Common Core Math and CPM Time: 2 hours 30 minutes Materials Needed: Document camera Timer Participant Packets (40 copies of each grade level) 8 Mathematical Practices Grade level documents Table Work Packets (10 copies per table) PARCC Model Content Framework PARCC Test Blueprint (EOY/PBA) Progression Document Common Core Math and CPM Ratios and Proportional Relationships/Functions
MP #1 – Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. What were the first 3 words in the practice? What was the big idea in this practice? How can we, as educators, reinforce this practice in our classrooms? “Mathematically proficient students” Never give up! Time: 2 minutes/2 minutes Prep: NA Talking Points: Go through the questions while asking for participants to share their ideas on the answers. Review answers to questions. Provide challenging problems and question effectively.
MP #2 – Reason abstractly and quantitatively. What were the first 3 words in the practice? What was the big idea in this practice? How can we, as educators, reinforce this practice in our classrooms? “Mathematically proficient students” Think outside the box! Time: 2 minutes/4 minutes Prep: NA Talking Points: Go through the questions while asking for participants to share their ideas on the answers. Review answers to questions. Provide opportunities for students to work together.
MP #3 – Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. What were the first 3 words in the practice? What was the big idea in this practice? How can we, as educators, reinforce this practice in our classrooms? “Mathematically proficient students” Argue and PROVE your work! Time: 2 minutes/6 minutes Prep: NA Talking Points: Go through the questions while asking for participants to share their ideas on the answers. Review answers to questions. Provide opportunities for students to explain and justify their work.
MP #4 – Model with mathematics. What were the first 3 words in the practice? What was the big idea in this practice? How can we, as educators, reinforce this practice in our classrooms? “Mathematically proficient students” Use manipulatives, expressions, equations, tables, pictures, etc.! Time: 2 minutes/8 minutes Prep: NA Talking Points: Go through the questions while asking for participants to share their ideas on the answers. Review answers to questions. Allow students to show multiple methods of problem solving.
MP #5 – Use appropriate tools strategically. What were the first 3 words in the practice? What was the big idea in this practice? How can we, as educators, reinforce this practice in our classrooms? “Mathematically proficient students” Know when and how to use tools! Time: 2 minutes/10 minutes Prep: NA Talking Points: Go through the questions while asking for participants to share their ideas on the answers. Review answers to questions. Provide various “tools” regularly and encourage students to use them.
MP #6 – Attend to precision. What were the first 3 words in the practice? What was the big idea in this practice? How can we, as educators, reinforce this practice in our classrooms? “Mathematically proficient students” Communicate all the details! Time: 2 minutes/12 minutes Prep: NA Talking Points: Go through the questions while asking for participants to share their ideas on the answers. Review answers to questions. Question students about details while they are explaining.
MP #7 – Look for and make use of structure What were the first 3 words in the practice? What was the big idea in this practice? How can we, as educators, reinforce this practice in our classrooms? “Mathematically proficient students” Making connections across math topics. Time: 2 minutes/14 minutes Prep: NA Talking Points: Go through the questions while asking for participants to share their ideas on the answers. Review answers to questions. Point out ways to build mathematical understanding on prior knowledge.
MP #8 – Look for and make use of structure What were the first 3 words in the practice? What was the big idea in this practice? How can we, as educators, reinforce this practice in our classrooms? “Mathematically proficient students” Identifying patterns to create an algorithm for solving. Time: 2 minutes/16 minutes Prep: NA Talking Points: Go through the questions while asking for participants to share their ideas on the answers. Review answers to questions. Provide student explorations BEFORE teaching algorithms.
Otherwise known as the CONTENT STANDARDS in the Common Core WHAT are you teaching?!?! Otherwise known as the CONTENT STANDARDS in the Common Core Time: 1 minute/17 minutes Prep: NA Talking Points: Explain to the participants we will now investigate the content standards.
Progressions of the CCSS K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Geometry Measurement and Data Statistics and Probability Number and Operations in Base Ten The Number System Operations and Algebraic Thinking Expressions and Equations Counting and Cardinality Number and Operations Fractions Ratios and Proportional Relationships Functions Time: 3 minutes/20 minutes Prep: NA Talking Points: Discuss the progression of the domains over time. Ask participants to discuss some observations with the flow.
Understanding the Content Standards, One Cross-Reference at a time PARCC Model Content Framework Work in your team to summarize the findings in your grade level document. You will have 10 minutes to read through and discuss the first pages. Stop after: “Content Emphasis by Cluster” Time: 10 minutes/30 minutes Prep: Have materials at tables Talking Points: Explain that we will be cross-referencing various documents to gain a better understanding of the content standards and that each table will focus on one grade level and domain. Reassure participants they will share their findings later and the objective is for them to leave with all the Statistics and Probability content standards analyzed. Allow grade level groups to share out what Statistics and Probability looks like at their particular grade level.
PARCC Model Content Framework Major Clusters Major focus Supporting Clusters Assessed through major content Additional Clusters Instrumental for next grade level, may not have a heavy correlation with another standard to be considered “supporting.” Time: 10 minutes/40 minutes Prep: Copies of PARCC Model Content Framework at each table. Talking Points: Explain that the PARCC Model Content Framework was created to shed further light on the content standards. Discuss that there are many informative pieces of information in the document, but for the purpose of today, we will be looking at the classification of clusters as major, supporting, and additional clusters. Major clusters will be heavily emphasized on the assessment and therefore should be heavy emphasis in instruction. Supporting clusters will be assessed through a major standard. An example of this is given further in the Model Content Framework document. Additional clusters are standards that may not have a strong correlation to another standard and therefore, are classified as “additional”. Assessment development will follow the same emphasis structure. The presenter should model filling out a grade level domain before having participants work on their specified domain. This should be done with the use of a document camera.
PARCC Test Blueprint (EOY/PBA) Calculators Yes or No Fluency? Math Practices Process How? Clarifications Additional insight Time: 15 minutes/55 minutes Prep: Copies of PARCC Test Blueprint at each table. Talking Points: Explain that the PARCC test Blueprint was created to provide further clarification of the assessment of the standards. Discuss that we will be focusing on 3 areas of this document: If calculators will be allowed – how is this helpful to us as educators? What math practices will be assessed – What will this help us to do in our teaching of the concept? Further clarifications – any extra information that will assist us in best preparing our students. Assessments will be written based on the information found in this document. The presenter should model filling out a grade level domain before having participants work on their specified domain. This should be done with the use of a document camera.
Your turn… Fill in the next 3 columns of your grade specific domain over the next 20 minutes. Time: 20 minutes/1 hour 15 minutes Prep: NA Talking Points: Direct participants to complete their grade specific domain by filling in the next 3 columns in regards to the standards. The presenter should actively monitor groups interactions.
Progressions Documents Bill McCullam Lead writer Building on: Links to prior grades Strategies: Specific examples Preparing for: Where is this going? Time: 5 minutes/1 hour 20 minutes Prep: Copies of Progression documents at each table. Talking Points: Explain that the Progressions Documents were created to provide further clarification of the standards. The author is Bill McCallum – the lead writer from the Math CCSS. Discuss that we will be focusing on 3 areas of this document: What is this domain building on from the prior grade level? (This is typically found near near the beginning of each grade level). What specific strategies are suggested or annotated within the document? Where is this heading for future grades? The presenter should show this information as it was found in the progressions document and how it was annotated on the form. This can be done with the use of a document camera.
What about sample items?!?!? 6th Grade Slide Ruler Proportion of Instruments (PBA) Inches and Centimeters (Dana Center) Gasoline Consumption (Dana Center) 7th Grade Speed Reading Three Books Proportional Relationships (PBA) Spicy Veggies (Dana Center) TV Sales (Dana Center) 8th Grade – SORRY – None for you yet! Time: 20 minutes/1 hour 40 minutes Prep: Copies of assessment items in each grade level packet. Talking Points: Showcase the released sample items from PARCC. Allow participants 10 minutes to look through on their own.
Putting the pieces together… Work collaboratively to come up with what you believe items may look like for each standard. Time: 20 minutes/2 hours Prep: NA Talking Points: Direct participants to complete their grade specific domain by filling in the last column in regards to what they believe items may look like. The presenter should actively monitor groups interactions.
Let’s look at the progression over years! Take a moment to summarize your clusters using the ideas below. Each grade level will report out to the group. What are the big ideas of the clusters? Are they Major, Supporting, or Additional? How much emphasis should be placed on calculators? What Math Practices are heavily assessed? What do you believe items will look like? Time: 30 minutes/2hours 30 minutes Prep: Have posters and materials available for team presentations. Talking Points: Pass out posters and markers to teams. Explain that they must be prepared to present their overall thoughts of the domain to the remainder of the participants. Allow groups 5 minutes to create their posters. Have each grade level present their ideas making sure to highlight the connections across grade levels.
We will investigate the way CPM teaches each of these standards. Next Meeting: Monday, February 10th C.O. In-service 4pm-6:30pm We will investigate the way CPM teaches each of these standards. Time: 3 minutes/2 hours 30 minutes Prep: NA Talking Points: Thanks participants for their time. Discuss next meeting. Ask everyone to complete the exit ticket upon leaving.