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I M P E R I A L I S M The expansion of European power across the globe, in the late 19th & Early 20th centuries.
Welcome to the “New Imperialism”
Europe Reaches Out!!!! The “NEW IMPERIALISM”
I M P E R I A L I S M POLITICAL, ECONOMIC, SOCIAL and MILTARY control of one area or country by another.
I M P E R I A L I S M Strong countries controlling weaker nations to create empires
I M P E R I A L I S M Strong military and industry were used by imperialist nations to gain and control an empire
I M P E R I A L I S M SOCIAL DARWINISM Belief that imperialist countries are SUPERIOR politically, technologically and culturally.
Types of Imperialism Colonial Cultural Political Economic
Colonial Imperialism One country taking over another country usually by force. Ex: If a country overthrows the Dictator of another country, but does not provide troops.
Political Imperialism One country influences the government of another country. Ex: When the United States set up a government in Puerto Rico.
Economic Imperialism One country controls key aspects of another country’s economy. Ex: When new jobs are created in one country because of it’s control of another country.
Cultural Imperialism One country’s culture impacting another country’s culture. Ex: American Missionaries taught the Hawaiian people about Christianity.
Benefits of Imperialism Boosts the Economy- more variety and abundance of raw materials. Power- the more area a nation controlled the stronger it became.
The SCRAMBLE FOR AFRICA Imperialism in Africa Belgium, Britain, France, Germany and Italy competed for control of Africa. The SCRAMBLE FOR AFRICA
Imperialism in Africa The Berlin Conference: European Powers met and decided to divide Africa amongst themselves.
India had useful resources that the British found useful. Imperialism in India India was under British rule throughout the 1800’s and much of the 1900’s. India had useful resources that the British found useful.
Britain better industrialized India. Imperialism in India Britain better industrialized India. The Sepoy Rebellion, caused Britain to declare India as a British colony.
Imperialism in China Opium Wars- before this China did not allow trade with European countries. (The British forced a treaty that allowed trade.) The Boxer Rebellion- uprising for Chinese nationalism against the Qing dynasty and European rule.
Not just European nations anymore Imperialism in China Open Door Policy Not just European nations anymore
Other areas are still currently U.S. territories The U.S. and Imperialism Hawaii and Alaska. Other areas are still currently U.S. territories