Music Let’s Rock! and What a load of rubbish! Autumn Lower KS2 Cycle A ENGLISH Adventure stories Non-chronological reports Instructions Recounts Stories by the same author Persuasive writing ICT E – Safety Word processing skills, Topic research MATHS Place value Comparing and ordering numbers Mental and written methods of addition and subtraction, multiplication and division Using factors Data handling Different units of measurement Problem solving PE Invasion games – throwing and catching skills Gymnastics - balancing RE Judaism Christianity As Historians and Geographers we will: Investigate the characteristics of life during the Stone Age Place events on a timeline Understand the role of an archaeologist Suggest reasons for particular events and ways of living Use maps and atlases to locate countries Identify physical and human features of a location. Let’s Rock! and What a load of rubbish! Music Rhythm Singing assembly - Thursday Autumn Lower KS2 Cycle A As Artists and Designers we will Develop our drawing skills Use different mechanisms such as levers to create a moving book Create series and parallel circuits Create a 3D sculpture As Scientists we will Recognise and name different rocks Understand how different rocks were made Suggest suitable uses of different rocks according to their properties Magnets