polysaccharides Composed of >10 monosaccharaides They linked together by glycosidic bond General formula ( C6 H12 O5 ) n Polysaccharides also known as glycan e.g. glycogen, starch and cellulose.
polysaccharides The most abundant storag polysaccharides in nature are: Starch in plants Glycogen in animals The most abundant structural polysaccharides in nature are: Cellulose Chitin
prosperities of polysaccharides High molecular Wight In soluble in water Not sweet in taste Non reducing sugar
polysaccharides Homopolysaccharide Heteropolysaccharide
Homopolysaccharide Polymers of only a single kind of monosacchride E.g. glycogen and starch The polymers of glucose is called glucan The polymers of fructose is called fructans
Homopolysaccharides Unbranched Branched e.g. Cellulose e.g. Glycogen
Heteropolysaccharides Polymers of two or more different types of monosaccharides E.g. mucopolysaccarides
Homopolysaccharides of biomedical importance Storage Homopolysaccharides Strutural Homopolysaccharides
Storage Homopolysaccharides Starch is homopolysaccharide composed of α-D- glucose It is the most abundant storage polysaccharides in plants It is found in cereals, grains and roots Starch contain of two kind of glucose Amylose ( water soluble, unbranched) Amylopectin ( insoluble in water, branched)
Storage Homopolysaccharides Glycogen is branched homopolysaccharide Composed of α-D-glucose It is the most abundant storage polysaccharides in animals The glycogen is branched glucan consist of several branched chains of α-D-glucose units.
Strutural Homopolysaccharides Cellulose is unbranched homopolysacchharide it is the most abundant plant structural polysaccharides It is the major component of cell walls of the plant
Strutural Homopolysaccharides Chitin is unbranched homopolysacchharide Composed of β-D-N- acetyle-glucosamine it is the most abundant animal structural polysaccharides in nature it is the major component of exoskeleton of arthropods.
Other homopolysaccharide inulin is unbranched homopolysaccharide Composed of D-fructose units It is found in onion and garlic
Other homopolysaccharide Dextrans is branched homopolysaccharide Composed of α- D-glucose units Low mol.wt. used as plasma expander
Heteropolysaccharides Also known as glycosaminoglycans E.g. Mucopolysaccharides Long, unbrranchednegatively charged heteropolysaccharides Composed of alternating units of amino-sugar-acid
Heteropolysaccharide Hyaluronic acid Ti is a heteropolysaccharide Composed of alternnating monosaccharide units It is found in skin and synoval fluid of bone It serve as a lubricant and shok absorber in bone joint
Heteropolysaccharides Heparin It is composed of alternating monosaccharide units D-glucosamin and D-glucuronic acid It is a natural blood anticoagulant.