Outcome Metrics and Industry-Recognized Certification Reporting November, 2016
Follow Up Collection AY2016 Follow Up Download from AY2016 KSPSD Data Collection open January 5, 2017 – February 15, 2017 TSA Industry-Recognized Certification Active Listing (TSA Credential Active Listing) Accessible via KHEDS, “Program Inventory” tab Downloadable to Excel
Industry-Recognized Certification Requests Requesting additional certifications to be added: Program Name CIP code Exit Point(s) Test Name & industry recognized certification name being requested for addition The website link you are using as a reference, which includes information on: ISO 17024 Conformity Assessment – General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons of the test/credential you are requesting The test information The credential information
Aligned Program Industry-Recognized Certifications Industry-recognized credentials/certifications and Program Alignment process: Credentials/certifications for each individual exit point identified http://www.kansasregents.org/workforce_de velopment/program_alignment Resources section “Aligned Program Industry-Recognized Certification (Credential) Listing”
Outcome Metrics History HB 2556 established the TEA in 2007 and includes a statutory provision to develop Outcome Metrics (K.S.A. 72-4482, sub‐section 4): “Develop benchmarks and accountability indicators of programs to be utilized in the awarding of state funding and make recommendations relating thereto to the state board of regents” • Spring/Summer 2012: Input collected from key B&I stakeholders and colleges • Fall 2012: TEA recommends and KBOR approved • Measures identified: • Employment • Wages • Credentials
Outcome Metrics Measures Performance-based funding pilot Institutions may receive incentive funding by achieving metrics Measures & Targets: Of the students completing an approved exit point and exiting postsecondary education; 80% must be employed by the end of the 2nd quarter following the end of the academic year the wage for those students must be 95% of the statewide entry level wage for the occupation corresponding to the field of study as reported in the Kansas DOL Wage Survey 90% must earn the industry‐recognized program credential documented per program alignment
Target Development Foresight 2020 goals provided guiding rationale to determine student cohort and develop targets to align with state level goals. Specifically: “Increase, to 60%, the number of Kansas adults that have a certificate, credential, associate’s degree or bachelor’s degree by 2020”, and to “Achieve a ten percentage point increase in retention and graduation rates.”
Target Development: Employment and Credentials Credential attainment and employment targets set based on system‐level performance on Perkins Core Indicators (Council of Occupational Education (COE) benchmarks are lower than Kansas system-level performance. Higher Learning Commission (HLC) does not measure these performance metrics) Core Indicator 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 1P1: Skill Attainment 89.47% 90.52% 92.34% 93.30% 4P1: Student Placement with DOL Results 85.59% 79.93% 80.68% 79.88%
Target Development: Wages To set a target for wages, statewide entry level wage data by occupation was used. 95% of the statewide average wage was recommended as target in response to concerns regarding regional wage variance.
Pilot Program Parameters Perkins requirements applicable to use of incentive funds Minimum of at least FIVE students must complete an exit point and exit postsecondary education for each measure reported (FERPA and HEOA guidelines) for incentive funding eligibility Participating programs must meet minimum targets in all 3 metrics for incentive funding eligibility
Special Thanks to… Coffeyville Community College Colby Community College Cowley Community College Neosho County Community College North Central Kansas Technical College Northwest Kansas Technical College Pratt Community College Salina Area Technical College Seward County Community College Washburn Institute of Technology For volunteering for the first two years of the pilot program!
Outcome Metrics Pilot Programs Automotive Collision and Repair Automotive Technology Construction Dental Hygiene Diesel Technology Electrical Technology HVAC Practical Nursing Medical Assistant Occupational Therapy Assistant Registered Nursing Respiratory Therapy Welding Physical Therapist Assistant
Program Alignment Requirements Please note requirements for programs your institution offers All information on Program Alignment can be found: http://www.kansasregents.org/workforce_dev elopment/program_alignment Industry-recognized certifications required are specific to each “exit point”
And now… 3rd year of the pilot included all of the same 14 program areas; expanding to include all institutions delivering these programs. All institutions participate in all programs they offer which are in the pilot program list. (TEA approved October, 2015) Incentive funding will continue to be provided from the Carl D. Perkins grant, adjusting according to funding availability and number of programs reaching targets AY2015 results will be presented to the TEA during the January 2017 meeting. (Incentive fund and grant timeframes to be determined.) The pilot programs meeting all three targets, based on AY2015 data, will receive recognition funding for those programs that met all three metrics (amounts to be determined) For those programs meeting at least two metrics, institutions will have the opportunity to apply for grant funds (Outcome Metrics Performance Enhancement) per program to improve results in one of the pilot programs offered at the institution (amounts to be determined)
Results Sources The Kansas Training Information Program (K-TIP) provides institution results for: percentage of graduates exiting postsecondary education and becoming employed, and the wage for those students as reported in the Kansas DOL Wage Survey or from institution Follow Up Collection Industry-recognized program credentials earned in accordance with Program Alignment requirements results comes from Institution Follow Up Collection
Aligned program industry-recognized credential/certification example
Contacts Connie Beene, Senior Director of Adult and Career Technical Education 785-430-4271 April Henry, Director for Workforce Development 785-430-4276 Charmine Chambers, Associate Director for Workforce Development/Data/Finance 785-430-4273