Homes for Oxford - purpose To create a sector of community-owned, genuinely and permanently affordable homes in Oxford. To use examples of best practise to establish world-class community-led housing developments that address fundamental issues such as affordable housing, sustainability and community cohesion.
Homes for Oxford Formed in December 2015 to bring together groups trying to build/retrofit homes in city Oxfordshire Community Land Trust Oxford Cohousing Kindling Housing Coop Happy House Care Coop (Wohn-pflege-gemeinschaft) Hoverfly
OCLT Dean Court Project
OCH Stansfeld Proposal
HfO Wolvercote Bid
THE MODEL Land Trust owns the land - has asset lock. All homes leased: some long leases and some cooperative leases. Mixed tenure but as many affordable as is viable. Affordables will have no Right to Buy. Eco-build; low car use; ‘intentional community’.
Vision for Irving Purchase by Land Trust for the benefit of local community in perpetuity Mixed development Housing and social enterprise space At least half the homes permanently affordable Office space more affordable than commercial Less than 1 car per household Community hub/hall
Masterplan 2015 by TbD
Our focus Irving Project Other land in city Local policy landscape: Publicly/institutionally owned Charity Land Community-minded/philanthropic landowners Local policy landscape: Local Plan/self build Flexibility around tenure mix and balance of dwellings
How you can help…… Facebook: Like us! Just Giving……. aiming to raise £6.5K - give us a fiver! Time…… we need help with: Financial and legal expertise Grant research and applications Communications/community etc. Later : community involvement through share offer and governance