Victor proposes to Bertha.


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Presentation transcript:

Victor proposes to Bertha.

Victor proposes to Bertha. - Bertha accepts since previously unmatched. Victor

Wyatt proposes to Diane. Bertha Diane Wyatt Wyatt proposes to Diane. Victor

Wyatt proposes to Diane. - Diane accepts since previously unmatched. Bertha Diane Wyatt proposes to Diane. - Diane accepts since previously unmatched. Victor Wyatt

Xavier proposes to Bertha. Diane Bertha Xavier Xavier proposes to Bertha. Victor Wyatt

Xavier proposes to Bertha. - Bertha dumps Victor and accepts Xavier. Diane Bertha Xavier proposes to Bertha. - Bertha dumps Victor and accepts Xavier. Xavier Victor Wyatt

Victor proposes to Amy. Bertha Amy Victor Diane Bertha Xavier Victor Wyatt

- Amy accepts since previously unmatched. Bertha Amy Diane Bertha Victor proposes to Amy. - Amy accepts since previously unmatched. Victor Xavier Victor Wyatt

Yancey proposes to Amy. Bertha Amy Diane Bertha Amy Yancey Victor Xavier Victor Wyatt

- Amy rejects since she prefers Victor. Bertha Amy Diane Bertha Amy Yancey proposes to Amy. - Amy rejects since she prefers Victor. Victor Yancey Xavier Victor Wyatt

Yancey proposes to Diane. Bertha Amy Diane Bertha Amy Diane Yancey Yancey proposes to Diane. Victor Yancey Xavier Victor Wyatt

Yancey proposes to Diane. - Diane dumps Wyatt and accepts Yancey. Bertha Amy Diane Bertha Amy Diane Yancey proposes to Diane. - Diane dumps Wyatt and accepts Yancey. Victor Yancey Xavier Victor Yancey Wyatt

Wyatt proposes to Bertha. Amy Diane Bertha Wyatt Bertha Amy Diane Wyatt proposes to Bertha. Victor Yancey Xavier Victor Yancey Wyatt

Wyatt proposes to Bertha. - Bertha rejects since she prefers Xavier. Amy Diane Bertha Bertha Amy Diane Wyatt proposes to Bertha. - Bertha rejects since she prefers Xavier. Victor Yancey Xavier Wyatt Victor Yancey Wyatt

Wyatt proposes to Amy. Bertha Amy Diane Bertha Amy Wyatt Bertha Amy Victor Yancey Xavier Wyatt Victor Yancey Wyatt

- Amy rejects since she prefers Victor. Bertha Amy Diane Bertha Amy Wyatt Bertha Amy Diane Wyatt proposes to Amy. - Amy rejects since she prefers Victor. Victor Yancey Xavier Wyatt Victor Yancey Wyatt

Wyatt proposes to Clare. Bertha Amy Clare Wyatt Diane Bertha Amy Wyatt Bertha Amy Diane Wyatt proposes to Clare. Victor Yancey Xavier Wyatt Victor Yancey Wyatt

Wyatt proposes to Clare. - Clare accepts since previously unmatched. Bertha Amy Diane Bertha Amy Wyatt Clare Bertha Amy Diane Wyatt proposes to Clare. - Clare accepts since previously unmatched. Victor Yancey Xavier Wyatt Victor Wyatt Yancey Wyatt

Zeus proposes to Bertha. Amy Diane Bertha Amy Wyatt Clare Bertha Amy Diane Bertha Zeus Zeus proposes to Bertha. Victor Yancey Xavier Wyatt Victor Wyatt Yancey Wyatt

Zeus proposes to Bertha. - Bertha rejects since she prefers Xavier. Amy Diane Bertha Amy Wyatt Clare Bertha Amy Diane Bertha Zeus Zeus proposes to Bertha. - Bertha rejects since she prefers Xavier. Victor Yancey Xavier Wyatt Victor Wyatt Yancey Wyatt

Zeus proposes to Diane. Bertha Amy Diane Bertha Amy Wyatt Clare Bertha Victor Yancey Xavier Wyatt Victor Wyatt Yancey Wyatt

- Diane rejects Yancey and accepts Zeus. Bertha Amy Diane Bertha Amy Wyatt Clare Bertha Amy Diane Bertha Zeus Diane Zeus Zeus proposes to Diane. - Diane rejects Yancey and accepts Zeus. Victor Yancey Xavier Wyatt Victor Wyatt Yancey Wyatt

Yancey proposes to Clare. Bertha Amy Diane Bertha Amy Wyatt Clare Bertha Amy Diane Clare Yancey Bertha Zeus Diane Zeus Yancey proposes to Clare. Victor Yancey Xavier Wyatt Victor Wyatt Yancey Wyatt

Yancey proposes to Clare. - Clare rejects since she prefers Wyatt. Bertha Amy Diane Bertha Amy Wyatt Clare Bertha Amy Diane Clare Yancey Bertha Zeus Diane Zeus Yancey proposes to Clare. - Clare rejects since she prefers Wyatt. Victor Yancey Xavier Wyatt Victor Wyatt Yancey Wyatt

Yancey proposes to Bertha. Amy Diane Bertha Amy Wyatt Clare Bertha Amy Diane Bertha Yancey Clare Yancey Bertha Zeus Diane Zeus Yancey proposes to Bertha. Victor Yancey Xavier Wyatt Victor Wyatt Yancey Wyatt

Yancey proposes to Bertha. - Bertha rejects since she prefers Xavier. Amy Diane Bertha Amy Wyatt Clare Bertha Amy Diane Bertha Yancey Clare Yancey Bertha Zeus Diane Zeus Yancey proposes to Bertha. - Bertha rejects since she prefers Xavier. Victor Yancey Xavier Wyatt Victor Wyatt Yancey Wyatt

Yancey proposes to Erika. Bertha Amy Diane Bertha Amy Wyatt Clare Bertha Amy Erika Yancey Diane Bertha Yancey Clare Yancey Bertha Zeus Diane Zeus Yancey proposes to Erika. Victor Yancey Xavier Wyatt Victor Wyatt Yancey Wyatt

Yancey proposes to Erika. - Erika accepts since previously unmatched. Bertha Amy Diane Bertha Amy Wyatt Clare Bertha Amy Diane Clare Yancey Bertha Yancey Erika Bertha Zeus Diane Zeus Yancey proposes to Erika. - Erika accepts since previously unmatched. Victor Yancey Xavier Wyatt Victor Wyatt Yancey Wyatt Yancey

STOP - Everyone matched. - Stable matching! Bertha Amy Diane Bertha Wyatt Clare Bertha Amy Diane Clare Yancey Bertha Yancey Erika Bertha Zeus Diane Zeus STOP - Everyone matched. - Stable matching! Victor Yancey Xavier Wyatt Victor Wyatt Yancey Wyatt Yancey