Welcome to English IV Mrs. Aebischer’s Class
What will we learn this year?
Reading Develop and apply skills and strategies to the reading process Develop and apply skills and strategies to comprehend, analyze, and evaluate works of nonfiction from a variety of cultures and times Develop and apply skills and strategies to comprehend, analyze, and evaluate works of fiction from a variety of cultures and times Develop and apply skills and strategies to comprehend, analyze, and evaluate works of poetry from a variety of cultures and times Develop and apply skills and strategies to comprehend, analyze, and evaluate works of drama from a variety of cultures and times
Writing Compose various forms and types of well-developed texts using a writing process Develop clear, focused ideas in their writing and support their ideas with specific details Compose well-organized text with varied sentence structure Compose text that clearly demonstrates voice and appropriate word choice Use conventions appropriately when composing text
Vocabulary Develop and apply the skills necessary to increase vocabulary, determine the meaning of unknown words in context, and determine word choice when writing
Information Literacy Develop and apply effective research process skills to gather, analyze, and evaluate information
Listening and Speaking Develop and apply effective listening and speaking skills and strategies
What will we do this year?
Reading Fallen Angels, Macbeth, other novels Poetry Nonfiction articles
Writing Narrative, descriptive, expository, and persuasive texts Constructed responses Essays (including college scholarship, formal research, and literary analysis) Journals Summaries
Listening and Speaking Presentations to the class, both formally and informally
Our goal this year is for all students to be successful. This does not mean that everyone will earn an A, but everyone will have the opportunity to reach his or her personal level of success.
How will we reach our goal? EFFORT We all must put forth our best effort, even when the work is tough, in order to achieve success! I cannot help you be successful if you do not help yourself by asking for help when needed and by putting forth effort in class and at home.