Year 1 Maths Calculation Evening 1st November 2016


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Presentation transcript:

Year 1 Maths Calculation Evening 1st November 2016 Welcome!! Year 1 Maths Calculation Evening 1st November 2016 Thank you so much for taking the time to invest in your children’s maths education and I hope that you enjoyed watching all your lovely children doing maths. I really hope that we have not missed any children out. This evening will be an opportunity for you to learn about the maths that your children will be exposed to this year, the methods we use to support mathematical understanding and how you can support your children at home. At eversley we feel that it is really important to hold an evening specifically for year 1 parents as this will be the year where the children (if they havent done so already) will be moving on quite rapidly on their mathematical journey. We want to take this opportunity this evening to show you the transition from the very informal maths learning that happened last year to the more formal. We will be handing out a calculation policy that will support your children throughout their time here at Eversley but will be focusing on the methods specifically related to year 1 tonight.

New Maths Curriculum The national curriculum for mathematics aims to ensure that all pupils: become fluent in mathematics develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety or routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions Lets have a go – put in a problem

Our EVERSLEY maths VISION Enjoy Persevere Succeed At Eversley Primary School we want all children to enjoy maths and have a love of learning maths. We encourage them to understand that a problem is only a problem if they cannot solve it, to persevere, to have self-belief and the determination to succeed in solving the problems in order to be the best mathematicians that they can be. Share with parents the new maths curriculum.

Expectations by the end of year 1 Areas of learning- Areas of learning come under these 7 areas There are a number of objectives your child will be assessed with under each area and these will be given to you to take home at the end of the evening. This will give you a overview of the maths that you can support your children with.

Maths Targets Targets are reviewed and updated regularly Children are given a new target only when secure and able to demonstrate in diff situations more ready to apply to problems Maths Targets

Addition Children will make markings that have specific meaning to them 4 3 7 Early recordings 4 + 3 = 7

Manipulatives used in class to support addition

Children encouraged to count the number of jumps not actual numbers

100 Square Misconception of going down from 10 straight to 20 Exploration of the hundred square Activities Cutting into strips to explore how the hundred square is made Playing guess my number Counting in tens from different columns

Use of 100 square in year 1

Examples of children’s work    

Place Value Understanding the value of what each digit 23 represents 23 2 tens and 3 ones 2 means 20 for this number

Use of place value in the classroom  

Subtraction Pictorial Representation

Subtraction using the number line

Subtraction examples

Multiplication Practical application is the most important If we are having 4 people for dinner and they need 2 potatoes each how many potatoes do we need?

Division There were 12 children having school lunch and there were three tables. How many children sat at each table?

Multiplication and Division in Year 1

Time Giving time a real meaning Understanding the concept of time Reading time – ANALOGUE clock Beginning with o’clock and then half past. Move on to real life problems

Examples of Time in year 1

Shape Shape in the real world Properties of shape

3D Shape Game

Problems involving shape

Weighing and Estimating Balance Comparative language Lighter Heavier Litre Kg

Money Equivalent values Fair exchange for buying things Make 78p using these coins only

Real life money problems Images from books needed

Language of Maths +, plus, add, how much more is…..? - , subtract, minus, how much less is……? Half, halve =, equals, sign, tens, ones Counting up Number sentences Digits Double, halve, share, left over, Near doubles Count in 2s,5s and 10s Groups of

Mastery v Acceleration promotes procedural learning at the expense of deep understanding shallow mastery leads to apparent success without students developing the depth and tenacity that is needed for long-term progression. shallow acquaintance can also lead to learners feeling insecure

Thank you for coming