Year 3 Parents Meeting Tuesday 20th September 2016 Please complete the data sheet before the presentation begins. Check that ALL details are correct, paying particular attention to the Ethnicity section.
Punctuality Please make sure that you arrive to school for 8.40 as this allows enough time for your child to walk up to the classrooms and settle down to complete a daily dash activity. The class teachers are available at the end of the day. If you would like to make a separate appointment to see us, please do. The bell goes at 8.50am for registration It is also important for you to pick your child up on time at the end of the day If your child is absent for any reason please inform the school office Inform the school office of any changes to your child’s school meal choices and of any allergies that your child may have. Daily dash – no helping Leave on second bell promptly
Water and Fruit Fruit is given at snack time in the day Children all need to bring a bottle of water with them everyday – preferably in a bottle with a sports cap The children are encouraged to drink water throughout the day Bring your own fruit – small amount – encourage them to eat faster. No yoghurts
The Curriculum. See curriculum map English: handwriting, writing complex sentences, punctuation and reading Maths: number, addition, subtraction, patterns and word problems, time and measures Science Creativity: includes foundation subjects P.E. Mondays – Swimming & another P.E lesson during the week. Computing Music Explain changes to 2014 curriculum Phonics Phase 5 – children who are not secure will move onto Phase 6 but it is expected that parents will support their child at home. Spellings are linked to this which we will explain in a moment.
How can I support my child? Reading book Spellings Mental Maths Homework Talk to your child in full sentences, to extend vocabulary and to develop speaking and listening skills
Code of Conduct & Golden Rules Positive Discipline Community assemblies - certificates Sanctions & Warnings
Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 English Live Unit. All about me. Non-fiction Was Tutankhamen Killed? Fiction Storm Poetry. Performance poetry. Word detectives Newspaper reports on The Stone Age Fiction. Dragon slayer. Poetry. Playing with words. Non-fiction. Where is the best place to live in the world Fiction. Ottoline and the yellow cat. Live unit. Chat show challenge. Poetry. Shape Poems. Maths Number and place value Addition and subtraction. Properties of shape. Multiplication and division Fractions. Measurements (mass) Properties of shape Multiplication and division. Measurement (time) Addition and subtraction, including money Properties of shape Multiplication and division. Fractions Measurement (length and perimeter) Addition and subtraction including measurement (money) Statistics Multiplication and division. Measurement (perimeter) Addition and subtraction Measurement (volume and capacity) Addition and subtraction including money Measurement (time) Science Forces ( Magnetism) Light Rocks Animals including humans Plants Computing We are network engineers We are programmers SCRATCH We are bug fixers SCRATCH We are presenters SERIF We are communicators EMAIL We are opinion pollsters Creativity Ancient Egypt (H) Light & Darkness(RE) The Stone Age(H) Evington Village(G) European Countries(G) Music Rhythm and Pulse Voice Rhythm Pitch & Music through the ages Structure & Music Technology 20th C Music P.E. Active Athletics Fitness Frenzy Body parts and their functions Throwing and catching Cool core ( Strength) Healthy minds , emotions and goals Groovy gymnastics Skip to the beat Hygiene medicine and exercise Brilliant ball skills Gymfit circuits Body protectors and body changes African dance Mighty movers (running) Relationships with others and opinions Multi skills Boot camp Diet and vitamins PSHE New Beginnings Healthy lifestyle Friendship Week Keeping Safe Feelings and Relationships Making Choices French Moi (All about me) Jeux et chansons (Games and songs) On fait la fete (celebrations) Portraits Les quarter amis (The four friends) Ca Pousse! (Growing things!)