Maths Information Session Old Sarum Primary School
Old sarum Primary School Maths Information Session Aims To give you an overview of the elements of math’s your child will cover this year To gain an understanding of how math’s is taught in the Early years at Old Sarum Explain how we teach calculation across the Early Years (EY) and into Key Stage 1 (KS1). To share with you some ideas for how you can support your child’s mathematical development at home
It is vital to lay secure foundations in early mathematics. We need to develop an enjoyment of maths and thinking skills for maths. Children need to engage with numbers and to see how to use them in their everyday environment for labelling, quantifying and calculating: we want to help them to develop a better understanding of the world in which they live.
How is learning for Math’s achieved in Early Years? Through adult led activities with follow on independent or supported group work ‘Quick math’s’ and math’s warm up sessions Planned play opportunities and enhancements Child initiated learning. Using counting rhymes, songs , stories and games.
Shape, space and measures: There are 2 main aspects of Mathematical Understanding in Early Years Foundation Stage. Numbers: Children count reliably with numbers from one to 20, place them in order and say which number is one more or one less than a given number. Using quantities and objects, they add and subtract two single-digit numbers and count on or back to find the answer. They solve problems, including doubling, halving and sharing. Shape, space and measures: Children use everyday language to talk about size, weight, capacity, position, distance, time and money to compare quantities and objects and to solve problems. They recognise, create and describe patterns. They explore characteristics of everyday objects and shapes and use mathematical language to describe them.
Aspects of Counting and number Counting and numbers Counting is a significant aspect of children’s early understanding of number and is the foundation on which quantifying and calculating are built. Aspects of Counting and number Knowing some number names Chanting- saying number names in order Counting with 1 to 1 correspondence Recognising written numbers Ordering written numbers Writing numbers Counting groups of objects and matching to numerals Counting movements , sounds or objects that can’t be moved and matching to numerals
Begin to make comparisons between quantities Counting sets This phase focuses on the development of children’s early awareness of quantity. Less Fewer More Greater Begin to make comparisons between quantities
Number and numerals the development of children’s knowledge of the number sequence from one to six, then one to ten and then one to 20 and beyond and the recognition of the numerals 1 to 20
Calculating Say numbers in order Recognise numerals Identify more and less Know 1 more or 1 less than a number Develop problem solving skills Begin to relate addition to combining two groups of objects and subtraction to ‘taking away’ Addition and subtraction using pictures Addition and subtraction using number tracks Recording addition and subtraction Using a number line
Begin to relate addition to combining two groups of objects and subtraction to ‘taking away’ Number rhymes Adding groups Taking away
Know 1 more or 1 less than a number
Addition and Place value
5 + 4 = 5 + 4 = 5 + 4 = 5 + 4 =
Number Bonds Find pairs of numbers that total 5,10,20.
Number bonds to 10 0 to 10 are big strong men 1 and 9 are feeling fine 2 and 8 are never late 3 and 7 come from Devon 4 and 6 like to play tricks 5 and 5 come alive 6 and 4 hold open the door 7 and 3 visit for tea 8 and 2 are feeling blue 9 and 1 have just gone 10 and 0 are super heroes!!!!!!!
Develop problem solving skills Lets have a go! Ladybirds problem Ruby has found 2 varieties of ladybird in her garden. One type has 4 spots and the other has 7. “4 and 7 make 11!” says Ruby What numbers can you make to 30 using just the two types of ladybirds, are there any numbers you can’t make? Use any resources you would like!
Shape, space and Measure Show an interest in shape and space by playing with shapes or making arrangements with objects. Uses familiar objects and common shapes to create and recreate patterns and build models. They recognise, create and describe patterns. Shows awareness of similarities of shapes in the environment. Beginning to use mathematical names for ‘solid’ 3D shapes and ‘flat’ 2D shapes, and mathematical terms to describe shapes. Can select a particular named shape. To solve problems involving shape. Space Uses positional language such as on top, under, next to, beside, behind . To solve problems involving space. Measure Beginning to talk about the shapes of everyday objects, e.g. ‘round’ and ‘tall’. Orders two or three items by length or height alongside developing language to describe this. Orders two items by weight or capacity alongside developing language to describe this. Uses everyday language related to time. Orders and sequences familiar events. Measures short periods of time in simple ways. Beginning to use everyday language related to money. To solve problems involving measures
Shape Problem! Lets have a go! How many triangles can you find?
How YOU Can Help at home ... Do little and often in everyday tasks. Make math’s practical…do not rush into written methods Remember how math’s is taught has changed and sometimes teaching the way you learnt can be confusing for your child. Praise, praise and more praise! Play math’s based games and use Mathletics Remember that math’s should be FUN and developing a positive attitude to math’s is essential!
Thank you for coming! Please take handout’s for more ideas and information Maths packs are available for purchase for use at home Please take a number formation sheet to help at home with writing numerals Please help your self to a number bonds rhyme sheet Please feel free to ask at any time if you would like more advice!