Welcome to 3rd Grade Resource Center!
Getting to know Miss Fortunato This is my first year teaching at Bragg School and my fifth year teaching overall. I have a dual degree in Elementary and Special Education from Kutztown University. I love spoiling my two dogs, spending time with family and friends, and traveling to new places.
Student Expectations Follow all of our classroom rules. Check their planners on a daily basis (with parent/guardian supervision). *Parents-please initial them each night. Complete all assigned HW, check off, and pack their belongings for the following school day. Please purchase a portfolio if possible. Come to class prepared each day. Try their BEST!
Language Arts Reading Writing Spelling/Vocabulary Grammar
Reading Independent Reading-DEAR time with “just right” books Guided Reading-Novel reading on appropriate reading level (comprehension questions, text reference, story elements, character traits) Realistic Fiction (Horrible Harry, Freckle Juice) Non-Fiction (MLK, Rosa Parks, Titanic) Historical Fiction (Titanic)
Writing Fundamentals Two years ago, Chester Public Schools adopted a new writing program, Writing Fundamentals, published by Schoolwide for Grades 2-5. It is aligned to the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and addresses the instructional shifts for teaching ELA. Workshop Model: Mini lesson, Independent Writing Time/Teacher Conferencing, Group Sharing
Writing cont… Expanding Sentences, Open Ended Responses to reading (RAFT), and a Review of Paragraph Writing Journal Writing-(independent writing) Longer Writing Pieces/Multiple Paragraphs Opinion Narrative Informational/Explanatory Realistic Fiction/Speculative
Grammar Sentence Structure Parts of Speech: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, synonyms, antonyms, homophones, etc. Figurative Language: similies, metaphors, etc. Proofreading, Editing, Daily Language Reviews
Word Work Wilson Fundations: a multi-sensory structured language program in foundational skills such as: phonemic awareness, phonics word study, high frequency word study, and spelling Sadlier Oxford Vocabulary Workshop Ways to practice: Spellingcity.com, Vocabularyworkshop.com, Quizlet, Word cards
Math Program Daily Fact Practice (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) Problem of the Day-(interactive Math journals) Pearson Math-Guided Practice Pearson Independent Practice Centers, Games, Cooperative Group Work Reflex Math-skill development in facts of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. The teacher determines the skill and level and Reflex automatically increases the level of difficulty based off of the student’s responses.
3rd Grade Math Concepts Place Value Money & Time Addition & Subtraction Measurement Multiplication & Division Geometry Data & Probability Fractions
Technology Chrome Books (1:1) Google Apps & Google Classroom (refer to hand-out) Ipads
*No Homework= A Day in From Recess Monday through Thursday—Check and Initial Planner Daily Reading with Questions -will include assigned novel reading with comprehension questions, or non-fiction comprehension 20 minutes per night out loud to parents -Spelling or Vocabulary Pages Kept in ILA section of portfolio One page of Spelling or Vocabulary -Math Worksheet(s) to reinforce previously learned skills -If HW is not assigned we had an assembly or an important event is taking place that night. (ie: Back to School Night, Conferences, Family Night) *No Homework= A Day in From Recess
Assessments -Multiple methods of assessing progress are: Teacher Observation Written Responses Cooperative Learning Experiences Projects/Activities Reports Tests/Quizzes
Parent/Teacher Communication Email: michelle.fortunato@chester-nj.org Phone: 908-879-7373 ext. 5118 Send a note in with your child in their planner Weekly updates or newsletters. Visit my classroom website on Chester’s homepage for announcements, important documents, resources, websites, etc.
Do you have any questions?
Thank you for coming tonight!