Planning for Victoria 27 March 2014
Greater population growth Urbanisation Changing age distributions The trends are unmistakeable Greater population growth Urbanisation Changing age distributions 2
Projections - Victoria will have 10 million people by 2051 Population projection (Victoria) 2011 2031 2051 Victoria in Future 2012 5.6m 7.3m 8.7m Victoria in Future 2014 (preliminary) 5.5m 7.7m 10.0m (larger than previous projections) 3
Trends - More natural growth, more migration, more births Annual population growth, Victoria (past and projected) 1982 1992 2002 2012 2022 2032 2042 Larger annual growth Total Growth Higher overseas migration Net Overseas Migration More births, fewer deaths Natural Increase No interstate losses Net Interstate Migration New Projections Historic Data Previous Projections 4
All age groups 1971 2011 2051 3.5 million 5.5 million 10.0 million 6 Sources: ABS Australian Demographic Statistics cat. no. 3101.0; Victoria in Future 2014 - preliminary 1971 3.5 million 2011 5.5 million 2051 10.0 million Age groups 0 to 17 18 to 64 65 + 6
Population projections Population projections are used very widely across government Population projections Land use planning Budget Police & Emergency Services Regional Development Education Workforce planning Transport & Infrastructure Health & Community Services 7
PLAN MELBOURNE Metropolitan structure PLAN
Melbourne’s growth
Melbourne’s growth
The expanded CBD - Melbourne’s unique renewal opportunity
Role of the metropolitan planning authority Work closely with subregional groups of councils to consider infrastructure needs Facilitate housing affordability, job creation and better development of new communities Initial activity towards job creation through national employment clusters and central city expansion Annual report for the minister of planning, outlining it’s progress in implementing plan melbourne’s initiatives
A State of Cities
Tools Strategic Planning – Plan Melbourne, Regional Growth Plans Delivery mechanisms New residential, commercial and industrial planning zones Regional Urban Development program New proposed Planning Policy Framework Regional Flying Squad