Eclipse Activities
Featured Activities Sizing Up the Moon Scale Model of the Sun and Earth Create Your Own Eclipse Why Do Eclipses Happen? Dimensions of the Sun
Where to find activities
Earth and Space Toolkit from the NISE Network
SIZING UP THE MOON Supplies: Playdoh (approximately 1lb for each group) Plastic knives (optional) Cutting surface (optional) White paper (optional) Grade/Age: 8 years and older
SCALE MODEL OF SUN AND EARTH Supplies: Printouts of the Sun and Earth handout sheet (preferably on cardstock and in color) Measuring tape Scissors (optional) 65ft length string (optional) Grade/Age: 8 years and older
CREATE YOUR OWN ECLIPSE Supplies: Earth-shaped beach ball (with pump if needed) Moon toy on a stick Flashlight (optional, if doing indoors) Grade/Age: 5 years and older
Video of Create Your Own Eclipse Activity Insert Clips from: 0:42-1:36
WHY DO ECLIPSES HAPPEN? Supplies: Yard/Meter stick 1 in ball on toothpick ¼ in bead on toothpick Binder clips Grade/Age: Ages 7 and older
Video of Why do Eclipses Happen? Activity
4-H Summer Science Experiment DIMENSIONS OF THE SUN 4-H Summer Science Experiment Supplies: Cardboard square Aluminum foil Paperclip Paper ruler copies Scissors Tape Pencil Calculator (optional) Youth worksheet Grade/Age: 3rd grade and older
Video of Dimensions of the Sun Activity
Featured Activities Sizing Up the Moon Scale Model of the Sun and Earth Create Your Own Eclipse Why Do Eclipses Happen? Dimensions of the Sun