Personal Protective Equipment for Chemical Handling
Introduction More and more chemicals are handled today than ever before. Unless proper precautions are taken. Chemicals can cause physical injury, ill health, diseases, death or even property damage. Chemicals can be in the form of solids, liquids, gases, vapors and mists. They are used for various purposes. However like fire, chemicals can also be good servants and bad masters, unless treated with respect. While all necessary measures have been taken through engineering design and control and the use of personal protective equipment, the user must still observe basic safety rules in order to complement efforts in overcoming chemical hazards.
Identifying Chemical Hazards Ignitable Chemicals Reactive Chemicals Corrosive Chemicals Toxic Chemicals
Ignitable Chemicals Liquids, other than aqueous solutions containing less than 24% alcohol by volume, with a flash point less than 60 degree Celsius Solids that are capable, under standard temperature and pressure, of causing fire through friction, absorption of moisture or spontaneous chemical changes which, when ignited, burn so vigorously and persistently that they create a hazard Ignitable compressed gases Oxidizers
Reactive Chemicals Normally unstable and readily undergo violent change without detonating Violently reactive with water Able to form potentially explosive mixtures with water Generating toxic gases, vapors or fumes when mixed with water Capable of detonating or explosive decomposition at standard temperature and pressure Forbidden explosives
Corrosive Chemicals Is aqueous and has a pH < 2 or pH > 12.5 It is a liquid and corrodes steel at a rate greater than 6.35mm per year at test temperature of 55 degree celsius. It is also a substance that cause visible destruction of materials including the skin or eyes upon contact Two groups - ACIDS & BASES
Toxic Chemicals Substance that has a noxious effect on the body – reversible or irreversible Any chemically induced tumor – benign or malignant; or death as a result of contact with a substance via the respiratory tract, skin, eye, mouth or any other route Toxicity is dependent upon the degree of exposure Highly toxic materials are referred to as POISONS
Selecting PPEs For Chemical Handling Personal protective equipment (PPE) is often referred to as the least desirable way to protect workers from hazards It is the “last line of defense” against harmful substances, to be used only when other controls have failed to eliminate or isolate the hazard But to a worker in a hazardous environment, PPE is not a last resort. It is the second skin that keeps the worker healthy. Far from being the “third line of defense”, it is the “first line of protection “. PPE must be properly selected and fitted, and workers must be properly trained in its use, application and maintenance There is no replacement for PPE in many situations - It is the logical first choice!! PPE should be considered an integral part of worker protection, not an option of last resort
Eyes and Face Protection Goggles & Face shields must be worn when there is a hazard from chemical splash Always choose a goggle or a face shield that has good chemical resistant. Acetate lens vs Polycarbonate lens Wide vision, must be able to wear over prescription spectacle Good ventilation – Direct vent vs Indirect vent
Respiratory Protection Respiratory protection controls occupational diseases caused by breathing air contaminated with harmful contaminants such as dusts, fumes, mists, gases & vapors Suitable respirators must be used for optimum protection Respirators selected on the basis of the specific hazards Respiratory Protection Program must be established and users train on use, maintenance, and limitations of respirators
Respirator Selection Flow Chart
Protective Respiratory Devices Two basic types of respirators exist: Supplied-Air Respirators (SAR) – like SCBA, provide the highest level of respiratory protection Air Purifying Respirators (APR)
Air Purifying Respirators Three Basic Types: Powered, disposable, and chemical cartridge or canister Powered air-purifying respirators deliver filtered air under positive pressure to a face piece mask, helmet, or hood, which provides respiratory and ocular protection Nonpowered APRs operate under negative pressure, depending on the respiratory effort of the wearer to draw air through a filter PAPRs function under positive pressure, they provide the greatest degree of respiratory protection Limitation of Use Must be inspected & maintained
Hand Protection Hand protection must be worn when exposed to hazards from: Absorption of harmful chemicals Chemical burns Harmful temperature extremes Severe cuts or lacerations and abrasions Punctures
Selecting Hand Protection Based on task performed, conditions present, duration of use and potential hazards No glove can protect against all hazards Assess performance characteristics against hazards Request documentation from manufacturer that gloves meet test standards for the hazards anticipated – Chemical Permeation data, etc. Determine the degree of dexterity required, frequency and degree of exposure to a hazards, and physical stresses applied to gloves Determine toxic properties of chemicals. Is chemical able to pass through skin, etc. Generally, any “chemical resistant” glove can be used for dry powders Users must be able to remove gloves without contaminating skin
Types of Chemical Gloves Disposable Gloves - Latex, Nitrile Use mainly for product protection and protect against mild irritants Resuable Gloves Natural Rubber : Poor against oils, greases and organics. Use against bases, alcohols, dilute water solutions. Usually low cost Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) : Medium chemical resistance. Use against acids and bases & alcohols. Usually low cost Neoprene : Use against oxidizing acids, anilines, phenol. Good chemical resistance and medium physical properties, medium cost
Types of Chemical Gloves Resuable Gloves Nitrile : Poor against benzene, methylene chloride and many ketones. Use against oils, greases, aliphatic & alicyclic chemicals, dilute to semi-conc acids & alcohols. Low cost, excellent physical properties, dexterity Butyl : Speciality glove, poor against hydrocarbons & chlorinated solvents. Use against dilute to conc. acids, Ketones & Esters. Expensive Viton : Speciality glove, poor against esters, ketones & amines. Use against dilute to conc. Acids, Aromatics, chlorinated solvents, Aliphatics and alcohols. Extremely Expensive
Body Protection While generally not thought of as personal protective equipment, the clothes we wear to work may form an important link between the company dress code and job safety. What is considered “safe” clothing for work? For some jobs ordinary clothing – clean, in good repair, and suited to the work involved For jobs involving hazardous processes, special protective clothing is required Aluminized and Reflective clothing – reflects radiant heat Heat resistant clothing – protects against intense conducted heat and against flames
Body Protection Impervious materials (rubber, neoprene, etc) – protects against dust, vapours, mist, moisture and corrosive materials Synthetic fibers – for emergency situations such as chemical spills, gas leaks, etc Water-resistant duct – protect from water and non corrosive liquids Disposable – temporary clothing that would be worn for a job and disposed after use
Chemical Boots Safety shoes & boots are not designed for protection against chemicals Use at least rubber boots for general chemical handling For protection against hazardous chemicals, HAZMAT boots must be worn
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