who return their forms first. These students will have a better chance of getting the classes they want. Thank you for choosing classes carefully and keeping up with your form! I look forward to meeting with you individually soon! Mrs. Gresham