TEST Coordinator Training February 13 -14, 2017
This training does NOT take the place of reading the appropriate manuals.
Welcome Announcements SAT Updates Modules Review
Test Security Reminders Train Principal, Raters, verifiers, and Proctors. Collect Oaths from all raters, verifiers, Proctors(rater Oath) and file on Campus for 5 years. Submit CTC and Principal TEA oaths to TestSecurity@dallasisd.org Must keep two years of Writing Samples in the LPAC (Blue) folder (Spring 2016 and new Spring 2017) – shred any writing samples in the blue LPAC folder dated prior to Spring 2016. Utilize TELPAS Basic Training Roster/Sign in sheet for Raters to sign (serious like the oath) that they have completed necessary training online if the certificate does not print/save. Must monitor online Calibration sessions – have trained proctor in computer lab (or have teachers bring laptops into a room) – check on proctor/room if it’s a paraprofessional monitoring the lab. Have a sign in sheet/roster also for the online Calibrations that they were present. Writing samples are SECURE test materials that must remain on campus at all time for rating and verifying activities.
TELPAS 5 Year Retention Documents Rating Portion Delivery ticket LEP roster Copies of rating rosters Teacher oaths Copies of teacher certificate for calibrations (if applicable) Copy of your training PowerPoint or training material (plan) Training sign in sheet (also place a copy in your test binder with your campus test security plan) Missing sample list (if applicable) Copies of any irregularity statements (if applicable)
TELPAS 5 Year Retention Documents Online Reading Portion LEP roster Online authorizations and session info Teacher Oaths to administer online sessions Absentee information (must be absent the entire window to count as absent) Seating charts per session Cell phone scripts (if used) Copies of any irregularity statements (if applicable) Copy of paraprofessional form (if applicable) Copy of “O” for other form (must also submit online using template)
RtI Designated Supports Documentation
TELPAS Holistic Rating
General Information about TELPAS Rater Manual Page 1 General Information about TELPAS The assessment components for grades K–1 and 2–12 include the following: ■ Grades K–1 holistically rated observational assessments of listening, speaking, reading, and writing ■ Grades 2–12 multiple-choice online reading tests in six grade clusters: 2, 3, 4–5, 6–7, 8–9, and 10–12 holistically rated student writing collections holistically rated observational assessments of listening and speaking Students’ answers to the reading tests, ratings from the holistically rated assessments, and all other student data are submitted through the TELPAS Assessment Management System. The instructions in this manual explain the responsibilities of raters for the spring 2017.
Manage Assessments of Students who Move DCCM page T30- T31 Manage Assessments of Students who Move If an ELL enrolls in a Texas public school BEFORE March 6, the receiving campus is responsible for ALL TELPAS assessments. If an ELL enrolls ON or AFTER March 6, the receiving campus is only responsible for the grades 2-12 reading test. Sending campuses are responsible for submitting holistic ratings of students who were enrolled before March 6 but withdraw before the close of the testing window.
Rater Credentials Rater Manual Page 9 Have the student in class at the time of the spring assessment window; Be knowledgeable about the student’s ability to use English in instructional and informal settings; Hold valid education credentials such as a teacher certificate or permit; Be appropriately trained in the holistic rating process as required by the TELPAS administration materials in accordance with 19 TAC, Chapter 101; and Rate the student in all eligible language domains.
Verifier Information Verifiers can not serve as raters. Rater Manual Page 21 Verifiers can not serve as raters. Verifiers should complete the “Assembling and Verifying” online training. The writing collection verifier must complete the verification checklist in Appendix C to ensure that Collections that do not meet the requirements will be returned to the rater. Once the collection meets the above requirements, the verifier will initial and sign the verification checklist on the reverse side of the writing collection cover sheet. This affirms that the writing collection has been assembled correctly, as described above.
Online Basic Training Course This course is for new raters and raters who have never completed the online basic training. Returning raters who have not completed calibration activities within the last three school years are required to complete the online basic course before calibrating. It provides instruction on using the PLD rubrics and gives raters practice rating students in each language domain. There are separate courses for K–1 and 2–12. Once you have completed all modules in the K-1 online basic training course, you will be provided a certificate of completion. Submit a copy to your campus TC. For 2-12, once you have completed all modules, please sign the Holistic Online Verification Roster (see your campus TC). You may not proceed to calibration until you have completed the online basic training course and been assigned to a monitored calibration session by your campus. Online Calibration Online calibration must be completed by ALL raters, both new and returning, in a monitored setting. Raters use the PLDs to rate students in each language domain. Raters have two opportunities to calibrate on assigned grade cluster. Failure to pass calibration will not excuse you from rating. For K–1, each set contains 10 students to be rated. You must rate at least 70 percent of the students correctly within a set to demonstrate sufficient calibration. For all other grade clusters, each set contains 12 students to be rated. You must rate at least 67 percent of the students correctly within a set to demonstrate sufficient calibration.
Monitored Calibration Sessions Calibration Grade Clusters Raters must know their assigned grade cluster to select the appropriate online training. Raters should consult with their campus coordinator if they are unsure of their assigned cluster. Elementary Grade Clusters Grades K–1 Grade 2 Grades 3–5 Secondary Grade Clusters Grades 6–8 Grades 9–12 Monitored Calibration Sessions Raters must begin with calibration set 1. If successful, a certificate will be available in the scoring summary tab of the TELPAS Online Training Center. The certificate should be printed and turned in to the proctor. If raters are unsuccessful on set 1, they will be notified by testing coordinator when monitored session for set 2 will be held. The rater must study at least a day before attempting another online calibration. After completing a calibration set, raters immediately see results and annotations explaining the correct ratings. Raters will need 1-2 hours to complete a calibration set. Raters must finish a calibration set once it is started. They will not be able to save their progress and return later to complete the set.
Monitored Calibration Sign-in
What happens if a rater is unsuccessful in calibrating? Will raters be able to refer to any resources during calibration activities? Yes, raters should use their rating rubrics (PLDs) and TELPAS Rater Manual, as needed. Any notes taken during calibration should be done on the scratch paper provided and not in the TELPAS manual. At the end of each calibration session, all notes taken by raters must be turned into the proctor and destroyed. What happens if a rater is unsuccessful in calibrating? Two outcomes are possible for individuals who complete the calibration activities but are not successful: The district may choose not to assign the individual to be a TELPAS rater. If the individual is needed to serve as a rater, the district must implement rater support procedures to ensure that the rater’s students are evaluated consistent with the rating rubrics. Any notes taken during calibration should be done on the scratch paper provided and not in the TELPAS manual. At the end of each calibration session, all notes taken by raters must be turned into the proctor and destroyed. The practice activities in the online basic training course illustrate how to interpret and apply the rubrics. The student examples serve as anchors for raters to use to ensure they are all interpreting the rubrics the same way when evaluating students. The PLDs, explanatory information provided during training, and student examples are all used to support rating consistency. Individuals are not authorized to serve as raters unless they complete all required training components.
Course and Calibration Certificates Once you have completed all modules in the online basic training course, you will sign the holistic verification training log provided by your campus test coordinator. After you have successfully calibrated, go to the scoring summary tab of the TELPAS Online Training Center to access a certificate. Print a copy and turn it in to the session proctor. It is a violation of state assessment procedures to share or discuss answers to the rating practice activities with individuals who have not yet completed the course. TELPAS testing violations must be reported as indicated in the “Test Security and Confidentiality Requirements” section at the front of this manual. Continuing education credit hours will be indicated on the training certificates. Five continuing education credit hours will be available for completing the online basic training courses (K–1 and 2–12), and two hours will be provided for calibration. For calibration, raters will receive a certificate only if they calibrate. A rater’s training history will not be kept in the TELPAS Online Training Center. Raters will create a new account in the TELPAS Online Training Center each year. Accounts and calibration certificates will be purged from the new training site at the end of each training window. It is important for raters to keep their training certificates and submit copies to testing coordinators as proof of completed training.
Rater Manual Appendix Each rater will need to complete a Student Rating Roster Sheet. The rater must complete Student Name, grade level, rating, rater information, and appropriate signatures All student writing samples must have the cover sheet listed below. All information must be completed.
Samples Required Each collection contains at least five total writing samples; Each writing collection includes at least one sample that elicits the use of past tense and at least two academic writing samples from mathematics, science, or social studies; All writing assignments include the student’s name and date; No writing samples collected before February 13, 2017; No papers showing teacher corrections are included; No worksheets or question-answer assignments are included; and Each collection includes samples written primarily in English.
Papers Not to Include Papers containing copied language Rater Manual Page 20 Papers Not to Include Papers containing copied language Papers in which student relies heavily on resources (dictionary, thesaurus, etc.) Papers showing teacher comments and corrections Worksheets and question-answer assignments Papers that have been polished with help from peers or teachers Papers written primarily in student’s native language Papers that are brief, incomplete, or rushed The types of papers shown on the slide should be avoided because they interfere with the ability to measure the student’s overall English language writing proficiency. Copied language: It is normal and appropriate for students to refer to instructional materials when writing during content area instruction. Copied language becomes a problem when students copy sentences or paragraphs from instructional resources rather than expressing and connecting ideas themselves. Heavy reliance on dictionaries and thesauruses: Use of a dictionary or thesaurus is a normal and appropriate instructional practice, and these resources are real-world tools. Teachers should not include a writing sample if the student relied so heavily on dictionaries or other resources that it obscures the ability to portray the student’s overall English language writing proficiency across the samples. Software that suggests ways to correct misspelled words and/or improve other elements of writing should not be used.
Rater Manual Pages 23-35 Rubrics for each domain: listening, speaking, reading and writing began on page 31 of the rater manual.
PART 2 TELPAS Online Reading Grades 2-12
Testing Time and Accommodations Reading Test Administrator Manual Pages 8-9 Testing Time and Accommodations TELPAS reading tests are not timed. Students must be allowed to work at their individual speed. Once a student begins a test, he or she must complete it on the same day. The following Designated Support accommodations(approved locally) are for eligible students with disabilities taking the TELPAS reading tests. Individualized structured reminders Amplification devices Projection devices Manipulating test materials Basic transcribing Large print (Contact Us) The following procedures are not permitted, as they may invalidate the test. Students may not receive reading assistance. Students may not use English-language or foreign-language reference materials. Test questions and reading selections may not be translated. Test questions, answer choices, and selections may not be rephrased, clarified, or read to students.
Reading Test Administrator Manual Testing Security Reading Test Administrator Manual Pages 18-19 Students are NOT permitted Internet access nor cell phones during testing. Test administrators must complete seating charts for each test administration. Seating charts must include the names of the students testing, the location of each student while testing, and the names of all test administrators/monitors involved in the session. Test administrators may not view or discuss individual test questions or responses unless specifically directed to by the test procedures. Test administrators should ensure that students’ responses remain confidential. Students are not allowed to talk to one another while testing is in progress. Students must not use reference materials. Students are allowed to use scratch paper. All scratch paper must be turned in to the campus coordinator after testing. Test administrators must actively monitor the testing room while students are working. After they submit their tests online, students may be allowed to quietly read books or leave the testing room. Before a student who has finished testing leaves the room, the test administrator must ensure that the student’s test is in “Completed” status.
Manual Quick Reference Creating and Adding Students to a Session – pg. 15 (Reading Manual) pg. 36 (Rater Manual) Generating and Printing Student Authorization Tickets – pg. 16 (Reading Manual) Starting a Session – pg. 22 (Reading Manual) pg. 38 (Rater Manual) Monitoring a Session – pg. 23 (Reading Manual) Exiting a Student’s Session (i.e. to take a break) – pg. 39 (Rater Manual)
Manual Quick Reference Resuming a Student’s Session – pg. 24 (Reading Manual) pg. 39-40 (Rater Manual) Stopping a Session – pg. 25 (Reading Manual) pg. 40 (Rater Manual) Entering Score Code and Accommodations & Proficiency Ratings – pg. 26-28 (Reading Manual) pg. 41-43 (Rater Manual – Proficiency Ratings section) Marking a Session Complete – pg. 27 (Reading Manual) pg. 41-42 (Rater Manual)
Reading Manual Quick Reference Administration Directions for Grades 2-5 begin on page 31. Be sure to read directions in advance to become familiar with the script. Administration Directions for Grades 6-12 begin on page 37. Be sure to read directions in advance to become familiar with the script.
Critical Deadlines If you have never logged onto TELPAS online training, (https://tx.scoring.pearsonassessments.com/scoring/), you must self register. The code is training2017. Be sure to choose Region -10 Richardson and select our district. Feb 10 - Deadline for teachers who will serve as verifiers should have completed online training. (Verifiers can not serve as raters.) Feb 13 - Online calibration window for ALL teachers scheduled to rate TELPAS rating samples. Calibrations must be completed individually and in a monitored setting. Feb 13 - Writing Samples for TELPAS writing collections may begin. March 6 - April 5 - TELPAS Reading Assessment Window. April 6 – 7 - Campus Test Coordinator check and update “resolution required” status in Pearson Access Next
February Important Reminders
March Important Reminders
SNA Website Updates www.dallasisd.org/sna
SNA Website Updates Under Coordinator Resources Tab 01/30, 01/31-2017 Testing Coordinator Trainings State Assessment Program Overview PowerPoint STAAR Alternate 2 Handout ELL Handout of Accommodations Accommodations Handout Spring Test Coordinator Monthly Calendar TELPAS Holistic Training Verification Log TELPAS Clarity Form Commonly Used Acronyms 2017 Classroom Accommodations- Language and Vocabulary Supports and Content Supports Magnet Testing Criteria TEI Memo Definition of ELL Identification Codes
SNA Website Updates Under Coordinator Resources Tab TETNs Jan 24 TETN Spring 2017 ELL Updates Under Assessments Tab TELPAS 2017 TELPAS Resources TELPAS Reading: TELPAS Rater Manual TELPAS Staff Training PPT- holistic rating 2017 Holistic Online Basic Verification Log TELPAS Calibration Roster TELPAS sample plan
SNA Website Updates TELPAS Reading Needed for Both TELPAS Reading Test Administrator Manual TELPAS Staff Training-online reading 2017 Setting up Sessions in Pearson Access Next 2 TELPAS Reading: sample Session Planner TELPAS Reading: Start and Stop Sessions Needed for Both TELPAS Clarity Form 2017
Question & Answers
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