E- Patient Medical History System MISY 4341 Object-Oriented Analysis & Design Summer 2011/2012 Dr. Samer Al Imamy Rhf Nadi Al Alqam 200700530 Good morning everyone, I’m Rhf Al Alqum Welcome to my Presentation about Online Patient Medical History System
Outline Executive Summary Project Management System Analysis Context Diagram 3 Use Cases Domain Model System Design Class Diagram Interactive Diagram Prototype Implementation Like any presentation, let’s start with our outline
Executive Summary The statement of problem lies when Saudi citizens go to many around the country, but unfortunately none of them maintain structured electronic record of patient histories. In addition, there is little data collected from patients regarding family histories or related illnesses between relatives. Nowadays, most records in almost all healthcare providers across Saudi Arabia are maintained in paper files with hand-written notes. Because entries are most frequently illegible and out of sequence, making review of patient history becomes difficult and error-prone. Moreover, it is common for individuals to be uninformed regarding medical histories of relatives due to the private nature of personal illness. Therefore, while close relatives may have highly relevant medical histories that can reveal important considerations in patient treatment, it is likely that such relationships go undiscovered. Accordingly, the E-Patient Medical History system will show a simple programmatic solution for offering comprehensive maintenance and query capability of patient medical histories. Also, the system affords somehow a way to correlation of patient medical issues with family relatives which highly relevant medical histories that can reveal importanta considerations in patient treatment. Due to the importance of personal and family medical histories in providing patient care, the ability to maintain patient hospital events and correlate medical histories of blood relatives is also extremely important, the project aims to design and develop a working system with core functions to resolve the problem of offering sufficient for data reporting and entry related to patient’s personal and family medical histories. Therefore, this document includes system analysis and design produced by applying object-oriented methodology in addition to screens of the prototype of the e-patient medical history system. Simply Repeat what is in the slide using different words
Project Management Project Task Project artifact Due date Resource System Proposal Feasibility Proposal 2/27/2012 Rhf Al Alqam Planning Software Project Management Plan 3/07/2012 Requirements Analysis Requirements Specification (SRS) 3/28/2012 1st Progress 1st Progress Meeting 4/04/2012 High Level Design Architectural Design Document 4/24/2012 2nd Progress 2nd Progress Meeting 4/28/2012 Details Design Details Design Document 3rd Progress 3rd Progress Meeting 5/01/2012 Database Execution System Database 5/12/2012 System Coding Final Code 6/10/2012 Integration Testing Plan and Report 7/15/2012 Installation Installation & User Manual 7/16/2012 Final Progress Final System Demo 7/31/2012 The following project plan summarizes our project tasks, artifacts and due dates
System Analysis – Context Diagram
System Analysis – UC1
System Analysis – UC1 Use Case Number: UC1 Use Case Name & Priority: View Medical History (1) Use Case Short Description: Patient or Doctor uses system to view medical history List of Actors: Patient Doctor Use Case Precondition: User is logged in to system Use Case Main Flow User selects view medical history System asks for National ID User enters National ID System displays medical history
System Analysis – UC1 Details Alternatives Flow 1. If user enters National ID does not exist in the system 1.1. System displays National ID incorrect 1.2. System re-asks for National ID 2. If user changes mind and log out 2.1. System displays thanks message 2.2. System re-ask for log in 3. If user decides to print medical history 3.1. User clicks print 3.2. User selects printer 3.3. User confirms Special Requirements Text must be visible from 1 meter System response within 30 seconds 90% of the time. Technology User enters National Id by keyboard only Use Case Post Conditions Medical history was displayed to user Comments None
System Analysis – UC2
System Analysis – UC2 Use Case Number: UC2 Use Case Name & Priority: Add New Visit (1) Use Case Short Description: Doctor uses system to add new visit List of Actors: Doctor Use Case Precondition: Doctor is logged in to system and patient record must be existed Use Case Main Flow Doctor selects Create Visit System asks for National ID Doctor send patient National ID System displays patient data System displays new visit entry form Doctor enters visit details Doctor clicks add System creates visit record
System Analysis – UC2 Details Alternatives Flow 1. If doctor enters National ID does not exist in the system 1.1. System displays National ID incorrect 1.2. System re-asks for National ID 2. If doctor changes mind and log out 2.1. System displays thanks message 2.2. System re-ask for log in Special Requirements Text must be visible from 1 meter System response within 30 seconds 90% of the time. Technology Doctor enters National Id and visit data by keyboard only Use Case Post Conditions Visit was added successfully to patient medical history Comments None
System Analysis – UC3 Use Case Number: UC3 Use Case Name & Priority: Manage Patient Record (1) Use Case Short Description: Administrator uses system to manage patient record List of Actors: Administrator Use Case Precondition: Administrator is logged in to system Use Case Main Flow Administrator selects Manage Patient Record System asks for National ID Administrator enters National ID System displays patient record System shows add and update options Administrator selects add or update Doctor enter new data and click add or update System adds or updates patient record
System Analysis – UC3 Details Alternatives Flow 1. If user enters National ID does not exist in the system 1.1. System displays National ID incorrect 1.2. System re-asks for National ID 2. If user decides to search by first or last name 2.1. User select search criteria as first or last name 2.2. User enters first or last name 2.3. User clicks search 2.3. System display patient record having similar first or last name 3. If user changes mind and log out 3.1 System displays thanks message 3.2 System re-ask for log in 4. If user forgets required fields 4.1 System stops update or add action 4.2 System highlights required data 4.3 User must enter required data 4.4 User clicks update or add
System Analysis – UC3 Details If user decides to print patient record User clicks print User selects printer User confirms Special Requirements Text must be visible from 1 meter System response within 30 seconds 90% of the time. Technology User enters National Id and/or data by keyboard only Use Case Post Conditions Patient record was managed Comments None
System Analysis – Domain Model The Domain Model visual concepts and objects of the system. In this model, shows the association between them. However, the model can be further enhanced to include dependency or compositions
System Design– Class Diagram The Domain Model visual concepts and objects of the system. In this model, shows the association between them. However, the model can be further enhanced to include dependency or compositions
System Design– Interactive Diagram 1 The Domain Model visual concepts and objects of the system. In this model, shows the association between them. However, the model can be further enhanced to include dependency or compositions
System Design– Interactive Diagram 2 The Domain Model visual concepts and objects of the system. In this model, shows the association between them. However, the model can be further enhanced to include dependency or compositions
System Design– Interactive Diagram 3 The Domain Model visual concepts and objects of the system. In this model, shows the association between them. However, the model can be further enhanced to include dependency or compositions
Prototype – Patient Log In
Prototype – Patient Menu
Prototype – Patient Profile
Prototype – Patient Profile
Prototype – Patient Complete History
Prototype – Doctor Log In
Prototype – Doctor Menu
Prototype – Patient List
Prototype – Patient Illnesses
Prototype – Insert Illness
Prototype – Illness Inserted
Prototype – Administrator Log In
Prototype – Administrator Menu
Prototype – Doctors By Hospital Chart
Prototype – Patient By Insurer Chart
Prototype – Doctors & Speciality Report
Prototype – Top 5 Hospital Chart
Prototype – Top 5 Illnesses Chart
Prototype – Manage Patient
Prototype – Update Patient
Prototype – Insert New Patient
Prototype – Dependent List
Prototype – Update Dependent
Prototype – Insert New Dependent
Prototype – Manage Doctors
Prototype – Manage Insurer
Prototype – Manage Hospital
Prototype – Manage Users
Prototype – Manage Item’s Menu
Thank You