SCOREBOARD CLASS Points Period 1 33 Period 2 16 Period 3 -3 Period 4 29 Period 6 32 Updated on 8/26
Fractions and Decimal Patterns VOICE LEVEl: 1 WHISPER Do Now: 8/26/16 VOICE LEVEl: 1 WHISPER Determine the place value of each number: 123.456 2. If I start with $100 and spend all but $4, how much do I have left? Create 2 webdiagrams: a. b. Fractions and Decimal Patterns
7th Grade Common Core Math (ODD Periods) Weeks 1-4 Name_____________________Date___________ DATE HW Notes 8/9/16 Sign Syllabus No Notes 8/10/16 “ “ “ “ 8/11/16 Mathography 1.1.4 – 1.1.5 8/15/16 1-18 –- 1-20 1.1.3 8/17/16 8/18/16 1-45 –- 1-48 1.1.5 Day 2 8/22/16 1-57 through 1-60 1.2.1 8/24/16 8/25/16 2.1.1 (all problems) 2.1.1 8/29/16 2.1.2 Worksheet 2.1.2
7th Grade Common Core Math (EVEN Periods) Weeks 1-4 Name_____________________Date___________ DATE HW Notes 8/9/16 Sign Syllabus No Notes 8/10/16 “ “ “ “ 8/11/16 Mathography 1.1.4 – 1.1.5 8/16/16 1-18 –- 1-20 1.1.3 8/17/16 8/19/16 1-45 –- 1-48 1.1.5 Day 2 8/23/16 1-57 through 1-60 1.2.1 8/24/16 8/25/16 2.1.1 (all problems) 2.1.1 8/30/16 2.1.2 Worksheet 2.1.2
2.1.2 - Rewriting Decimals as Fractions Objective: Students will be able to develop strategies for rewriting terminating and repeating decimals as fractions. What will students be able to do? What must you score on the exit slip to meet the objective?
Now, into the lesson…
Remember this web diagram.
How Can I rewrite a Decimal?
Resource Managers -Stand up quietly and grab one book from the back for each member at your table.
2.1.2 –How can I rewrite a decimal? PENCILS DOWN - All pencils and calculators are put down. -Students will read and then discuss the problem until the timer goes off. Whole Class 2-18 Turn to page “77“ and read the problem with your table. Complete “a” through “c” You have 10 minutes to work with your table.
2.1.2 –How can I rewrite a decimal? PENCILS DOWN - All pencils and calculators are put down. -Students will read and then discuss the problem until the timer goes off. Whole Class 2-19 Turn to page “77“ and read the problem with your table. Complete “a” through “f” You have 6 minutes to work with your table.
2.1.2 –How can I rewrite a decimal? SWAPMEET 2-20 and 2-21 Turn to page “78“ and read the problem with your table. You have 12 minutes to work with your table.
Swapmeet Task managers: Rotate to the next table and compare your answers with the next table for questions 2-20 and 2-21.
YOU HAVE 20 SECONDS TO… “Close Your Books” -Close your books. -Stack them neatly at your table. YOU HAVE 20 SECONDS TO…
2 Minute Breather 1) Everyone Stand Up 2) Wave to LAX (West) 3) Now, by waving your right hand in front of you left to right. Your palm should be facing away from you while keeping your hand with your fingers pointing up.
2 Minute Breather Now stop that hand and have your left hand in front of you waving it up and down. Now practice moving them at the SAME TIME. Do not move your hands going diagonally.
Walk and Talk #2 4) Now, find a partner to walk and talk for 1 minute. Talk about whether you are having a good day or a bad day.
Converting Fractions to Decimals Poster With your team, you will create a poster that explains how to convert fractions into decimals. - Poster must include: 1 Terminating Decimal Example 1 Repeating Decimal Example - Must include color Poster should include examples and steps.
Registering with CPM 1) Get 2 laptops per table 2) Go to 3) Click on your Period under “Registering for CPM” 4) Click on Register (Register with your google act) 5) After you register, -Read the eBook End User Terms of Use. -Scroll to the bottom and click: I agree. -Click on the cover of your ebook to access.
Once you are registered, Go to section 2.2.1 Complete problem # 2-31 letters a through e
Converting Fractions to Decimals Poster With your team, you will create a poster that explains how to convert fractions into decimals. - Poster must include: 1 Terminating Decimal Example 1 Repeating Decimal Example - Must include color Poster should include examples and steps.
In your Ipads: - Go to Fill in your Self Check Rubric RULES: In your Ipads, turn The Volume Down Write your table’s number/name. Keep the Voice Levels at a “2” Everyone must remain seated
Summary: How can you convert a decimal to a fraction??
Exit Slip: 2.1.2: Converting Decimals to Fractions Name:_____________________ Date:_8/29/16 Period:_____ Exit Slip: 2.1.2: Converting Decimals to Fractions 1) Is a reapeating decimal? How do you know? 2) Convert the following to fractions: 0.24 = b. 0.5 c. d.