Maths Parent Workshop Year 3 and 4


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Presentation transcript:

Maths Parent Workshop Year 3 and 4 Thursday 10th November 2016 Miss Walker

Aims for this workshop To give you a clear picture of how the 4 operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) are taught in years 3 and 4. To understand the key skills your child must be secure with.

Mental Calculations Adding 1 – Just need to know! Adding 2 – next odd/even number Bonds to 10 – Just need to know! Adding 0 – number stays the same Adding 10 – add 1 to the tens digit Doubles – Just need to know! Near doubles – double one of the digits then add or subtract 1 Bridging/compensating – add 10 then takeaway 1,2 or 3.


Year 3 Addition Objectives Add numbers mentally, including three-digit number and ones. Add numbers mentally, including three-digit number and tens. Add numbers mentally, including three-digit number and hundreds. Add numbers with up to three digits, using formal written methods of columnar addition. Estimate the answer to a calculation and use inverse operations to check answers. Solve problems, including missing number problems, using number facts, place value, and more complex addition.

Year 4 Addition Objectives Add numbers with up to 4 digits using the formal written methods of columnar addition where appropriate. Estimate and use inverse operations to check answers to a calculation. Solve addition two-step problems in contexts, deciding which operations and methods to use and why.

Key Vocabulary Year 3 add, more, plus, and, make, altogether, total, equal to, equals, double, most, count on, number line, sum, tens, units, partition, plus, addition, column, tens boundary, hundreds boundary, increase, vertical, ‘carry‘, expanded, compact Year 4 add, more, plus, and, make, altogether, total, equal to, equals, double, most, count on, number line, sum, tens, units, partition, plus, addition, column, tens boundary, hundreds boundary, increase, vertical, ‘carry’, expanded, compact, thousands, hundreds, digits, inverse

Year 2 – Partitioning Method

Year 3 – expanded column method

Year 3/4 – compact method

Have a go... Year 3 Questions Year 4 Questions 523 + 156 = ? 3144 + 266 = ? 122 + 623 = ? 4247 + 1353 = ? ? = 421 + 135 ? = 256 + 3258 137 + 425 = ? 1527 + 5234 = ?


Year 3 Subtraction Objectives Subtract numbers mentally, including three-digit number and ones. Subtract numbers mentally, including three-digit number and tens. Subtract numbers mentally, including three-digit number and hundreds. Subtract numbers with up to three digits, using formal written methods of columnar subtraction. Estimate the answer to a calculation and use inverse operations to check answers. Solve problems, including missing number problems, using number facts, place value, and more complex addition and subtraction.

Year 4 Subtraction Objectives Subtract numbers with up to 4 digits using the formal written methods of columnar subtraction where appropriate. Estimate and use inverse operations to check answers to a calculation. [KEY] Solve addition and subtraction two-step problems in contexts, deciding which operations and methods to use and why.

Key Vocabulary Year 3 equal to, take, take away, less, minus, subtract, leaves, distance between, how many more, how many fewer / less than, most, least, count back , how many left, how much less is, difference, count on, strategy, partition, tens, units exchange, decrease, hundreds, value, digit Year 4 equal to, take, take away, less, minus, subtract, leaves, distance between, how many more, how many fewer / less than, most, least, count back, how many left, how much less is, difference, count on, strategy, partition, tens, units exchange, decrease, hundreds, value, digit, inverse

Year 2 – Number line

Year 3 – Partitioned column method

Year 3 – partitioned column method

Year 3 – Column Method

Year 4 – Partitioned Column Method

Year 4 – Column Method

Have a go... Year 3 Questions Year 4 Questions 134 – 23 = 514 – 203 = 153 – 346 = 173 – 136 = 3534 – 2568 = 2344 – 1649 = 4747 – 3555 = 6434 – 4319 =


Year 3 Multiplication Objectives Recall and use multiplication facts for the 3, 4 and 8 multiplication tables. Write and calculate mathematical statements for multiplication using the multiplication tables that they know, including for two-digit numbers times one-digit numbers, using mental and progressing to formal written methods. Solve problems, including missing number problems, involving multiplication and division, including positive integer scaling problems and correspondence problems in which n objects are connected to m objects.

Year 4 Multiplication Objectives Recall multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 × 12. Use place value, known and derived facts to multiply mentally, including: multiplying by 0 and 1. Use place value, known and derived facts to multiply mentally, including: multiplying together three numbers. Multiply two-digit and three-digit numbers by a one-digit number using formal written layout.

Key Vocabulary Year 3 groups of, lots of, times, array, altogether, multiply, count, multiplied by, repeated addition, column, row, commutative, sets of, equal groups, times, times as big as, once, twice, three times..., partition, grid method, multiple, product, tens, units, value Year 4 groups of, lots of, times, array, altogether, multiply, count, multiplied by, repeated addition, array, column, row, commutative, groups of, sets of, lots of, equal groups, times, multiply, times as big as, once, twice, three times... partition, grid method, total, multiple, product, sets of, inverse

Year 2 – Arrays and Repeated Addition

Year 3 – Grid Method 6 x 14 = 84

Year 4 – Written method

Have a go... Year 3 Questions Year 4 Questions 33 x 3 = 413 x 4 = 627 x 3 = 513 x 8 = 5346 x 9 = 7232 x 7 = 6 x 8452 = 9 x 4212 =


Year 3 Division Objectives Recall and use division facts for the 3, 4 and 8 multiplication tables. Write and calculate mathematical statements for division using the multiplication tables that they know, including for two-digit numbers times one-digit numbers, using mental and progressing to formal written methods. Solve problems, including missing number problems, involving multiplication and division, including positive integer scaling problems and correspondence problems in which n objects are connected to m objects.

Year 4 Division Objectives Recall and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 × 12. Use place value, known and derived facts to multiply and divide mentally, including: Dividing by 1. Divide two-digit and three-digit numbers by a one-digit number using formal written layout. Solve problems involving multiplying and adding, including using the distributive law to multiply two digit numbers by one digit, integer scaling problems and harder correspondence problems such as n objects are connected to m objects.

Key Vocabulary Year 3 share, share equally, one each, two each…, group, equal groups of, lots of, array, divide, divided by, divided into, division, grouping, number line, left, left over, inverse, short division, ‘carry‘, remainder, multiple Year 4 share, share equally, one each, two each…, group, equal groups of, lots of, array, divide, divided by, divided into, division, grouping, number line, left, left over, inverse, short division, “carry‟, remainder, multiple, divisible by, factor

Year 2 – Number lines

Year 3 – Grouping on a number line

Year 3 – short division (no remainders)

Year 4 – short division (with remainders)

Have a go... Year 3 Questions Year 4 Questions 732 ÷ 4 = 416 ÷ 8 = 228 ÷ 3 = 372 ÷ 4 = 183 ÷ 7 = 2833 ÷ 9 = 6344 ÷ 8 = 3023 ÷ 6 =

Useful Resources CGP books – available from , Waterstones, Amazon etc. Walwayne Court Website  parents  helping your child  Maths videos