Long, long Ago! Year 3 Autumn Term History In History, we will be: Looking at timelines to understand the span of pre-history and human history Investigating dinosaurs, using different artefacts and resources to learn about them. Learning about Stone Age life Science In Science, we will be learning about: Fossils, and what we can learn from them Skeletons, muscles and teeth Nutrition and digestion Art, Design and Technology Colour wheels Van Gogh Cave paintings Stone Age jewellery project Long, long Ago! Music Class recorders with Mr Southgate Trips and Visits Michael Rosen at Cheltenham Literature Festival @Bristol towards the end of term English Reading and basing our writing on a range of picture books, stories and non-fiction texts Stories with familiar settings Poetry Instructions Year 3 Autumn Term Computing Logging on and working safely E-safety Word processing Presenting information PE and Games Swimming Football, netball, hockey and rugby Maths Place value Addition and subtraction Geometry Multiplication and division Fractions Measurement Quick recall, using Maths passports RE In RE, we will be looking at the Bible and asking questions, such as: What does it tell us? How is it used?