Map Skills Notes
Basic Map Terms Title - Describes the area shown on the map and the map’s purpose Map Key/Legend - Shows the meaning of symbols used on the map.
Basic Map Terms Compass Rose – Marking on a map that shows the Cardinal and Intermediate directions. Scale - Shows the distance represented by a unit of measurement.
Basic Map Terms Grid - A set of intersecting lines that provide a map address. Equator - an imaginary line that divides the earth into Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
Basic Map Terms Latitude - lines that run East and West on a globe or map, and are measured in degrees North or South of the Equator. (Equator’s brothers) Prime Meridian - the imaginary line that divides the earth into Eastern and Western Hemispheres.
Basic Map Terms Longitude - lines that run North and South on a globe or map, and are measured in degrees East or West of the Prime Meridian. (Prime Meridian’s brothers) Northern Hemisphere - the half of the earth between the North Pole and the Equator.
Basic Map Terms Southern Hemisphere - the half of the earth between the South Pole and the Equator. Eastern Hemisphere - the half of the earth east of the Prime Meridian. Western Hemisphere - the half of the earth west of the Prime Meridian.