Sprinkler Irrigation System Synopsis Presentation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Technology In Agricultural Engineering (2016-17) Submitted to Dr. APJ ABDUL KALAM TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY, LUCKNOW (U.P.) Under the Guidance: Mr. Kamlendra Kr Yadav Head, Department of Agricultural Engineering & Mr. Amardeep Yadav, Lecturer Submitted By: Ajay Bhardwaj (1352380001) Alok Pratap Singh (1352380006) Anita (1352380009) Anshul Dev Verma (1352380010) Ashish Kumar Patel (1352380013) Ashok Kumar (1352380014) Preeti Dixit (1452380901) Rohit Kumar Sonkar (1352380042) Rajiv Kumar (1352380037) Vision Institute of Technology, Kanpur Session – 2016-17
Introduction It is approve that 50% of irrigated water is actually used by plants & the remaining water resources are wasted. Sprinklers irrigation system saves up to 50% of water compared to surface irrigation method. Sprinkle irrigation is the method of irrigation by which water is sprayed on the land surface in the form of artificial rain. To create the precipitation, water under pressure is ejected through the nozzle of a device called a sprinkler.
Fig. Sprinkler
Objectives consumption of water to irrigate the crops 1. To develop a smart irrigation system in order to get a significant saving in the consumption of water to irrigate the crops 2. To control the water application convenient for giving light and frequent irrigation and higher water application efficiency. To use soluble fertilizers and chemicals. To provide sufficient flow capacity to meet the irrigation demand. To reduce the erosion of soil that is common in surface irrigation system. To conduct fundamental and applied research in water management.
Material & Methods Pump Unit 2. Main Pipe & Secondary Pipe 3. The Laterals 4. The Sprinkler
Perforated Pipe Sprinkler Irrigation System 1. Portable system 2. Semi portable system 3. Semi permanent system 4. Solid set system 5. Permanent system
Components of Sprinkler Irrigation System 1. Pump unit 2. Tubings- main/submains and laterals 3. Couplers 4. Sprinker head 5. Other accessories such as valves, bends, plugs and risers.
Fig. Component of Sprinkler Irrigation System
Technical Aspects of Sprinklers Irrigation System 1. Map of the Area 2. Type of crops 3. Soil 4. Available water 5. Climate 6. Depth of Irrigation 7. Irrigation Interval 8. Well Capacity 9. Water Quality
Design of Sprinkler Irrigation System 1. Main should be laid up and down hill. 2. Lateral should be laid across the slope or nearly on the contour. 3. For multiple lateral operation, lateral pipe sizes should not be more than two diameter. 4. Water supply source should be nearest to the center of the area. 5. Layout should facilitate and minimize lateral movement during the season. 6. Booster pump should be considered where small portion of field would require high pressure at the pump. 7. Layout should be modified to apply different rates and amounts of water where soils are greatly different in the design area.
Significance of Sprinkler Irrigation System Save Time: Irrigation systems work on their own, so no more wasting time manually watering. Now you have more time to do the things you love, while your lawn gets what it needs to thrive. Save Money: The benefits of an irrigation system outweigh the initial cost of the system, which will pay for itself sooner than you think. Save Water: Installing an irrigation system can conserve water while maintaining a healthy landscape.
Saving Green, Conserving Blue Conclusion Saving Green, Conserving Blue
References 1. Anil, A. , Thampi, A.R. , Prathap, J.M. , Shanthi, K.J. , “Project HARITHA - An automated irrigation system for home gardens” , IEEE India Annual Conference (INDICON), Kochi, pp 635-639,Dec.-2012. 2. En.wikipedia.org/Wiki/Irrigation_Sprinkler. 3. FAO (1982) Mechanised sprinkler irrigation. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper No. 35. Rome. 4. FAO (1988) Irrigation Water Management: Irrigation methods, FAO. Rome. 5. Kulkarni, S.A., F.B. Reinders and F. Ligetvari (2006) Global Scenario of Sprinkler in Micro-Irrigated Areas. Sept 10 – 16 2006, PWTC, Kuala Lumpur 7th International Micro Irrigation Congress. 6. Mishra HS, Rathore TR, Tomar VS (1995). Water use efficiency of irrigated wheat in the Terai region of India. Irrigation Science, 16: 75–80. 7. Savva, A. P. and K. Frenken (2002) Irrigation Manual Planning, Development Monitoring and Evaluation of Irrigated Agriculture with Farmer Participation. Volume Modules 1 – 6. 8. Soil Conservation Practice (1983). Sprinkler irrigation, Chapter II, Section 13, national Engineering handbook, U.S.. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation service, 121 pp.
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