2001 Term, Treatment and Test Dictionaries In ZIMS
Reference Lists Three reference libraries in ZIMS: Term Treatment Test Driving the choices made in the diagnosis and procedure module in ZIMS (see 2003) Treatment Driving the choices made in the prescription and treatment module in ZIMS (see 2004) Test Driving the choice made in the Tests portion of the Samples/Tests and Results module in ZIMS (see 2006)
Dictionary Access Access to the reference dictionaries is controlled by the ZIMS Role editor. Permissions to these features will be granted by your local or medical administrator. If you do not have access to the dictionaries, contact your local admin for help or: support@species360.org Start MenuMedicalDictionary
Dictionary’s are Local & Global You can add values to the Term and Treatment but not to the Test dictionaries in ZIMS Submitting additional Tests must be completed with this form (Submit Global Test) When something is added locally it has a ‘house’ icon in the list: When something was added locally but has been promoted to global is has a globe: Species360 added values are a globe + icon:
Treat Them Right! Using ZIMS