National Coalition Academy Summary Community Assessment 1. Community Definition - Determine geographic boundaries - Define communities of place, interest & experience - Determine the “denominator” for the community 2. Needs Assessment - Consequences - Behaviors (current use) - Root Causes - Local Conditions 3. Resource Assessment - Positive consequences - Positive desired behaviors - Protective factors - Local conditions - Specific assets to address identified needs 4. Community History - Key events in overall community - Key events related to our issues - History of community organizing Local Conditions 5. Problem Statement 1. One problem 2. Avoid blame 3. Do not name solutions 4. State problem in terms of behaviors or conditions 5. Measurable 6. Reflect community concerns Community map w/denominator 15,335 Problem Statements: Underage Drinking Alcohol-related traffic accidents & deaths Methamphetamine use by Youth 15-18 years
National Coalition Academy Summary Problem Analysis Problem Analysis - Understand relationship between issues - Identify root causes - Validate assumptions about data - Achieve consensus - Establish criteria for selecting interventions - Create a picture The 5 Whys A B C Approach But Why Here? (Root Cause) Brainstorm to Logic Model Criteria for including in logic model: - Based on local data - Based on prevention science -Grounded in community experience - Consistent with community expectations Local Conditions (But Why Here?) Specific Identifiable Actionable Fishbone
National Coalition Academy Summary Logic Modeling Logic Models - Align interventions with intended outcomes - Set priorities -Allocate resources -Create an outcomes evaluation - Interpret results Metaphorical Line Logic Logic Model Critique: - Completeness - Line Logic - Adequate to produce results- “Domino test” - Community Friendly Steps to Create 1. Conduct problem analysis 2. Choose best format/style 3. Pair or embed related data 4. Map interventions 5. Critique results Required Elements: - Problem - Root causes - Local conditions - Measures for each - Interventions
Organization and Infrastructure – Tools Cultural Competence - Process: National Coalition Academy Summary Capacity Building Membership Engage Sectors Targeted Recruiting Talking Points Retain Members Coalition Capacity Membership Leadership Organization and Infrastructure Cultural Competence Leadership Formal Leaders In-Formal Leaders Community Champions Youth Organization and Infrastructure – Tools By-Laws Organization Chart Timeline Job Descriptions MOU/MOA/CIA Decision Making Process Conflict Resolution Cultural Competence - Process: Knowledge Awareness Sensitivity Competence
National Coalition Academy Summary Comprehensive Strategies Intervention Map LOGIC MODEL Interventions/Strategies Provide information Enhance skills Provide support Enhance access / reduce barriers Change consequences (incentives / disincentives) Physical design Modify / change polices Evidence-based Based on: Prevention science Community wisdom and experience Adaptation from other professions Intervention Mapping Created for each local condition Interventions based on evidence of effectives Complete & comprehensive Bottom line: Will the dominos fall? Criteria for Selecting Interventions Fit with local diagnosis Capacity to implement Evidence of Effectiveness Part of a comprehensive plan
National Coalition Academy Summary Strategic and Action Planning Vision and Mission Vision – a view for the future of what the coalition can accomplish. Mission – a statement that describes the coalition’s role in making the vision a reality. Objectives S - specific M - measurable A - achievable R - relevant T - timed C – Community-level Example – Objective Reduce the availability of alcohol as measured by the % of 10th grade students who report on the MCAP Survey that alcohol is “fairly” or “very” easy to obtain by 20% by 2010. Baseline 2007 = 60% Target 2010 = 48% Interventions/Strategies Provide information Enhance skills Provide support Change access / barriers Change consequences (incentives/disincentives) Physical design Modify / change polices Strategic Plans Vision Problem Statement Mission Problem Analysis Objectives Logic Model Strategies Interventions INFORMS Action Planning Who? Will Do What? By When? What Resources Are Required? Who Should Know?
Tell the Coalition’s Story National Coalition Academy Summary Evaluation Outcomes (target) Use data from community assessment Two pieces of data for every: Problem statement Root Cause (but why?) Local Condition (but why here?) Use multiple sources of data Evaluation Steps Outcomes: Map measures to your logic model (target) Outputs: Document your coalition’s work (ammo) Conduct analysis of contribution by comparing these two (score) Outputs (ammo) Track the outputs of the coalition Community Change Services Provided Media Coverage Resources Generated Tell the Coalition’s Story Where did we start? What has changed in the community? How has the coalition contributed? What’s Next? Evaluation Communication Plan Audience (who cares?) Question (what do they care about?) Data (what is the information?) Method (how will we get it?) Report (how will we share it?)
10 Steps to Policy and Advocacy National Coalition Academy Summary Policy & Advocacy The Wrist Test Winnable Real (not a proclamation) Immediate Specific (to a local condition) Tangible Policy and Advocacy Focus on a Local Condition Levels of Policy Big P and little p Evidence-based Policy 10 Steps to Policy and Advocacy Clearly state the problem Engage enforcement Collect data to establish a legal basis Make your case Draft policy language Use media advocacy Mobilize support and provide community education Get the policy adopted Ensure enforcement of the policy Evaluate campaign effectiveness Advocacy and Lobbying Direct Lobbying Grassroots Lobbying
Strong Volunteer and Membership Base Financial and Other Resources National Coalition Academy Summary Sustainability Strong Volunteer and Membership Base The 6”Rs” • Relationships • Role • Respect • Recognition • Rewards • Results Credible Process Strategic Prevention Framework Organization Chart Timeline Organizational Structure Sustainability Strong Volunteer and Membership Base Credible Process Relevance to Community Concerns Financial and Other Resources to do the work Relevance to Community Concerns Identify shared root causes. Demonstrate how issues interact. Reframe your issues. Align with champions of current hot button community issues Financial and Other Resources Identify what must be sustained & inventory current resources Identify future resource needs Select funding strategies Identify potential sources and donors Create case statements Action plan for contacts and requests