Understanding Assessment St Stephens CP School Wednesday 18th November
Reason for Assessment Evening The introduction of the new assessment framework in line with the new curriculum Purpose of Assessment Evening To help parents understand how their children are assessed in school and why. To help Foundation, Year 2 and Year 6 parents understand what the results mean. 3. Share the key curriculum changes in English and Maths.
Why Assess? Knowing how each pupil is performing allows teachers to help individuals improve. Assessment plays a key role in helping schools to improve outcomes. This in turn promotes improvement at class level, then at school level. To inform parents about their child’s progress
Reports to Parents Reports to parents will be sent out in the Spring term Parents evenings in the Spring term will be an opportunity to share progress and set learning targets.
A good level of development EYFS A good level of development Emerging Expected Exceeding
PREVIOUS EXPECTATIONS: LEVELS End of KS1 - Year 2: level 2 End of KS2 - Year 6: level 4 Levels are no longer used to assess progress. Current expectations are, within year-groups, to achieve the ‘national standard’ This means that children will be assessed within their year-group national curriculum expectations.
All children will have 3 maths papers 1 reading paper – 3 texts 2 Grammar and Punctuation tests 2 spelling tests Tests will be taken between 9th and 12th May 2016 Reports to parents will say whether the child has met the Age Expected Outcomes for the end of Key Stage 2
English in KS2 (Faster, Fuller, Deeper!) Writing: Greatly increased expectations in grammar and punctuation; Children have to identify and label complex grammatical concepts, punctuation and spelling rules; Expectation that children expertly use and apply the grammar and punctuation concepts in independent writing to create specific effects; Reading: Read for pleasure; Word reading: pupils applying their knowledge to understand the meaning of new words; Learning of classic & modern poetry (including reciting poetry) introduced. Spelling: Statutory lists of words to be learnt in Years 3 - 6; Specific spelling rules to be taught.
New Primary Curriculum for Mathematics
What’s out? Informal written methods of calculation Calculators Separate strand for using and applying What’s in? Roman numerals Times tables up to 12 x 12 Equivalence between metric and imperial Long division and algebra (Y6) What is there more of? More challenging objectives, especially in number Formal written methods of calculation introduced earlier More work of fractions
Assessment is not meant to be used as a measure of your child’s ability at school but as a means to improve their ability to learn; their knowledge, their understanding and their skills.