eTESDA Project Management Unit In the Digital Era eTESDA Project Management Unit
TESDA Vision TESDA Mission The transformational leader in the technical education and skills development of the Filipino workforce TESDA Mission TESDA sets direction, promulgates relevant standards and implements programs geared towards a quality-assured and inclusive skills development and certification system eTESDA Project Management Unit |
TESD Quick Facts 3,995 TVET Institutions TESDA is responsible for Quality Assured TVET 3,995 TVET Institutions 9% public, 91% private 15,674 TVET Programs registered 2.27 M Enrolled in 2016 TVET Institutions register their programs with TESDA before offering to the public All public and private institutions report outputs of training programs to TESDA 2.15 M Graduates in 2016 eTESDA Project Management Unit |
TESD Quick Facts 263 Training Regulations TESDA is responsible for Quality Assured TVET 263 Training Regulations 1.51 M Assessed in 2016 1.39 M Certified in 2016 (92%) 5,580 Competency Assessors 1,450 Assessment Centers TESDA builds Assessment and Certification Infrastructure TESDA Issues National Certificates to passers of National Assessment 14,000 Certified Trainers eTESDA Project Management Unit |
What is the TESDA Online Program (TOP)? What is TESDA Online Program? The TESDA Online Program (TOP) is an open educational resource that aims to make technical education accessible to more Filipino citizens through the use of information and communication technology. This presentation will focus on the design, development to implementation of the project. The TESDA Online Program (TOP) is an open educational resource that aims to make technical education accessible to more Filipino citizens, through the use of information and communication technology. eTESDA Project Management Unit |
TOP Objectives \ To broaden access and opportunities to quality TVET by harnessing technology To improve quality of TVET delivery through standardized content of TVET programs To increase absorptive capacity of TVET institutions To expand TESDA services beyond borders eTESDA Project Management Unit |
TOP Concept GET A JOB! BE A CERTIFIED WORKER PRACTICE THE SKILLS 2011 GET A JOB! BE A CERTIFIED WORKER The program is conceived to provide opportunities to the citizens by offering free online TVET courses and learning materials. With this, we are providing them a chance to get skills and be certified to improve their chances of getting a job. The TOP courses are MOOCs. According to Sir John Daniel, CEO of the COL, Massive Open Online Courses or MOOCs became an educational buzzword in 2012. A MOOC is a course that is free, open, distributed and supports life-long networked learning. It has course materials, participants, start and end date, but it is not a school. PRACTICE THE SKILLS FREE ONLINE TVET EDUCATION (MOOC) eTESDA Project Management Unit |
Traditional Face-to-Face Learning Model Center Center AC Practice Certify Work Learn Center Center Traditional Face-to-Face Learning Model AC eTESDA Project Management Unit |
TESDA Online Program ‘Learn to Work’ Model Online Home AC Practice Certify Work Learn Online Home TESDA Online Program ‘Learn to Work’ Model AC eTESDA Project Management Unit |
eTESDA in action As we develop these learning materials, we always ask of these five (5) things: Is it innovative? Did we think out of the box? Is it aligned to the standards? Is it learner-centered? Do we take into consideration the learner and his learning styles? Is it easy to understand? Is it suitable for self-paced learning? In house development team, industry subject matter experts work together to develop the online courses
TOP is accessible from your PCs, tablets and mobile phones Using your personal computers, tablets or even your mobile phones, you can access the website by typing into your search bar ‘’. TOP is accessible from your PCs, tablets and mobile phones Visit and register! eTESDA Project Management Unit |
Electronics Agriculture TOP COURSES Automotive Entrepreneurship Upon checking the website, you can browse through our wide range of categories from hard skills to soft skills trade. Agriculture Electronics Heating, Ventilation & Air conditioning TOP COURSES eTESDA Project Management Unit |
ICT Maritime Tourism Human Healthcare TOP COURSES Trainers Methodology Example of which are Food and Beverage Servicing NC II, Cookery NC II, Housekeeping NC II among others. Human Healthcare Maritime Trainers Methodology TOP COURSES eTESDA Project Management Unit |
Number of Registered Users eTESDA Project Management Unit |
Number of Registered Users As of May 2017 eTESDA Project Management Unit |
Use of the TOP in Blended Learning: Case of the TESDA Women’s Center
Findings Number of training hours spent by the trainees show that on the average, the trainees spent 213 hours or 26.6 days (46%) only to complete the Blended Food and Beverage Services NC II compared to 472 hours or 3 months nominal duration of the regular Food and Beverage Services NC II. Number of trainees increased by 150% more 100% Certification Rate eTESDA Project Management Unit |
Empowering Overseas Filipino Workers Upgrade skills Expand Capacity in A & C Shift from vulnerable to decent jobs Increase income opportunities
Technologies used in Empowering Overseas Filipino Workers Assessment F2F Skype Training Online Program FB / Social Media Coordination Email, Other Mobile Apps
Opportunities Unlimited courses, unlimited users Availability of technology New frameworks of mediation Help desks? Facilitators? In pure online mode Leadership support Strategic Alignment eTESDA Project Management Unit |
TESDA Online Program (TOP) 2017 - 2020 Vision Globally competent Filipino workforce with 21st century skills acquired thru TOP Mission To expand access to technical education and skills development program, either in online or offline mode Objectives Develop more TOP Courses in complete packages Institutionalize TOP through blended programs in TESDA Technology Institutions Upgrade capability of Trainers in eLearning materials development eTESDA Project Management Unit |
Executive Director, Certification Office, TESDA Thank you for your attention Maria Susan P. Dela Rama Executive Director, Certification Office, TESDA Manager, eTESDA PMU eTESDA Project Management Unit |